Od 2021-04-25 do 2021-05-24
17:47 Hodnocení projektu
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
* risk list (1), verzování dokumentů (1), Architektura (2), specifikace a tra... -
17:14 Hodnocení 6. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
h2. Průběh a stav projektu
* pozitiva
** ...
06:32 Task #8883 (Resolved): Project closure retrospective
06:32 Task #8882 (Resolved): Demo meeting #6
12:04 Task #8549 (Closed): Create user & administration manual
12:04 Enhancement #8927 (Closed): Improve load DB scripts
12:04 Task #8887 (Closed): Project administrative
12:04 Task #8886 (Closed): Weekly standup #6
12:04 Feature #8885 (Closed): Implement global exception handler
12:04 Enhancement #8884 (Closed): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
12:04 Task #8881 (Closed): Review meeting #5
12:04 Enhancement #8880 (Closed): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
12:04 Enhancement #8779 (Closed): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
12:04 Bug #8778 (Closed): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
12:04 Feature #8701 (Closed): Improve Web GUI design
12:04 Task #8697 (Closed): Update software architecture
12:04 Feature #8652 (Closed): Store dates as UNIX timestamp
12:04 Feature #8589 (Closed): Implement get_root() method in CertificateService
12:04 Feature #8587 (Closed): Treat 500 errors in GUI
12:04 Feature #8586 (Closed): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
12:04 Task #8891 (Closed): Create administration documentation - installation, configuraiton
12:04 Task #8890 (Closed): Create administration documentation - database and logging
12:04 Task #8889 (Closed): Create administration documentation - tests
12:04 Task #8888 (Closed): Create user manual
17:43 Task #8890 (Verified): Create administration documentation - database and logging
17:43 Task #8890 (Resolved): Create administration documentation - database and logging
17:35 Task #8887 (Verified): Project administrative
17:34 Task #8887 (Resolved): Project administrative
17:35 Task #8697 (Verified): Update software architecture
17:35 Task #8891 (Verified): Create administration documentation - installation, configuraiton
17:35 Task #8889 (Verified): Create administration documentation - tests
17:35 Task #8888 (Verified): Create user manual
15:52 Task #8888 (Resolved): Create user manual
16:55 Task #8889 (Resolved): Create administration documentation - tests
13:54 Revize fe297740 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Connection string configuration hotfix
13:54 Revize fe297740 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Connection string configuration hotfix
06:17 Feature #8652 (Verified): Store dates as UNIX timestamp
06:14 Revize 5ce8c7dd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8652_date_storage' into 'master'
- 8652 date storage
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!36 -
06:14 Revize 5ce8c7dd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8652_date_storage' into 'master'
- 8652 date storage
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!36
15:56 Revize 4f70dde7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into 8652_date_storage
- # Conflicts:
# src/db/init_queries.py -
15:56 Revize 4f70dde7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into 8652_date_storage
- # Conflicts:
# src/db/init_queries.py -
14:48 Revize 61858091 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Delete init_queries.py
14:48 Revize 61858091 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Delete init_queries.py
14:24 Revize ec4924a5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Fixed format & merge conflict.
14:24 Revize ec4924a5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Fixed format & merge conflict.
13:25 Enhancement #8927 (Verified): Improve load DB scripts
- Code review done. No findings. Code merged to master.
11:04 Enhancement #8927 (Resolved): Improve load DB scripts
09:53 Enhancement #8927 (Closed): Improve load DB scripts
- Reviewer: Jan Pašek
13:21 Revize bdeffc61 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8927 improve load db scripts
- Merge branch '8927_Improve_load_DB_scripts' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!37 -
13:21 Revize bdeffc61 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8927 improve load db scripts
- Merge branch '8927_Improve_load_DB_scripts' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!37 -
13:16 Revize dc6a96f9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Removed redundant debug lines in crl_service_test.py
13:16 Revize dc6a96f9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Removed redundant debug lines in crl_service_test.py
10:23 Revize 3e3fa73b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8927 - Deleted historical directory with conftest
10:23 Revize 3e3fa73b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8927 - Deleted historical directory with conftest
10:12 Revize 7ad820d0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8927 - Improved loading scripts into DB
10:12 Revize 7ad820d0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8927 - Improved loading scripts into DB
08:57 Enhancement #8884 (Verified): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
12:45 Feature #8586 (Verified): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
- Code review was done. No findings. One merge conflict was resolved.
12:44 Revize f500ce76 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8586 response code updates
- Merge branch '8586_response_code_updates' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!35 -
12:44 Revize f500ce76 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8586 response code updates
- Merge branch '8586_response_code_updates' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!35 -
12:42 Revize 8203f634 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into '8586_response_code_updates'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
12:42 Revize 8203f634 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into '8586_response_code_updates'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
11:52 Feature #8589 (Verified): Implement get_root() method in CertificateService
11:52 Enhancement #8779 (Verified): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
11:52 Enhancement #8880 (Verified): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
11:45 Revize 8f05fcc9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8589 - Added a log check to test if the directory exists and if not, print error.
11:45 Revize 8f05fcc9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8589 - Added a log check to test if the directory exists and if not, print error.
11:45 Revize 3243b35d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8589 - Updated CertificateController in order to use the new get_root function of CertService.
11:45 Revize 3243b35d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8589 - Updated CertificateController in order to use the new get_root function of CertService.
