Od 2021-04-08 do 2021-05-07
21:08 Revize 589620f8 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8851 - Unit page - implementace
- * fixing graph data
19:08 Revize 086f94e9 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8851 - Unit page - implementace
- * live data in multiselect graph
16:36 Revize 2b3a1745 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/sensor-graphs' into feature/sensor-graphs
16:35 Revize e7b16d72 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8775 - Agregovat grafy se stejným typem sensoru
- * fix chart definitions
12:31 Revize ec939478 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8775 - Agregovat grafy se stejným typem sensoru
- + add definiton of multiline graph
+ add graph loader methods for handling multiline
22:02 Revize 59326dc9 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8857 - Dashboard - editační tlačítka
- * reorganizing editing and adding buttons on unit level
22:02 Revize a02dd197 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8857 - Dashboard - editační tlačítka
- * reorganizing editing and adding buttons on unit level
21:49 Revize c64ba540 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8870 - Edit sensor, insert unit - enum na sensorType
- * 500 error static message because BE returns HTML exception
+ sensorType as dropdown
+ removing sensors from form in... -
13:39 Revize b526d17e (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8851 - Unit page - implementace
- * data fix
13:34 Revize ba41c963 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8851 - Unit page - implementace
- + adding observations support
+ get for every selected sensor instead of get all
+ use stored data if date is not cha... -
11:10 Revize db5d6bf7 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #XXXX - New iteration
- * new snapshot version
11:03 Revize 2b0d2514 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8851 - Unit page - implementace
- + sensors checkboxes
+ checking sensor will reinitialize graph -
10:24 Revize 21b94ebf (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8850 - Ověření funkčnosti - implementované enpointy
- + new use case add position to unit
* tweaking all calls to operations with units and sensors
+ adding sensor type en... -
09:39 Revize b5525aef (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8850 - Ověření funkčnosti - implementované enpointy
- + new use case add position to unit
* tweaking all calls to operations with units and sensors
+ adding sensor type en... -
07:57 Revize aa9bb974 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8807 - Opravy
- * change time parsing
07:54 Revize d3075f0b (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8807 - Opravy
- * change time parsing
10:40 Revize f39f16d4 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8789 - Přidat sensor - formulář, endpoint
- * color tweak
10:29 Revize cf016a7f (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/coding-graphs' into dev
- # Conflicts:
# src/app/sensor/components/sensor.component.html
21:35 Revize 58c431bd (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/dashboard_unit' into dev
21:34 Revize 396a5910 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/coding_dashboard' into 'dev'
- Feature/coding dashboard
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021codebakers!3 -
21:34 Revize 278f83f2 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8621 - Návrh modelu dashboardu
- - úprava modelu dashboardu
21:24 Revize cd2a65f3 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8793 - Unit page - implementace
- + implementation of unit page graphs
+ multiple graphs on one page from one request -
20:29 Revize 0e5facf6 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8806 - Nastylovat senzor
- + Add styles for components
18:17 Revize 34cfa437 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/coding_dashboard' of gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz:aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021codebakers into feature/coding-graphs
16:39 Revize c3e17dae (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8787 - Přidat unit - úprava formuláře
- * add unit is now in the nav-bar
14:19 Revize 1d9c4f0a (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/coding_dashboard' of gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz:aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021codebakers into feature/coding-graphs
14:19 Revize be033143 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8806 - Nastylovat senzor
- + Add styles for sensor
14:07 Revize f57167d1 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8799 - Změna globálních stylů frontedu
- * Change Bootstrap variables
14:06 Revize 25c55833 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8801 - Stylování dashboardu
- + Add styles for dashboard
12:03 Revize a9363970 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8805 - Rozložení komponent senzoru
- - Setting components layout in senzor graph view
22:45 Revize db96c6f2 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into feature/coding_dashboard
22:42 Revize c835a12d (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #XXXX - Podpora týmu
- + dropdown menu for actions
21:47 Revize 6ea14224 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8785 - Úprava unit - tweak formuláře
- + adding error catchup on requests
+ toast message upon request -
21:46 Revize f7677d4e (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8790 - Úprava sensoru - formulář, endpoint
- + adding error catchup on requests
+ toast message upon request -
21:45 Revize 773d3c89 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8791 - Odstranění sensor - endpoint
- + adding error catchup on requests
+ toast message upon request -
21:41 Revize 236e408d (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8789 - Přidat sensor - formulář, endpoint
- + adding error catchup on requests
+ toast message upon request -
21:37 Revize 4b76cfa7 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8787 - Přidat unit - úprava formuláře
- * shows popups based on backend response
20:12 Revize b887ecc3 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8792 - Sensor page - tweak
- + adding error catchup on requests
+ toast message upon request -
20:05 Revize 9d7ffbb6 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8800 - Přestylovat přihlašovací formulář
- * change styles
14:26 Revize b29aef39 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge branch 'dev' of gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz:aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021codebakers into feature/coding_dashboard
- Conflicts:
src/app/dashboard/components/dashboard.component.html -
14:06 Revize 840845c6 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/coding_dashboard' into feature/coding_dashboard
- # Conflicts:
# src/app/dashboard/components/dashboard.component.html -
13:51 Revize 23053208 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8807 - Opravy
- + add mozilla support
13:28 Revize b4b32b0e (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8807 - Opravy
- + add observations support
10:48 Revize 11efc186 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8792 - Sensor page - tweak
- + form and to input fields
* show aggregation input for analytics endpoint -
09:48 Revize c4089f40 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8694 - Kódování dashboardu
- + add styles for login and dashboad
09:48 Revize 715d2e8c (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8621 - Návrh modelu dashboardu
- - úprava modelu dashboardu
09:36 Revize a29cfd21 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/sensor-graphs' into dev
- # Conflicts:
