Re #8788 - Odstranění unit - endpoint
+ OpenAPI definition for deleting unit+ adding button to delete unit+ adding confirm dialog if deleting unit
Re #8794 - Přidat unit - formulář, endpoint
+ new form for adding unit+ new endpoint in OpenAPI
Re #8728 - Implemetace autorizace přes nové API endpointy
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/coding_dashboard' into dev
Re #8694 - Kódování dashboardu+ add styles for login and dashboad
Re #8676 - Definovat analytics API
Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
Re #8467 - Definice Open API 3.0
+ new Open API endpoints definitions
Re #8519 - Obrazovka 'Dashboard' - implementace
+ new view Dashboard with url /dashboard
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