11:26 Revize 1f8eed53 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8779_Disable_logging_during_tests' into merge_8589_8880_8779
11:26 Revize 1f8eed53 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8779_Disable_logging_during_tests' into merge_8589_8880_8779
11:07 Revize 7946d57b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8880_Improve_FileAnchor' into merge_8589_8880_8779
11:07 Revize 7946d57b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8880_Improve_FileAnchor' into merge_8589_8880_8779
10:59 Revize 6489aedd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8589_Implement_get_root' into merge_8589_8880_8779
10:59 Revize 6489aedd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8589_Implement_get_root' into merge_8589_8880_8779
08:40 Enhancement #8884 (Resolved): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
08:36 Revize 6cbdf64a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8884_Improve_repository_exceptions' into 'master'
- 8884 improve repository exceptions
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!34 -
08:36 Revize 6cbdf64a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8884_Improve_repository_exceptions' into 'master'
- 8884 improve repository exceptions
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!34 -
08:31 Revize 210c9808 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8884 - Deleted constants of exception messages
08:31 Revize 210c9808 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8884 - Deleted constants of exception messages
08:26 Revize 445886fb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8884 - Improved exceptions in repositories
08:26 Revize 445886fb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8884 - Improved exceptions in repositories
05:07 Feature #8587 (Verified): Treat 500 errors in GUI
04:58 Revize de08851a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into 8587_treat_500_in_gui
- # Conflicts:
# static/create_certificate.html -
04:58 Revize de08851a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into 8587_treat_500_in_gui
- # Conflicts:
# static/create_certificate.html
19:28 Feature #8701 (Verified): Improve Web GUI design
19:20 Revize d27ca637 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8701_improve_gui_design' into 'master'
- 8701 improve gui design
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!33 -
19:20 Revize d27ca637 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8701_improve_gui_design' into 'master'
- 8701 improve gui design
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!33 -
12:41 Revize c5397728 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update requirements.txt
12:41 Revize c5397728 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update requirements.txt
12:23 Feature #8586 (Resolved): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
12:21 Revize 055ca3e3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8586 - Removed duplicate PASSWORD declaration, 205 -> 200 on empty lists, 205 -> 404 otherwise.
12:21 Revize 055ca3e3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8586 - Removed duplicate PASSWORD declaration, 205 -> 200 on empty lists, 205 -> 404 otherwise.
12:20 Revize 950e6526 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8586 - Changed 205 to 404.
12:20 Revize 950e6526 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8586 - Changed 205 to 404.
12:20 Revize 9fe17d78 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8586 - Removed the 205 return code.
12:20 Revize 9fe17d78 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8586 - Removed the 205 return code.
12:15 Feature #8652 (Resolved): Store dates as UNIX timestamp
12:11 Revize f1936a24 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Updated the conversion method of dates from db to ca index format.
12:11 Revize f1936a24 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Updated the conversion method of dates from db to ca index format.
12:11 Revize ed8987e7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Updated the `cert_to_dict` functions in order to keep returning the formatted date as opposed to the value stored in db (which is not a timestamp).
12:11 Revize ed8987e7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Updated the `cert_to_dict` functions in order to keep returning the formatted date as opposed to the value stored in db (which is not a timestamp).
12:10 Revize 03484d49 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Updated the way valid_from/to fields are stored (str -> int). Used `timegm` from `calendar` for time_struct to utc unix timestamp conversion.
12:10 Revize 03484d49 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Updated the way valid_from/to fields are stored (str -> int). Used `timegm` from `calendar` for time_struct to utc unix timestamp conversion.
12:08 Revize 3f01285b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Removed redundant "== ''" checks for date types.
12:08 Revize 3f01285b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Removed redundant "== ''" checks for date types.
12:07 Revize 4ec8e4ae (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Certificate date types updated (str -> int)
12:07 Revize 4ec8e4ae (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Certificate date types updated (str -> int)
12:06 Revize 5b396f6f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8652 - Certificate table datatype updates (valid_from, valid_to, revocation_date, deletion_date: TEXT => INTEGER)
12:06 Revize 5b396f6f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8652 - Certificate table datatype updates (valid_from, valid_to, revocation_date, deletion_date: TEXT => INTEGER)
10:05 Task #8891 (Resolved): Create administration documentation - installation, configuraiton
- Installation and configuration manual was created. The documentation structure was also established. The documentatio...
09:59 Revize bfe72c49 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Add systemd script
09:59 Revize bfe72c49 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Add systemd script
12:33 Task #8886 (Verified): Weekly standup #6
12:31 Task #8886 (Resolved): Weekly standup #6
12:32 Task #8881 (Verified): Review meeting #5
12:32 Task #8881 (Resolved): Review meeting #5
12:32 Task #8881 (Accepted): Review meeting #5
12:32 Task #8881 (Closed): Review meeting #5
12:24 Task #8881 (Verified): Review meeting #5
21:34 Enhancement #8779 (Resolved): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
21:32 Enhancement #8880 (Resolved): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
21:30 Feature #8589 (Resolved): Implement get_root() method in CertificateService
21:24 Revize 1769e2e2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8779 - Implemented disabling logging during tests
21:24 Revize 1769e2e2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8779 - Implemented disabling logging during tests
13:56 Revize 5678036c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8880 - Edited config file (inserted RootDir)
- - improved creating of logs and db directories
13:56 Revize 5678036c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8880 - Edited config file (inserted RootDir)
- - improved creating of logs and db directories
12:16 Task #8881 (Resolved): Review meeting #5
12:15 Feature #8701 (Resolved): Improve Web GUI design
- Implementation finished and posted for a review to David Friesecký.
12:13 Revize b0917325 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8701 - Fixed failing robots test
12:13 Revize b0917325 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8701 - Fixed failing robots test
11:29 Revize 46f9e7aa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8701 - Improved certificate creation page (displaying issuer)
11:29 Revize 46f9e7aa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8701 - Improved certificate creation page (displaying issuer)
11:11 Revize 376e6be2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8701 - Improved created certificate page and empty list display
11:11 Revize 376e6be2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8701 - Improved created certificate page and empty list display
10:07 Revize 82cf9149 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8701 - Design improvements of GUI
10:07 Revize 82cf9149 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8701 - Design improvements of GUI
08:07 Revize 80f30a68 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8589 - Implemented get_root(unique_id) in CertificateService
08:07 Revize 80f30a68 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8589 - Implemented get_root(unique_id) in CertificateService
07:56 Feature #8587 (Resolved): Treat 500 errors in GUI
- Implementation finished. Code is now posted for a review to Stanislav Král.
07:52 Revize 87c04047 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8587 - Check of country code field when creating certificate
07:52 Revize 87c04047 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8587 - Check of country code field when creating certificate
07:52 Revize dde3db30 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8587 - Error handling improved in all javascript files
07:52 Revize dde3db30 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8587 - Error handling improved in all javascript files
16:08 Task #8697 (Resolved): Update software architecture
- The software architecture in design.eap was updated.
