



Od 2021-02-13 do 2021-03-14


12:23 Revize def6ebe0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Changed
Stanislav Král
12:23 Revize def6ebe0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Changed
Stanislav Král
11:24 Task #8319 (Assigned): Project administrative
Jan Pašek
11:24 Task #8319 (Closed): Project administrative
Regular project administrative tasks - meeting planning, meeting minutes, communication with the customer. Jan Pašek
11:17 Revize 9f021e9c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should pass)
Stanislav Král
11:17 Revize 9f021e9c (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should pass)
Stanislav Král
11:15 Revize 2a934a9a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should fail)
Stanislav Král
11:15 Revize 2a934a9a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should fail)
Stanislav Král
11:08 Revize 7768c9d6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): changed
Stanislav Král
11:08 Revize 7768c9d6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): changed
Stanislav Král


15:39 Task #8318 (Closed): Weekly standup #2
Weekly standup with the project team.
*Date:* 19.03. 2021
*Platform:* MS Teams
Jan Pašek
15:35 Task #8317 (Closed): Planning & Retrospective after iteration #2
Retrospective and planning meeting after iteration #2.
*Date: 26.03. 2021*
*Platform*: MS Teams
Jan Pašek
15:33 Task #8316 (Closed): Demo meeting #2
Demo meeting with the customer after the second iteration.
*Date: 26.03. 2021*
*Platform*: Google Meet
Jan Pašek
15:30 Task #8315 (Closed): Review meeting #1
Review meeting with Ing. Petr Pícha
*Date:* 15.03.2021
*Platform*: MS Teams
Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8310 (Assigned): Elaborate on requirement specification
Jan Pašek
09:25 Task #8310 (Closed): Elaborate on requirement specification
The individual requirements shall be further developed to describe implementation details.
Enhance user stories acco...
Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8309 (Assigned): Update Project Plan, Vision and Risks
Jan Pašek
09:24 Task #8309 (Closed): Update Project Plan, Vision and Risks
Update the following documents based on new facts encountered during iteration #2.
* Describe testing
Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8308 (Assigned): Create an Architecture documentation
Jan Pašek
09:23 Task #8308 (Closed): Create an Architecture documentation
Create architecture documentation, which is a mandatory work product. This document has to be created based on the di... Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8307 (Assigned): Prepare a proof of concept
Jan Pašek
09:19 Task #8307 (Closed): Prepare a proof of concept
* prepare a minimalistic working example of the resulting application that verifies the basic concepts and functional... Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8306 (Assigned): Design the software architecture
Jan Pašek
09:19 Task #8306 (Closed): Design the software architecture
The software architecture shall be created in the .eap design. It shall contain the following parts:
* *Component mo...
Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8305 (Assigned): Create ERA model and prepare an embedded database
Jan Pašek
09:12 Task #8305 (Closed): Create ERA model and prepare an embedded database
Database for the project has to be designed and created
* ERA model describing the data model shall be created in th...
Jan Pašek
15:18 Task #8303 (Assigned): Create a GUI prototype
Jan Pašek
09:09 Task #8303 (Closed): Create a GUI prototype
A GUI prototype has to be prepared in form of a wireframe. Jan Pašek
14:27 Task #8225 (Invalid): Setup CD/CI pipeline
Done in issue #8219. Jan Pašek
14:17 Task #8230 (Closed): Create user stories/use scenarios
Jan Pašek
09:07 Task #8230 (Verified): Create user stories/use scenarios
Jan Pašek
09:06 Task #8230: Create user stories/use scenarios
A review of the document stored under DMS was done with no findings. Jan Pašek
14:16 Task #8247 (Closed): Weekly standup #1
Jan Pašek
14:16 Task #8224 (Closed): Create requirement model (use case diagram)
Jan Pašek
14:15 Task #8223 (Closed): X.509 individual research
Jan Pašek
12:14 Task #8223 (Verified): X.509 individual research
Jan Pašek
12:13 Task #8223 (Resolved): X.509 individual research
Jan Pašek
14:15 Task #8229 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Friesecky]
Jan Pašek
12:13 Task #8229 (Verified): X.509 individual research [Friesecky]
Jan Pašek
11:50 Task #8229 (Assigned): X.509 individual research [Friesecky]
David Friesecký
11:49 Task #8229 (Resolved): X.509 individual research [Friesecky]
David Friesecký
14:15 Task #8228 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Kral]
Jan Pašek
07:34 Task #8228 (Verified): X.509 individual research [Kral]
Jan Pašek
14:15 Task #8227 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Pasek]
Jan Pašek
07:37 Task #8227 (Verified): X.509 individual research [Pasek]
Jan Pašek
07:37 Task #8227 (Resolved): X.509 individual research [Pasek]
Jan Pašek
14:15 Task #8226 (Closed): X.509 deep individual research
Jan Pašek
07:32 Task #8226 (Verified): X.509 deep individual research
No code review has to be done. The experimental implementation was done on branch #8226_deep_research, which is not m... Jan Pašek
14:14 Task #8222 (Closed): Create a vision of the document
Jan Pašek
14:14 Task #8221 (Closed): Create requirement specification
Jan Pašek
14:14 Task #8220 (Closed): Describe project risks
Jan Pašek
14:11 Task #8219 (Closed): Setup a development environment
Jan Pašek
14:10 Task #8218 (Closed): Create project plan
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8215 (Closed): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8217 (Closed): Agree about the project conventions
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8216 (Closed): Plan the iteration #1
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8213 (Closed): Initialize project Wiki page
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8212 (Closed): Initial meeting with mentor
Jan Pašek
14:08 Task #8211 (Closed): Initial meeting with customer
Jan Pašek
09:10 Task #8304 (Closed): Create a Rest API proposal/specification
Create a proposal for the Rest API.
* define structure
* define parameters
* define endpoints
Only the function...
Jan Pašek


