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# Datum Autor Komentář
3e68d51f 2021-05-27 14:11 Jakub Hlaváč

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev'

  1. Conflicts:
  2. compose.yml
  3. nginx.conf
  4. package-lock.json
  5. package.json
  6. proxy-config.json
  7. src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  8. src/app/app.component.ts
  9. src/app/app.module.ts...
21b94ebf 2021-05-06 10:24 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8850 - Ověření funkčnosti - implementované enpointy

+ new use case add position to unit
  • tweaking all calls to operations with units and sensors
    + adding sensor type enum from backend endpoint
    + some form validation :)
    - removing all endpoints from /senslog1
11efc186 2021-05-03 10:48 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8792 - Sensor page - tweak

+ form and to input fields
  • show aggregation input for analytics endpoint
b6006ff4 2021-05-02 21:35 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8786 - Přidání uživatele - formulář, endpoint

+ OpenAPI definition for adding user
+ new popup form for adding user

a3ae1cab 2021-05-02 15:21 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8794 - Přidat unit - formulář, endpoint

+ new form for adding unit
+ new endpoint in OpenAPI

37487772 2021-04-27 14:43 Lukáš Moučka

#8365 - Implementace interceptoru

+ first implementation of interceptor

87c1bdd1 2021-04-26 12:42 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8728 - Implemetace autorizace přes nové API endpointy

  • login with nes endpoints
    + getting user info from endpoint
    + defining new endpoints to OpenAPI
a7285540 2021-04-19 14:25 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8676 - Definovat analytics API

+ new API endpoints (analytics)
  • changing getting sensor observation data from analytics endpoint
9c85f0ec 2021-03-30 21:05 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8467 - Definice Open API 3.0

+ new Open API endpoints definitions

1d6ec56f 2021-03-29 21:13 Jakub Hlaváč

Re #8467 - Definice Open API 3.0

+ new Open API endpoints definitions

f8b9a3a2 2021-03-21 19:34 Jakub Hlaváč

#8365 - Implementace interceptoru

+ first implementation of interceptor