Software architecture documentation was updated on the project... -
16:02 Revize 3b098971 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8697 - architecture synchronized with the current state of the project
16:02 Revize 3b098971 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8697 - architecture synchronized with the current state of the project
07:43 Hodnocení 5. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
n/a (budou snad vyřešeny do příště)
h2. Doporučení
* příště uzávěrka
14:48 Revize 57133ed8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion' into 'master'
- 8778 subject country code assertion
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!30 -
14:48 Revize 57133ed8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion' into 'master'
- 8778 subject country code assertion
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!30 -
14:47 Revize a0568c13 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
- # Conflicts:
# tests/integration_tests/rest_api/certificates_test.py -
14:47 Revize a0568c13 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
- # Conflicts:
# tests/integration_tests/rest_api/certificates_test.py -
14:45 Revize c6a4e5d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Extended check_subject_is_valid_test.py with a parametrized test (added "" country code)
14:45 Revize c6a4e5d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Extended check_subject_is_valid_test.py with a parametrized test (added "" country code)
14:44 Bug #8778 (Verified): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
14:44 Bug #8778: Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
- Code review was done via call. No finding.
14:24 Feature #8885 (Verified): Implement global exception handler
- Code review done. No findings. Great JOB!
14:23 Feature #8885 (Resolved): Implement global exception handler
14:22 Revize f5ee6a21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8885_Global_exception_handler' into 'master'
- 8885 global exception handler
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!29 -
14:22 Revize f5ee6a21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8885_Global_exception_handler' into 'master'
- 8885 global exception handler
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!29
14:46 Task #8891 (Closed): Create administration documentation - installation, configuraiton
- * Application installation and deployment (without docker)
* Application installation and deployment (with docker)
... -
14:45 Task #8890 (Assigned): Create administration documentation - database and logging
14:45 Task #8890 (Closed): Create administration documentation - database and logging
- * Describe database requirements (what database is used)
* Describe initialization script
* Describe where to loca... -
14:42 Task #8889 (Closed): Create administration documentation - tests
- Create installation and execution documentation of tests
* Robot tests
* Python tests
14:41 Task #8888 (Closed): Create user manual
- Create user manual
screenshots of pages, number controls, and describe their purpose and actions -
14:26 Task #8715 (Closed): Project administrative
09:01 Revize 266e1b4d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.
- Renamed generic exception handlers.
09:01 Revize 266e1b4d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.
- Renamed generic exception handlers.
08:47 Revize d55b3aff (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.
- Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.
08:47 Revize d55b3aff (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.
- Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.
06:47 Revize 2166bb21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.
- Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.
06:47 Revize 2166bb21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.
- Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.
06:37 Revize da0fc952 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.
- Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.
Covered the added globa... -
06:37 Revize da0fc952 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.
- Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.
Covered the added globa... -
05:44 Revize 0c75dfd8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added a logger call when an invalid subject attribute error is raised in a request handler.
05:44 Revize 0c75dfd8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added a logger call when an invalid subject attribute error is raised in a request handler.
21:24 Bug #8778 (Resolved): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
14:14 Bug #8778 (Assigned): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
14:14 Bug #8778 (Accepted): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
21:17 Revize e9b4e2a1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Empty country code is now considered as a valid country code when creating a new certificate.
- Changed tests accordingly.
21:17 Revize e9b4e2a1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Empty country code is now considered as a valid country code when creating a new certificate.
- Changed tests accordingly.
21:03 Revize d1c800c1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added REST API tests covering whether specifying an invalid country code when making new certificate requests results in a Bad request HTTP status code and a particular response
21:03 Revize d1c800c1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added REST API tests covering whether specifying an invalid country code when making new certificate requests results in a Bad request HTTP status code and a particular response
20:50 Revize b484b79b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Covered test cases where CertificateService should/shouldn't raise InvalidSubjectAttribute error
20:50 Revize b484b79b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Covered test cases where CertificateService should/shouldn't raise InvalidSubjectAttribute error
19:35 Revize c9f5ff0d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Removed assert_invalid_subject_attribute_error function in check_subject_is_valid_test.py test
19:35 Revize c9f5ff0d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Removed assert_invalid_subject_attribute_error function in check_subject_is_valid_test.py test
19:31 Revize 28dd4ff0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Improved check_subject_is_valid_test.py by using test parametrization.
19:31 Revize 28dd4ff0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Improved check_subject_is_valid_test.py by using test parametrization.
18:02 Revize fcdfe462 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Covered the new CertificateService check_subject_is_valid with unit tests.
18:02 Revize fcdfe462 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Covered the new CertificateService check_subject_is_valid with unit tests.
16:14 Revize c62151d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Improved InvalidSubjectAttribute string representation and added an "except" block in CertificateController that handles this error.
16:14 Revize c62151d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Improved InvalidSubjectAttribute string representation and added an "except" block in CertificateController that handles this error.
15:59 Revize 35a4e794 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added docstrings describing the reasons why an InvalidCertificateAttribute error might be raised in the CertificateService.
15:59 Revize 35a4e794 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added docstrings describing the reasons why an InvalidCertificateAttribute error might be raised in the CertificateService.
15:54 Revize 7a30da1b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added a new exception that is thrown when a subject with an invalid attribute is passed while creating a new certificate via CertificateService.
15:54 Revize 7a30da1b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added a new exception that is thrown when a subject with an invalid attribute is passed while creating a new certificate via CertificateService.
14:15 Task #8886 (Assigned): Weekly standup #6
13:24 Task #8886 (Closed): Weekly standup #6
- Regular weekly standup
*Date:* 14.05.2021
*Time:* 14:00
*PLatform:* MS Teams -
14:15 Task #8883 (Assigned): Project closure retrospective
13:23 Task #8883 (Accepted): Project closure retrospective
13:13 Task #8883 (Closed): Project closure retrospective
- Last retrospective and project closure meeting
*Date:* 21.05.2021
*Time:* 15:00
*Platform:* MS Teams -
14:15 Task #8882 (Assigned): Demo meeting #6
13:23 Task #8882 (Accepted): Demo meeting #6
13:13 Task #8882 (Closed): Demo meeting #6
- Last DEMO and project closure meeting
*Date:* 21.05.2021
*Time:* 14:00
*Platform:* Google Meet (https://meet.goo... -
14:15 Task #8881 (Assigned): Review meeting #5
13:23 Task #8881 (Accepted): Review meeting #5
13:12 Task #8881 (Closed): Review meeting #5
- Regular iteration review meeting
*Date:* 10.05.2021
*Time:* 9:00
*Platform:* MS Teams -
14:15 Task #8697 (Assigned): Update software architecture
13:51 Task #8697 (Accepted): Update software architecture
14:15 Feature #8652 (Assigned): Store dates as UNIX timestamp
13:50 Feature #8652 (Accepted): Store dates as UNIX timestamp
14:15 Feature #8586 (Assigned): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
13:40 Feature #8586 (Accepted): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
13:03 Feature #8586 (New): Improve treating 205 response codes in the controller
14:15 Task #8549 (Assigned): Create user & administration manual
13:36 Task #8549 (Accepted): Create user & administration manual
14:15 Feature #8589 (Assigned): Implement get_root() method in CertificateService
14:14 Feature #8589 (Accepted): Implement get_root() method in CertificateService
14:15 Feature #8701 (Assigned): Improve Web GUI design
14:14 Feature #8701 (Accepted): Improve Web GUI design
14:14 Enhancement #8779 (Assigned): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
14:14 Enhancement #8779 (Accepted): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
14:14 Enhancement #8880 (Assigned): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
14:14 Enhancement #8880 (Accepted): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
13:11 Enhancement #8880 (Closed): Use FileAnchor for database paths and log paths
- FileAnchor shall be used for defining log and DB path. FileAnchor must be improved to read the name of the root folde...
