Re #8590 - Implemented new table of subjects- from table of certificates is a linkage 1:1_N (Subject : Certificates)- table contains all fields of subject (CN, C, L, ST, O, OU, Mail)
Re #8670 - Updated ERA model- added column deletion_date in Certificates table
Re #8571 -Updated class diagram of CertificateService and CertificateRepository
Re #8578 - Edited database- added new columns in Certificates table (revocation_date, revocation_reason) - both can be null and have string (text) type- generated new SQL query
Re #8512 - Rewritten ERA model
Re #8512 - Minor updates of parameters and method names.
Re #8512 - Parameter updates, parameter names shown.
Re #8512 - Updated the architecture according to discussion conclusion.
Re #8429 - Updates resulting from the standard review.
Re #8429 - Fixed minor issues discovered during Architecture Documentation updates.
Re #8429 - Completed the contained artefacts according to discussion conclusion.
Re #8429 - Finished discussion-independent updates.
Re #8305 - Edited ERA model and script for generate database- password column migrated from Certificate table to PrivateKey table
Re #8305 - Created ERA model and DB script- ERA model- script for generate DB- script for insert default values into DB
Re #8306 - Removed a redundant, empty model.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview saved.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview added.
Re #8306 - Added sequence diagrams for OpenSSL calls
Re #8306 - Minor changes to the architecture design.
Re #8306 - Created Class UML diagram, prepared the issue for reviewal.
Re #8306 - Added a Main Sequence Diagram
Re #8306 - Activity diagram created, Requirement model directory created
Re #8310 - Updated the use case diagram with accordance to new requirement specifications.
Re #8310 updated use case diagram
#8224 - Create EAP project for diagrams