21:46 Task #8228 (Resolved): X.509 individual research [Kral]
Stanislav Král
20:16 Task #8230 (Resolved): Create user stories/use scenarios
Stanislav Král
16:47 Task #8224 (Verified): Create requirement model (use case diagram)
The review was finished without findings. The Task branch was merged to master. Pipeline passed. Jan Pašek
16:45 Revize e720f284 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8224 - Merge branch '#8224_Create_requirements_model' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!2 Jan Pašek
16:45 Revize e720f284 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8224 - Merge branch '#8224_Create_requirements_model' into 'master'
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!2 Jan Pašek
16:38 Task #8219 (Verified): Setup a development environment
The review was done without findings. CD/CI pipeline was improved as a part of the review. Jan Pašek
16:34 Revize afc1c117 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
- missing space in `only` clause
- fixed failing pipeling
Jan Pašek
16:34 Revize afc1c117 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
- missing space in `only` clause
- fixed failing pipeling
Jan Pašek
16:32 Revize 6d584431 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Merge branch '8219_CICD_Test' into 'master'
8219 cicd test
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!1
Jan Pašek
16:32 Revize 6d584431 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Merge branch '8219_CICD_Test' into 'master'
8219 cicd test
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!1
Jan Pašek
16:30 Revize bba6e93e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
- removed build step
- setup deploy on master only
- enable tests everywhere
Jan Pašek
16:30 Revize bba6e93e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
- removed build step
- setup deploy on master only
- enable tests everywhere
Jan Pašek
16:13 Task #8222 (Verified): Create a vision of the document
Jan Pašek
15:55 Task #8222: Create a vision of the document
Project Vision document was created and stored under the DMS. Jan Pašek
16:12 Task #8221 (Verified): Create requirement specification
Jan Pašek
16:12 Task #8221 (Resolved): Create requirement specification
Jan Pašek
15:55 Task #8218: Create project plan
Project plan was created and stored under the DMS. Jan Pašek
14:47 Task #8218 (Verified): Create project plan
Jan Pašek
15:54 Task #8217: Agree about the project conventions
All important conventions were agreed with the whole project team and are described in the corresponding Wikipedia page. Jan Pašek
14:43 Task #8217 (Verified): Agree about the project conventions
Jan Pašek
15:53 Task #8216: Plan the iteration #1
The first iteration has been planned with the project team. Jan Pašek
14:43 Task #8216 (Verified): Plan the iteration #1
Jan Pašek
14:51 Task #8247 (Verified): Weekly standup #1
Jan Pašek
14:48 Task #8220 (Verified): Describe project risks
Jan Pašek
14:43 Task #8215 (Verified): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Jan Pašek
10:04 Revize 12d8d554 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8224 - Create EAP project for diagrams
David Friesecký
10:04 Revize 12d8d554 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8224 - Create EAP project for diagrams
David Friesecký