14:14 Enhancement #8884 (Assigned): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
14:14 Enhancement #8884 (Accepted): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
13:22 Enhancement #8884 (Closed): Improve treating exceptions in the repositories
- Currently, every exception in the repository contains its own "except" clause. This shall be unified into one clause ...
14:14 Feature #8885 (Assigned): Implement global exception handler
14:14 Feature #8885 (Accepted): Implement global exception handler
13:22 Feature #8885 (Closed): Implement global exception handler
- A global exception handler that logs the errors shall be implemented.
Reviewer: Honza -
14:14 Task #8887 (Assigned): Project administrative
14:14 Task #8887 (Accepted): Project administrative
14:04 Task #8887 (Closed): Project administrative
- Regular project administrative tasks
14:14 Task #8715 (Resolved): Project administrative
14:14 Feature #8587 (Assigned): Treat 500 errors in GUI
14:14 Feature #8587 (Accepted): Treat 500 errors in GUI
14:11 Revize 9f72a03b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added db folder to .gitignore and deleted it from the repository
14:11 Revize 9f72a03b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added db folder to .gitignore and deleted it from the repository
14:10 Task #8713 (Closed): Planning & Retrospective after iteration #5
14:09 Task #8712 (Closed): Demo meeting #5
13:52 Task #8699 (Invalid): Declare exceptions in the method docstings
13:51 Feature #8696 (Closed): Improve database initialization so that data are not lost after restart
13:51 Feature #8696 (Verified): Improve database initialization so that data are not lost after restart
13:39 Feature #8584 (Invalid): Improve treating of usages by the whole application
13:38 Bug #8653 (Invalid): Fix OpenSSL freezing problem when password is not provided
13:29 Revize 9c6005f2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Added logging of OperationalError errors
13:29 Revize 9c6005f2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Added logging of OperationalError errors
13:10 Bug #8803 (Invalid): Fix application crash when db folder does not exist
13:01 Feature #8703 (Closed): Implement automatic tests of Web GUI using Robots
13:01 Feature #8703 (Verified): Implement automatic tests of Web GUI using Robots
13:00 Feature #8714 (Closed): Prepare Robots framework environment
13:00 Task #8711 (Closed): Weekly standup #5
13:00 Task #8710 (Closed): Review meeting #3/#4
13:00 Feature #8709 (Closed): Include root certificate in downloaded chain of trust
13:00 Enhancement #8708 (Closed): Implement endpoint for retrieving PCKS#12
13:00 Feature #8707 (Closed): Implement status information into the certificate details endpoint
13:00 Feature #8706 (Closed): Implement functional improvements of GUI
13:00 Feature #8705 (Closed): Extend Rest API endpoint for creating certificates by provided private key/password
13:00 Feature #8704 (Closed): Implement user extension into Rest API endpoint
13:00 Feature #8702 (Closed): Extend RestAPI endpoint for gettting certificate list by filtering and pagination
13:00 Feature #8700 (Closed): Implement protection for setting revoked certificates back to valid if they are not onHold
13:00 Feature #8670 (Closed): Enhance revocation logic
13:00 Feature #8590 (Closed): Implement storing all subject fields in the database
12:53 Revize efdc5d2e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8696_Improve_database_init'
12:53 Revize efdc5d2e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8696_Improve_database_init'
11:46 Revize 51175087 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update swagger.yaml
11:46 Revize 51175087 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update swagger.yaml
10:24 Revize 8b36f119 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8703 - Review -> Merge into master.
10:24 Revize 8b36f119 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8703 - Review -> Merge into master.
21:52 Feature #8703 (Resolved): Implement automatic tests of Web GUI using Robots
21:50 Revize ddb92dc5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8703 - Added ./robot_tests/.gitignore and changed README.md
- Deleted outdated sample.robot test.
21:50 Revize ddb92dc5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8703 - Added ./robot_tests/.gitignore and changed README.md
- Deleted outdated sample.robot test.
21:36 Revize 7294a1db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8703 - Extended user_stories.robot with a test case that verifies the "User can manage certificates " user story
- Added test case comments describing which FRs are being tested.
21:36 Revize 7294a1db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8703 - Extended user_stories.robot with a test case that verifies the "User can manage certificates " user story
- Added test case comments describing which FRs are being tested.
20:11 Revize 8b739bef (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8703 - Added user_stories.robot test and implemented a test case that verifies the "User Can Manage Certificate Authorities" user story
20:11 Revize 8b739bef (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8703 - Added user_stories.robot test and implemented a test case that verifies the "User Can Manage Certificate Authorities" user story
18:27 Revize 1603fd8d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into 8714_Robot_framework_preparation
18:27 Revize 1603fd8d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into 8714_Robot_framework_preparation
10:55 Revize 341a40f4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8703 - Improved sample.robot test by adding various keywords
10:55 Revize 341a40f4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8703 - Improved sample.robot test by adding various keywords
14:34 Feature #8706 (Verified): Implement functional improvements of GUI
- Minor issue with PKCS12 identities being downloaded incorrectly to client was found, but was resolved quickly. Otherw...
