Re #8571 - Added RestAPI endpoint for revoking certificates
Re #8573 - Implemented get_private_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/private_key endpoint
Re #8573 - Implemented get_public_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/public_key endpoint
Re #8573 - Removed a leftover print
Renamed X509ManagementApp class and fixed application initialization when ran with gunicorn
Re #8579 - Added FlaskInjector dependency and used it the REST API controller
Re #8569 Added support for handling configuration files
Re #8569 Checking presence of OpenSSL during init
Re #8569 Added application initialization and running dependency injection
Re #8475 - Added redirect from "/" to "/static/index.html"
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_chain(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_root(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_details(id)`.
Re #8476 - Added and tested `get_certificate(id)`.
Re #8476 - Refactored the application; swagger is not used for code generation anymore, REST API is being implemented from scratch. Migration only, fixing tests.
#8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
#8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80)
#8219 - CI/CD progress
#8219 - Basic project dockerization
- created docker/Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
#8219 - Python & Flask project initialization with a simple index endpoint
- added auto-generated .gitignore for Python and PyCharm projects