22:26 Task #8219: Setup a development environment
- ready for a review
- 8219_CICD_Test should be merged to master
- #8219_Development_environment_init can be delete...
Stanislav Král
22:19 Revize 348a4758 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8226 - deep individual research
Examined both raw openssl's and python-cryptography's utility for our project. Basic certificate functionality implem... Michal Seják
22:19 Revize 348a4758 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8226 - deep individual research
Examined both raw openssl's and python-cryptography's utility for our project. Basic certificate functionality implem... Michal Seják
21:25 Task #8226 (Resolved): X.509 deep individual research
Michal Seják
17:20 Task #8220 (Resolved): Describe project risks
DMS has been updated with the Risk Description document. Michal Seják
16:36 Revize 750d8afa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
Stanislav Král
16:36 Revize 750d8afa (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
Stanislav Král
16:26 Revize 62c3051a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
Stanislav Král
16:26 Revize 62c3051a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
Stanislav Král
16:23 Revize 5079c333 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Changed .gitlab-ci.yml
Stanislav Král
16:23 Revize 5079c333 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Changed .gitlab-ci.yml
Stanislav Král
16:09 Revize cf4fc539 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Rollbacked timeout argument in pip3 install command in the gunicorn Dockerfile
Stanislav Král
16:09 Revize cf4fc539 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Rollbacked timeout argument in pip3 install command in the gunicorn Dockerfile
Stanislav Král
09:27 Revize 10c038b9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Changed gunicorn Dockerfile
Stanislav Král
09:27 Revize 10c038b9 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Changed gunicorn Dockerfile
Stanislav Král
08:44 Revize bba05d64 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Change .gitlab-ci.yml
Stanislav Král
08:44 Revize bba05d64 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Change .gitlab-ci.yml
Stanislav Král
08:41 Revize 9832694f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80) Stanislav Král
08:41 Revize 9832694f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80) Stanislav Král


12:48 Task #8222 (Resolved): Create a vision of the document
Jan Pašek


18:45 Revize ba842d27 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:45 Revize ba842d27 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:41 Revize f6f17f0f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:41 Revize f6f17f0f (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:40 Revize 62d64d21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:40 Revize 62d64d21 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:29 Revize 4f34cffb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:29 Revize 4f34cffb (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:24 Revize 1a046db5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:24 Revize 1a046db5 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:23 Revize 0df5ad4d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:23 Revize 0df5ad4d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:21 Revize a92baa2d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:21 Revize a92baa2d (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:20 Revize 00e1e26e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:20 Revize 00e1e26e (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:18 Revize 2640ea75 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:18 Revize 2640ea75 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - CI/CD progress
Stanislav Král
18:15 Revize 509fc2c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - added CI/CD pytest stage
Stanislav Král
18:15 Revize 509fc2c2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - added CI/CD pytest stage
Stanislav Král
15:44 Task #8218 (Resolved): Create project plan
Jan Pašek
15:41 Task #8249 (Closed): Plannig & Retrospective after iteration #1
Planning and retrospective meeting
- date: 03/12/2021 15:00
- platform: MS Teams
Jan Pašek
15:39 Task #8248 (Closed): Demo meeting #1
Demo meeting:
- date: 03/12/2021 14:00
- platform: Google Meet -
Jan Pašek
15:37 Task #8247 (Resolved): Weekly standup #1
Jan Pašek
15:37 Task #8247 (Closed): Weekly standup #1
Weekly standup meeting.
- date: 03/05/2021 14:00
- platform: MS Teams
Jan Pašek
00:17 Revize 7c67b1e0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Updated
Stanislav Král
00:17 Revize 7c67b1e0 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Updated
Stanislav Král
00:08 Task #8219 (Resolved): Setup a development environment
Stanislav Král