14:25 Revize bfdbb86e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 'master'
- 8706 functional improvement of gui
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!27 -
14:25 Revize bfdbb86e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 'master'
- 8706 functional improvement of gui
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!27 -
14:15 Revize 736b3327 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Bugfix of downloading identity binary files
14:15 Revize 736b3327 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Bugfix of downloading identity binary files
12:56 Feature #8696 (Resolved): Improve database initialization so that data are not lost after restart
12:56 Revize aad9f145 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8696 - Added TODO to SQL query constant
12:56 Revize aad9f145 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8696 - Added TODO to SQL query constant
11:44 Feature #8706: Implement functional improvements of GUI
- Implementation finished and posted for a review to Stanislav Král.
11:44 Feature #8706 (Resolved): Implement functional improvements of GUI
11:42 Revize 6b69049b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Minor adjustments of GUI
11:42 Revize 6b69049b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Minor adjustments of GUI
11:34 Task #8711 (Verified): Weekly standup #5
11:33 Feature #8705 (Verified): Extend Rest API endpoint for creating certificates by provided private key/password
- Review done
09:31 Revize 07a6c869 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8696 - Improved DB creation
- - secured start application without lost data
09:31 Revize 07a6c869 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8696 - Improved DB creation
- - secured start application without lost data
16:25 Revize e36779bd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Removed debug print statements.
16:25 Revize e36779bd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Removed debug print statements.
16:23 Revize f4ba5358 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
16:23 Revize f4ba5358 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
16:23 Revize e77c14f9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Fixed a bug where certificates without usages would not be returned when the usage filter was unspecified. Added a related integration test.
16:23 Revize e77c14f9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Fixed a bug where certificates without usages would not be returned when the usage filter was unspecified. Added a related integration test.
15:20 Feature #8714 (Verified): Prepare Robots framework environment
- Review done via call.
06:31 Feature #8714 (Resolved): Prepare Robots framework environment
15:13 Revize a13b1c2d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Certificate list filtering
15:13 Revize a13b1c2d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Certificate list filtering
14:37 Revize 6db8a3cb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Pagination implemented
14:37 Revize 6db8a3cb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Pagination implemented
13:42 Revize 1597a43f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Filtering options implemented in the GUI
13:42 Revize 1597a43f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Filtering options implemented in the GUI
13:16 Revize e24e5207 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - certificate creation - change in filtering of available CAs
13:16 Revize e24e5207 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - certificate creation - change in filtering of available CAs
13:07 Revize cf1dec7f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Extensions specification improvement
13:07 Revize cf1dec7f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Extensions specification improvement
12:49 Revize 5baa6e46 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
- # Conflicts:
# static/js/create_certificate.js -
12:49 Revize 5baa6e46 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
- # Conflicts:
# static/js/create_certificate.js -
12:48 Revize 11b3d564 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - revocation status improvement
12:48 Revize 11b3d564 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - revocation status improvement
12:45 Revize 3c468ba1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added pagination elements
12:45 Revize 73ab16a1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Specify custom extensions
12:45 Revize 3c468ba1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added pagination elements
12:45 Revize 73ab16a1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Specify custom extensions
12:45 Revize dd7fb7a3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Rebased to current master
12:45 Revize dd7fb7a3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Rebased to current master
12:43 Revize f38d40da (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - More downloads in certificate listing
12:43 Revize 67b78641 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Fix of downloading PKCS#12
12:43 Revize 90642551 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
12:43 Revize f38d40da (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - More downloads in certificate listing
12:43 Revize 67b78641 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Fix of downloading PKCS#12
12:43 Revize 90642551 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
12:43 Revize bb8a12f8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Rebased to current master
12:43 Revize bb8a12f8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Rebased to current master
12:38 Revize 76cd3805 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
12:38 Revize aea56581 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
12:38 Revize e5640707 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
12:38 Revize 76cd3805 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
12:38 Revize aea56581 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
12:38 Revize e5640707 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
12:34 Revize 05c93095 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts_master'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
12:34 Revize 05c93095 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts_master'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
12:29 Revize e9af380d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts' into resolve_conflicts_master
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
12:29 Revize e9af380d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts' into resolve_conflicts_master
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py -
12:20 Feature #8702 (Verified): Extend RestAPI endpoint for gettting certificate list by filtering and pagination
12:16 Revize 3260320c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Fixed a merge conflict.
12:16 Revize 3260320c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Fixed a merge conflict.
12:12 Revize 364a6830 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8702
12:12 Revize 364a6830 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8702
12:10 Revize 9a6c9613 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8702
12:10 Revize 9a6c9613 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8702
12:08 Revize da92e92a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8705
12:08 Revize da92e92a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): [Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8705
12:02 Revize fb063a24 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8705_rapi_private_key' into 'master'
- 8705 rapi private key
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!23 -
12:02 Revize fb063a24 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8705_rapi_private_key' into 'master'
- 8705 rapi private key
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!23 -
11:59 Revize 0177078b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into '8705_rapi_private_key'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py
# src/services/cryptography.py
# tests/integration_te... -
11:59 Revize 0177078b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into '8705_rapi_private_key'
- # Conflicts:
# src/controllers/certificates_controller.py
# src/services/cryptography.py
# tests/integration_te... -
11:49 Revize 7cb8f6d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8705_rapi_private_key' into 8705_rapi_private_key
11:49 Revize 7cb8f6d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8705_rapi_private_key' into 8705_rapi_private_key
11:48 Revize 857e9e12 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Added CertService tests for `verify_key` and key reusal functionality of `wrap_custom_key`.
11:48 Revize 857e9e12 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Added CertService tests for `verify_key` and key reusal functionality of `wrap_custom_key`.
11:48 Revize fbfc4b04 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Reformatting, test updates (discussed invalid branch returns 400).
11:48 Revize fbfc4b04 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Reformatting, test updates (discussed invalid branch returns 400).
11:46 Revize 9a466331 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - `verify_key` bugfix - added check whether the passed PEM is an actual key
11:46 Revize 9a466331 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - `verify_key` bugfix - added check whether the passed PEM is an actual key
11:21 Revize 89aa967d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Review updates.
11:21 Revize 89aa967d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Review updates.
09:57 Revize 67f41c8f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added pagination elements
09:57 Revize 67f41c8f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added pagination elements
09:49 Revize bb4a9d1f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Updated Certificate constructors in compliance with the recent database updates.
