Revize b5525aef
Přidáno uživatelem Jakub Hlaváč před více než 3 roky(ů)
src/app/dashboard/components/dashboard.component.html | ||
1 |
<app-nav-bar></app-nav-bar> |
1 |
<app-nav-bar (emitNewUnit)="addUnit($event)"></app-nav-bar>
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
<div class="container dashboard"> |
4 |
<!-- <div class="row">--> |
5 |
<!-- <div class="col-md-6"></div>--> |
6 |
<!-- <div class="col-md-6 text-right">--> |
7 |
<!-- <p-button label="Add unit" icon="pi pi-cog" (onClick)="insertUnitPopup()"></p-button>--> |
8 |
<!-- </div>--> |
9 |
<!-- </div>--> |
10 |
<p-accordion> |
11 |
<p-accordionTab *ngFor="let unit of units"> |
12 |
<p-header [className]="'dashboard-unit-wrapper'"> |
13 |
<div [className]="'row dashboard-unit'"> |
14 |
<div class="col-md-8"><h3>{{ unit.unit.description}}</h3></div> |
15 |
<div class="col-md-4 text-right"> |
16 |
<p-button label="Sensors graph" icon="pi pi-chart-line" [routerLink]="['/dashboard/unit', unit.unit.unitId]"></p-button> |
17 |
<p-splitButton *ngIf="loggedUser?.userInfo?.rightsId == 0 || loggedUser?.userInfo?.rightsId == 1" label="Add sensor" (onClick)="insertSensorPopup($event, unit.unit)" icon="pi pi-plus-circle" (onDropdownClick)="showItems($event, unit.unit)" [model]="items" styleClass="p-button-success"></p-splitButton> |
4 |
<p-accordion> |
5 |
<p-accordionTab *ngFor="let unit of units"> |
6 |
<p-header [className]="'dashboard-unit-wrapper'"> |
7 |
<div [className]="'row dashboard-unit'"> |
8 |
<div class="col-md-8"><h3>{{ unit.unit.description}}</h3></div> |
9 |
<div class="col-md-4 text-right"> |
10 |
<p-button label="Sensors graph" icon="pi pi-chart-line" [routerLink]="['/dashboard/unit', unit.unit.unitId]"></p-button> |
11 |
<p-splitButton *ngIf="loggedUser?.userInfo?.rightsId == 0 || loggedUser?.userInfo?.rightsId == 1" label="Add sensor" (onClick)="insertSensorPopup($event, unit.unit)" |
12 |
icon="pi pi-plus-circle" (onDropdownClick)="showItems($event, unit.unit)" [model]="items" styleClass="p-button-success"></p-splitButton> |
13 |
</div> |
18 | 14 |
</div> |
15 |
</p-header> |
16 |
<div> |
17 |
<ng-container *ngFor="let sensor of unit.sensors"> |
18 |
<app-sensors *ngIf="sensor" [sensor]="sensor" [unitId]="unit.unit.unitId" [phenomenons]="phenomenons" [loggedUser]="loggedUser" (emitSensorDeletion)="deleteSensor(unit.unit.unitId, $event)"></app-sensors> |
19 |
</ng-container> |
19 | 20 |
</div> |
20 |
</p-header> |
21 |
<div> |
22 |
<app-sensors *ngFor="let sensor of unit.sensors" [sensor]="sensor" [unitId]="unit.unit.unitId" [phenomenons]="phenomenons" [loggedUser]="loggedUser"></app-sensors> |
23 |
</div> |
24 |
</p-accordionTab> |
25 |
</p-accordion> |
21 |
</p-accordionTab> |
22 |
</p-accordion> |
26 | 23 |
</div> |
27 | 24 |
28 |
<app-unit-popup *ngIf="editedUnit" [(isVisible)]="showEditUnitPopup" [unit]="editedUnit"></app-unit-popup>
29 |
<app-sensor-insert-popup *ngIf="editedUnit" [unit]="editedUnit" [(isVisible)]="showInsertSensorPopup" [phenomenons]="phenomenons"></app-sensor-insert-popup>
30 |
25 |
<app-unit-popup *ngIf="showEditUnitPopup" [(isVisible)]="showEditUnitPopup" [unit]="editedUnit"></app-unit-popup>
26 |
<app-sensor-insert-popup *ngIf="showInsertSensorPopup" [unit]="editedUnit" [(isVisible)]="showInsertSensorPopup" [phenomenons]="phenomenons" [sensorTypes]="sensorTypes" (emitNewSensor)="addSensors($event)"></app-sensor-insert-popup>
27 |
<app-position-insert-popup *ngIf="showInsertPositionPopup" [unitId]="editedUnit.unitId" [(isVisible)]="showInsertPositionPopup"></app-position-insert-popup> |
31 | 28 |
32 | 29 |
33 | 30 |
<p-confirmDialog [style]="{width: '50vw'}" key="positionDialog" [position]="position" [baseZIndex]="10000" rejectButtonStyleClass="p-button-outlined"></p-confirmDialog> |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Re #8850 - Ověření funkčnosti - implementované enpointy
+ new use case add position to unit+ adding sensor type enum from backend endpoint
+ some form validation :)
- removing all endpoints from /senslog1