23:53 Revize f6947544 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Updated so it contains Docker deployment description
Stanislav Král
23:53 Revize f6947544 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Updated so it contains Docker deployment description
Stanislav Král
23:48 Revize fc73f187 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Basic project dockerization
- created docker/Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml Stanislav Král
23:48 Revize fc73f187 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Basic project dockerization
- created docker/Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml Stanislav Král
23:00 Revize 00163ec2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Added recommended Python interpreter version to
Stanislav Král
23:00 Revize 00163ec2 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Added recommended Python interpreter version to
Stanislav Král
22:55 Revize 63fc23ba (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Removed a new line character
Stanislav Král
22:55 Revize 63fc23ba (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Removed a new line character
Stanislav Král
22:48 Revize 361901f7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Added "Testing" section to
Stanislav Král
22:48 Revize 361901f7 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Added "Testing" section to
Stanislav Král
22:40 Revize 7065d97a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Added pytest dependency used for testing
- added a simple testcase that checks whether index page is being served correctly Stanislav Král
22:40 Revize 7065d97a (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Added pytest dependency used for testing
- added a simple testcase that checks whether index page is being served correctly Stanislav Král
21:41 Revize 6e333f54 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): #8219 - Python & Flask project initialization with a simple index endpoint
- added auto-generated .gitignore for Python and PyCharm projects Stanislav Král
21:41 Revize 6e333f54 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): #8219 - Python & Flask project initialization with a simple index endpoint
- added auto-generated .gitignore for Python and PyCharm projects Stanislav Král


18:21 Task #8215 (Resolved): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Jan Pašek
12:39 Task #8215 (Assigned): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Jan Pašek
12:38 Task #8215 (Accepted): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Jan Pašek
12:35 Task #8215 (Closed): Iteration #1 planning meeting
Date: *03.03. 2021*.
Platform: *MS Teams*
Meeting minutes: [[Iteration nr. 1 planning]]
Jan Pašek
18:21 Task #8216 (Resolved): Plan the iteration #1
Jan Pašek
12:39 Task #8216 (Assigned): Plan the iteration #1
Jan Pašek
12:38 Task #8216 (Accepted): Plan the iteration #1
Jan Pašek
12:36 Task #8216 (Closed): Plan the iteration #1
Plan for the first iteration shall be created Jan Pašek
18:21 Task #8217 (Resolved): Agree about the project conventions
Jan Pašek
12:38 Task #8217 (Assigned): Agree about the project conventions
Jan Pašek
12:38 Task #8217 (Accepted): Agree about the project conventions
Jan Pašek
12:38 Task #8217 (Closed): Agree about the project conventions
Conventions of using VCS, ALM and writing code has to be agreed. Jan Pašek
18:19 Task #8230 (Closed): Create user stories/use scenarios
A document with detailed user stories/use scenarios shall be created. Before creating the document, short research on... Jan Pašek
18:16 Task #8229 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Friesecky]
*Brief research of X.509 standard:*
* How the X.509 looks like, what data do we need
* Root vs. intermediate CA
Jan Pašek
18:00 Task #8228 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Kral]
*Brief Research of X.509 standard:*
* How the X.509 looks like, what data do we need
* Root vs. intermediate CA
Jan Pašek
18:00 Task #8227 (Closed): X.509 individual research [Pasek]
*Brief research of X.509 standard:*
* How the X.509 looks like, what data do we need
* Root vs. intermediate CA
Jan Pašek
17:57 Task #8226 (Closed): X.509 deep individual research
Research of X.509 standard:
How the X.509 looks like, what data do we need
Root vs. intermediate CA
End certific...
Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8224 (Assigned): Create requirement model (use case diagram)
Jan Pašek
17:36 Task #8224 (Accepted): Create requirement model (use case diagram)
Jan Pašek
14:05 Task #8224 (Closed): Create requirement model (use case diagram)
Capture functional as well as non-functional requirements in form of a model (use case diagram). It shall be clear wh... Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8223 (Assigned): X.509 individual research
Jan Pašek
17:34 Task #8223 (Accepted): X.509 individual research
Jan Pašek
13:58 Task #8223 (Closed): X.509 individual research
*Research of X.509 standard:*
* How the X.509 looks like, what data do we need
* Root vs. intermediate CA
* End ...
Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8222 (Assigned): Create a vision of the document
Jan Pašek
17:30 Task #8222 (Accepted): Create a vision of the document
Jan Pašek
13:37 Task #8222 (Closed): Create a vision of the document
A document describing the vision of the project shall be created and stored under the DMS. The document shall be writ... Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8221 (Assigned): Create requirement specification
Jan Pašek
17:28 Task #8221 (Accepted): Create requirement specification
Jan Pašek
13:33 Task #8221 (Closed): Create requirement specification
Requirement specification shall be created based on the initial meeting with the customer.
The document shall be wr...
Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8220 (Assigned): Describe project risks
Jan Pašek
17:26 Task #8220 (Accepted): Describe project risks
Jan Pašek
13:30 Task #8220 (Closed): Describe project risks
A risk analysis shall be created and it has to contain all identified risks and their possible consequences. Risks sh... Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8219 (Assigned): Setup a development environment
Jan Pašek
17:23 Task #8219 (Accepted): Setup a development environment
Jan Pašek
13:27 Task #8219 (Closed): Setup a development environment
Development environment shall be created:
* Define tools used for development (IDE, Python version, etc...) -> spe...
Jan Pašek
17:44 Task #8218 (Assigned): Create project plan
Jan Pašek
17:16 Task #8218 (Accepted): Create project plan
Jan Pašek
13:20 Task #8218 (Closed): Create project plan
The project plan has to be created. It shall contain:
- an initial effort estimation (as well as effort estimation...
Jan Pašek
15:08 Task #8225 (Invalid): Setup CD/CI pipeline
Set up a CD/CI pipeline so that automated tests are run after each commit and after each merge to master, the version... Jan Pašek
12:29 Task #8213 (Verified): Initialize project Wiki page
Jan Pašek
12:25 Task #8213: Initialize project Wiki page
Project Wiki structure was created. Further information will be filled in by the team on the planning meeting. Jan Pašek
12:24 Task #8213 (Resolved): Initialize project Wiki page
Jan Pašek
12:24 Task #8212 (Verified): Initial meeting with mentor
Jan Pašek
12:23 Task #8212: Initial meeting with mentor
Meeting with the mentor was realised. The whole team participated. For meeting minutes see the associated Wiki page. Jan Pašek
12:03 Task #8211 (Verified): Initial meeting with customer
Jan Pašek