09:49 Revize bb4a9d1f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Updated Certificate constructors in compliance with the recent database updates.
09:47 Revize 0b8eac76 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Specify custom extensions
09:47 Revize 0b8eac76 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Specify custom extensions
09:40 Feature #8704 (Verified): Implement user extension into Rest API endpoint
- - both code review and a presentation via a MS Teams call done without any major findings
09:35 Revize d74b9c59 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Providing custom private key
09:35 Revize d74b9c59 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Providing custom private key
09:34 Revize 6e1dee8b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8702_augmented_filtering' into 'master'
- 8702 Augmented filtering of certificates
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!25 -
09:34 Revize 6e1dee8b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8702_augmented_filtering' into 'master'
- 8702 Augmented filtering of certificates
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!25 -
08:56 Revize 3b82dc95 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8704_create_cert_extensions' into 'master'
- 8704 Let certificate extensions be specified via REST API
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!24 -
08:56 Revize 3b82dc95 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8704_create_cert_extensions' into 'master'
- 8704 Let certificate extensions be specified via REST API
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!24 -
08:47 Revize 221e78c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8704 - Minor fix (return code 500 -> 400)
08:47 Revize 221e78c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8704 - Minor fix (return code 500 -> 400)
08:42 Revize 3e6d1ec5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - More downloads in certificate listing
08:42 Revize 3e6d1ec5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - More downloads in certificate listing
08:26 Revize 2847ad2a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Fix of downloading PKCS#12
08:26 Revize 2847ad2a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Fix of downloading PKCS#12
08:18 Enhancement #8708 (Verified): Implement endpoint for retrieving PCKS#12
- Code review was done via call. Minor changes were done.
08:15 Revize d1fd3f41 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' of gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz:aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
08:15 Revize d1fd3f41 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' of gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz:aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
08:15 Revize 2a4cf382 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
08:15 Revize a70271db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
08:15 Revize ed76e293 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
08:15 Revize 2a4cf382 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
08:15 Revize a70271db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
08:15 Revize ed76e293 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
08:12 Revize 0e62292d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8708_PKCS_Identity' into 'master'
- 8708 pkcs identity
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!22 -
08:12 Revize 0e62292d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8708_PKCS_Identity' into 'master'
- 8708 pkcs identity
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!22 -
08:07 Revize 586f1573 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
08:07 Revize 586f1573 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
08:00 Revize 04805a41 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Changed the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CertificateService in such way that the Certificate class instance is now passed instead of a certificate ID resulting in a decrease of SQL queries.
08:00 Revize 04805a41 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Changed the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CertificateService in such way that the Certificate class instance is now passed instead of a certificate ID resulting in a decrease of SQL queries.
07:50 Revize c1a7a041 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8714 - Extended the sample.robot test case with a custom keyword
07:50 Revize c1a7a041 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8714 - Extended the sample.robot test case with a custom keyword
07:43 Bug #8803 (Invalid): Fix application crash when db folder does not exist
06:19 Revize 1f74eeeb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
06:19 Revize 1f74eeeb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added issuer link
06:16 Revize d76d7767 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
06:16 Revize d76d7767 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
05:37 Revize a42ed5f4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Changed usage dict to usage list in the client application while creating certificate
05:37 Revize a42ed5f4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Changed usage dict to usage list in the client application while creating certificate
20:25 Revize 50b2342e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8714 - Added a simple Robot Framework GUI test that verifies whether creation and removal of a certificate is working correctly
20:25 Revize 50b2342e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8714 - Added a simple Robot Framework GUI test that verifies whether creation and removal of a certificate is working correctly
19:29 Revize dea7f12f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Added a unit test covering a scenario in which an empty identity password is passed to the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CryptographyService
- Improved the generate_pkcs_identity method in such way that when None is passed as the identity password then an empt...
19:29 Revize dea7f12f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Added a unit test covering a scenario in which an empty identity password is passed to the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CryptographyService
- Improved the generate_pkcs_identity method in such way that when None is passed as the identity password then an empt...
14:28 Revize f73581e5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8704 - Minor fix (extensions default None -> "")
14:28 Revize f73581e5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8704 - Minor fix (extensions default None -> "")
14:26 Revize 5f4b9c8d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8704 - Added an invalid extension test.
14:26 Revize 5f4b9c8d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8704 - Added an invalid extension test.
14:25 Revize a2965e9a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8704 - Added the `extension` parameter to the create endpoint.
14:25 Revize a2965e9a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8704 - Added the `extension` parameter to the create endpoint.
14:12 Revize 5affba06 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Reset DB w.r.t. new `init_database.py`.
14:12 Revize 5affba06 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Reset DB w.r.t. new `init_database.py`.
14:11 Revize da8c3753 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Added filtering/pagination tests.
14:11 Revize da8c3753 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Added filtering/pagination tests.
14:11 Revize a767aa70 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Minor bug and flow fixes.
14:11 Revize a767aa70 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Minor bug and flow fixes.
14:11 Revize 67723931 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Finished implementing filtering methods in the CertService.
14:11 Revize 67723931 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Finished implementing filtering methods in the CertService.
14:10 Revize cf247eaa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Added filtering methods to CertRepository.
14:10 Revize cf247eaa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Added filtering methods to CertRepository.
12:29 Feature #8704 (Resolved): Implement user extension into Rest API endpoint
12:15 Feature #8702 (Resolved): Extend RestAPI endpoint for gettting certificate list by filtering and pagination
16:52 Revize 977845e0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Changed /api/certificates/{id}/identity endpoint method back to POST (facepalm)
- Changed REST API tests accordingly.
16:52 Revize 977845e0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Changed /api/certificates/{id}/identity endpoint method back to POST (facepalm)
- Changed REST API tests accordingly.
10:02 Revize fe0ae9db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8590_Implement_subject_fields'
10:02 Revize fe0ae9db (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8590_Implement_subject_fields'
08:06 Feature #8590 (Verified): Implement storing all subject fields in the database
07:37 Revize b6167335 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8700 - Fixed a test bug related to date format differences.
07:37 Revize b6167335 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8700 - Fixed a test bug related to date format differences.
07:16 Revize c839facb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Started implementing required CertService updates.
07:16 Revize c839facb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Started implementing required CertService updates.
07:16 Revize d0471de8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8702 - Reformed CertController's `get_list_of_certs` method, improved filtering logic.
07:16 Revize d0471de8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8702 - Reformed CertController's `get_list_of_certs` method, improved filtering logic.
06:37 Enhancement #8708: Implement endpoint for retrieving PCKS#12
- During this issue I have made some small changes to the Open API specification, see issue commits for more details.
06:36 Enhancement #8708 (Resolved): Implement endpoint for retrieving PCKS#12
05:49 Revize 8a5e37dd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Improved /api/certificate/{id}/identity test coverage by testing to send non well formed requests
05:49 Revize 8a5e37dd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Improved /api/certificate/{id}/identity test coverage by testing to send non well formed requests
05:39 Revize dc6a2217 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Improved generate_pkcs_identity tests in such way that the identity's friendlyName attribute is now checked
05:39 Revize dc6a2217 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Improved generate_pkcs_identity tests in such way that the identity's friendlyName attribute is now checked
05:36 Revize e23248ed (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Changed the swagger.yaml accordingly to the previous REST API endpoint changes (/api/certificate/{id}/identity endpoint)
- Changed method from POST to GET.
Changed 201 status code to 200.
Improved status code descriptions.
Improved ID param... -
05:36 Revize e23248ed (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Changed the swagger.yaml accordingly to the previous REST API endpoint changes (/api/certificate/{id}/identity endpoint)
- Changed method from POST to GET.
Changed 201 status code to 200.
Improved status code descriptions.
Improved ID param... -
05:33 Revize 7dd54fd2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Changed the endpoint generating PKCS12 identities to GET from POST (the generated identity is not stored on the server)
- Changed the endpoint test accordingly
05:33 Revize 7dd54fd2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Changed the endpoint generating PKCS12 identities to GET from POST (the generated identity is not stored on the server)
- Changed the endpoint test accordingly
05:22 Revize df7f5fda (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Changed the behaviour of the generate_pkcs_identity method in the CryptographyService that now does not use the -CAfile argument when the passed chain of trust is empty
- Added a unit test verifying that the changed method works as expected when empty chain of trust is passed
05:22 Revize df7f5fda (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Changed the behaviour of the generate_pkcs_identity method in the CryptographyService that now does not use the -CAfile argument when the passed chain of trust is empty
- Added a unit test verifying that the changed method works as expected when empty chain of trust is passed
05:11 Revize 63d763d2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Renamed a test
05:11 Revize 63d763d2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Renamed a test
05:10 Revize 9cb4bc4e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Added a test verifying the validity of the generate_pkcs_identity method in CertificateService when a chain of trust is empty
05:10 Revize 9cb4bc4e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Added a test verifying the validity of the generate_pkcs_identity method in CertificateService when a chain of trust is empty
04:58 Revize 41349ce9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Added a new integration test verifying valid status code and content type of /api/certificates/<id>/identity endpoint
04:58 Revize 41349ce9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Added a new integration test verifying valid status code and content type of /api/certificates/<id>/identity endpoint
04:49 Revize 1d8ff0a3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Added a new REST API endpoint used for generating a PKCS12 identities of certificates
04:49 Revize 1d8ff0a3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Added a new REST API endpoint used for generating a PKCS12 identities of certificates
19:25 Feature #8700 (Verified): Implement protection for setting revoked certificates back to valid if they are not onHold
19:22 Revize 1fa20e93 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CertificateService that does generate a PKCS12 identity by using the CryptographyService
- Covered the new method with few integration tests
Fixed minor typos in the CertificateService -
19:22 Revize 1fa20e93 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CertificateService that does generate a PKCS12 identity by using the CryptographyService
- Covered the new method with few integration tests
Fixed minor typos in the CertificateService -
17:40 Feature #8705 (Resolved): Extend Rest API endpoint for creating certificates by provided private key/password
17:39 Revize 71938dcd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Added tests, changed usages (dict -> list).
17:39 Revize 71938dcd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Added tests, changed usages (dict -> list).
17:38 Revize 2525db58 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Added the `find_pk` method to PKRepo.
17:38 Revize 2525db58 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Added the `find_pk` method to PKRepo.
17:38 Revize 76648193 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Added the `verify_key` method to CryptoService.
17:38 Revize 76648193 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Added the `verify_key` method to CryptoService.
17:37 Revize 932420d8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Added wrapping methods and the `verify_key` method to KeyService.
17:37 Revize 932420d8 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Added wrapping methods and the `verify_key` method to KeyService.
17:08 Revize b8f5752f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8705 - Adjusted CertController to handle all combinations of PEM/pass supply. Added calls to a not-yet-existing `verify_key(...)` method of PK service.
17:08 Revize b8f5752f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8705 - Adjusted CertController to handle all combinations of PEM/pass supply. Added calls to a not-yet-existing `verify_key(...)` method of PK service.
14:41 Revize 7855d234 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8700 - Review merge.
14:41 Revize 7855d234 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8700 - Review merge.
14:37 Task #8711 (Resolved): Weekly standup #5
14:37 Task #8710 (Verified): Review meeting #3/#4
14:19 Revize 2c8b7911 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CryptographyService that allows the caller to create a PKCS12 identity of a certificate and it's chain of trust
- Covered the new method with unit tests.
14:19 Revize 2c8b7911 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CryptographyService that allows the caller to create a PKCS12 identity of a certificate and it's chain of trust
- Covered the new method with unit tests.
12:59 Enhancement #8779 (Closed): Disable logging during unit & integration tests
- Logging shall be disabled during unit tests and integration tests.
Maybe the Configuration class may be helpful f... -
12:24 Bug #8778 (Closed): Fix response 500 when country code > 2 characters is provided.
- If a country code is provided longer than 2 characters the server returns error 500. This must be enhanced to check ...