14:49 Task #8212 (Resolved): Initial meeting with mentor
Jan Pašek
14:01 Task #8213 (Assigned): Initialize project Wiki page
Jan Pašek
14:00 Task #8213 (Closed): Initialize project Wiki page
Project Wiki page has to be created. It shall reflect the definition of the ASWI project. The structure shall be prep... Jan Pašek
13:08 Task #8211 (Resolved): Initial meeting with customer
The initial meeting with the customer was done. For more details see the Wiki page referenced in the description. Jan Pašek


18:55 Task #8212 (Assigned): Initial meeting with mentor
Jan Pašek
18:55 Task #8212 (Accepted): Initial meeting with mentor
Jan Pašek
18:49 Task #8212 (Closed): Initial meeting with mentor
The initial meeting with the mentor will take place on 02.03. 2021 at 14:30.
The meeting will take place on *MS Te...
Jan Pašek
18:47 Task #8211 (Assigned): Initial meeting with customer
Jan Pašek
18:47 Task #8211 (Accepted): Initial meeting with customer
Jan Pašek
18:45 Task #8211 (Closed): Initial meeting with customer
The initial meeting with the customer will take place on *02.03. 2021* at *11:00*.
Link for joining: https://meet....
Jan Pašek
13:25 Revize 02c4d11b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Update
Jan Pašek
13:25 Revize 02c4d11b (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Update
Jan Pašek
12:46 Revize fd2486c6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Jan Pašek
12:46 Revize fd2486c6 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Jan Pašek


19:42 Revize e21bbef3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab4): Initial commit
Petr Pícha
19:42 Revize e21bbef3 (aswi2021jmsd-gitlab): Initial commit
Petr Pícha

Také k dispozici: Atom