10:42 Revize bf9b096b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Modified IF statement
- - revocation data can be None
10:42 Revize bf9b096b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Modified IF statement
- - revocation data can be None
10:34 Feature #8590 (Resolved): Implement storing all subject fields in the database
10:31 Revize 1f869543 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Modified tests due to fields of subject implemented
10:31 Revize 1f869543 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Modified tests due to fields of subject implemented
10:29 Revize 894cc2cd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Modified methods due to fields of subject implemented
10:29 Revize 894cc2cd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Modified methods due to fields of subject implemented
10:27 Revize 0e7c3096 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Implemented all fields of subject into DB
10:27 Revize 0e7c3096 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Implemented all fields of subject into DB
05:43 Revize 4516017a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update README.md
05:43 Revize 4516017a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update README.md
09:56 Revize 43439c9f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Migrated subjects fields to the table of certificates
09:56 Revize 43439c9f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Migrated subjects fields to the table of certificates
09:23 Revize e1c31cac (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8590 - Implemented new table of subjects
- - from table of certificates is a linkage 1:1_N (Subject : Certificates)
- table contains all fields of subject (CN, ... -
09:23 Revize e1c31cac (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8590 - Implemented new table of subjects
- - from table of certificates is a linkage 1:1_N (Subject : Certificates)
- table contains all fields of subject (CN, ...
10:56 Revize 2d625493 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Hotfix - logpath definition
10:56 Revize 2d625493 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Hotfix - logpath definition
10:19 Revize 81c99bb5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update requirements.txt
10:19 Revize 81c99bb5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update requirements.txt
10:15 Revize 9e5f327a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update Dockerfile
10:15 Revize 9e5f327a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update Dockerfile
10:06 Feature #8670 (Verified): Enhance revocation logic
- Review done via call, little adjustments were done.
10:05 Feature #8670 (Resolved): Enhance revocation logic
10:03 Revize f6e1c089 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8670_Enhance_revocation_logic' into 'master'
- 8670 enhance revocation logic
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!21 -
10:03 Revize f6e1c089 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8670_Enhance_revocation_logic' into 'master'
- 8670 enhance revocation logic
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!21 -
10:03 Feature #8707 (Verified): Implement status information into the certificate details endpoint
06:30 Feature #8707 (Resolved): Implement status information into the certificate details endpoint
- Implementation of /api/certificates/{id}/details endpoint enhanced.
10:02 Revize 7eacb98d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into '8670_Enhance_revocation_logic'
- # Conflicts:
# src/dao/certificate_repository.py -
10:02 Revize 7eacb98d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into '8670_Enhance_revocation_logic'
- # Conflicts:
# src/dao/certificate_repository.py -
10:00 Revize ecfad82b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8670 - minor extension of integration test during review
10:00 Revize ecfad82b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8670 - minor extension of integration test during review
09:45 Revize f3091dc0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8707_certificate_status_information' into 'master'
- 8707 certificate status information
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!20 -
09:45 Revize f3091dc0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8707_certificate_status_information' into 'master'
- 8707 certificate status information
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!20 -
09:44 Revize 688c63b7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Logging of used config file improved
09:44 Revize 688c63b7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Logging of used config file improved
09:32 Revize 53b0c8bc (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Log level mapping via dictionary, minor adjustments during review
09:32 Revize 53b0c8bc (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Log level mapping via dictionary, minor adjustments during review
08:08 Revize c36d3299 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8670 - Covered certificate_repository by the CRUD tests
08:08 Revize c36d3299 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8670 - Covered certificate_repository by the CRUD tests
06:27 Revize 4ff15a44 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Added logging for the new functionality
06:27 Revize 4ff15a44 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Added logging for the new functionality
06:24 Revize d78aa613 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Enhanced logging to set log level based on config file
06:24 Revize d78aa613 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Enhanced logging to set log level based on config file
06:09 Revize 7d05def5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Added integration test of the RestAPI
06:09 Revize 7d05def5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Added integration test of the RestAPI
05:58 Revize a3a691fd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Added integration test of the service
05:58 Revize a3a691fd (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Added integration test of the service
05:43 Revize c15357a9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Implemented get_certificate_state() in CertificateRepository
05:43 Revize c15357a9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Implemented get_certificate_state() in CertificateRepository
05:35 Revize a53e5aef (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Implemented status in the controller, prepared method in CertificateService
05:35 Revize a53e5aef (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Implemented status in the controller, prepared method in CertificateService
05:25 Revize 4beb92c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8707 - Added necessary state constants
05:25 Revize 4beb92c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8707 - Added necessary state constants
13:12 Revize dce706e1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8570_Implement_logging'
- # Conflicts:
# src/services/certificate_service.py -
13:12 Revize dce706e1 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8570_Implement_logging'
- # Conflicts:
# src/services/certificate_service.py -
12:55 Revize f408d3ad (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch 'master' into '8570_Implement_logging'
- # Conflicts:
# src/services/certificate_service.py -
12:55 Revize f408d3ad (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into '8570_Implement_logging'
- # Conflicts:
# src/services/certificate_service.py -
12:49 Revize 6425fa36 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8670 - Modified deletion for historical storage of certificates
12:49 Revize 6425fa36 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8670 - Modified deletion for historical storage of certificates
09:34 Revize 1b0eb0a6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8670 - Updated ERA model
- - added column deletion_date in Certificates table
09:34 Revize 1b0eb0a6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8670 - Updated ERA model
- - added column deletion_date in Certificates table
12:02 Task #8710 (Resolved): Review meeting #3/#4
10:02 Revize ed35ce72 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8570 - Rotating file settings
10:02 Revize ed35ce72 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8570 - Rotating file settings
09:23 Hodnocení 3. a 4. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
12 (za každou iteraci)
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
* podnětná diskuze o ASWI proces... -
07:29 Feature #8709 (Verified): Include root certificate in downloaded chain of trust
07:21 Revize fa26c1d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8709_include_root_in_chain' into 'master'
- Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!17 -
07:21 Revize fa26c1d4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8709_include_root_in_chain' into 'master'
- Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!17 -
06:37 Revize 0c4e12a7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Updated swagger.yaml
06:37 Revize 0c4e12a7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Updated swagger.yaml
08:06 Feature #8700 (Resolved): Implement protection for setting revoked certificates back to valid if they are not onHold
08:06 Feature #8700 (Assigned): Implement protection for setting revoked certificates back to valid if they are not onHold
08:00 Revize 94f8d5cf (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8700 - Implemented certificate revalidation check and fixed affected tests
08:00 Revize 94f8d5cf (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8700 - Implemented certificate revalidation check and fixed affected tests
07:36 Feature #8709 (Resolved): Include root certificate in downloaded chain of trust
07:30 Revize 61fb67b4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
07:30 Revize 61fb67b4 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
07:16 Task #8715: Project administrative
- Finished planning for 5th iteration.
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