# package-lock.json
# src/app/sensor/components/sensor.component.ts
# src/app/unit/com...
21:35 Revize b6006ff4 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8786 - Přidání uživatele - formulář, endpoint
- + OpenAPI definition for adding user
+ new popup form for adding user -
20:24 Revize a3d61638 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8790 - Úprava sensoru - formulář, endpoint
- + OpenAPI definition for editing sensor
+ form for sensor edition -
18:59 Revize 03d22047 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8791 - Odstranění sensor - endpoint
- + OpenAPI definition for deleting sensor
+ adding button to delete sensor
+ adding confirm dialog if deleting sensor -
18:36 Revize ea0e5344 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8788 - Odstranění unit - endpoint
- + OpenAPI definition for deleting unit
+ adding button to delete unit
+ adding confirm dialog if deleting unit -
18:31 Revize 72effbbe (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8774 - Implementovat pracovní verzi grafů pro jednotku
- * moved graph loading to separate class
* change range for line charts -
18:15 Revize 8b522708 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8774 - Implementovat pracovní verzi grafů pro jednotku
- * decomposition on vega source files
* different loading on sensor
+ add unit graphs -
18:06 Revize 533869de (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8789 - Přidat sensor - formulář, endpoint
- + form for adding sensor to unit
+ first styling form -
17:21 Revize 6686ea24 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8787 - Přidat unit - úprava formuláře
- * form styling
17:18 Revize abe9aea2 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8785 - Úprava unit - tweak formuláře
- * form styling
* validation input -
15:21 Revize a3ae1cab (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8794 - Přidat unit - formulář, endpoint
- + new form for adding unit
+ new endpoint in OpenAPI -
12:40 Revize bfa8cdce (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/sensor-graphs' into hlavja
09:13 Revize c2c2ce48 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8773 - Implementovat grafy pro jeden sensor
- + barchart for one sensor
+ windchart for one sensor
+ linechart for one sensor
14:43 Revize 09fec8cc (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
- The result of the 3rd iteration
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021codebakers!2 -
14:43 Revize 37487772 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): #8365 - Implementace interceptoru
- + first implementation of interceptor
12:42 Revize 87c1bdd1 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8728 - Implemetace autorizace přes nové API endpointy
- * login with nes endpoints
+ getting user info from endpoint
+ defining new endpoints to OpenAPI
18:03 Revize 43ac1718 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8676 - Definovat analytics API
- + new API endpoints (analytics)
* changing getting sensor observation data from analytics endpoint -
17:57 Revize 4b69e185 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8411 - Merge feature to dev branch
- * merge
17:39 Revize 41dca01f (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/coding_dashboard' into dev
- # Conflicts:
# src/app/dashboard/components/dashboard.component.html
16:45 Revize 9d2007f1 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8694 - Kódování dashboardu
- + add styles for login and dashboad
13:35 Revize 440fcae8 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8614 - Analyzovat možnosti implementace směru větrů pro knihovnu Vega
15:03 Revize 47e239fc (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8615 - Analyzovat možnosti posuvného grafu v knihovně Vega
14:40 Revize e82ceab4 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8678 - Implementace dynamického dotazování
- * show endpoint output
14:28 Revize 25a20eec (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8678 - Implementace dynamického dotazování
- + endpoint calls with dynamic params
14:25 Revize a7285540 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8676 - Definovat analytics API
- + new API endpoints (analytics)
* changing getting sensor observation data from analytics endpoint -
14:24 Revize 370c3423 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8677 - Nová obrazovka Unit
- + new view for all unit sensors
12:44 Revize d28a98fd (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8621 - Návrh modelu dashboardu
- - úprava modelu dashboardu
07:46 Revize 6d03e22c (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
- * Dockerfile cleanup
07:34 Revize 685c3af5 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
- - remove canvas library
22:26 Revize b74a37f3 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
- + .dockerignore
22:22 Revize f86d42a9 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
- * dockerfile fixing
* fixing sending requests from httpclient -
21:04 Revize 6bc6c983 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8672 - Podpora - Lacha Martin
- + new popup for unit editation/creation
* usage of accordion -
21:03 Revize dc564f3a (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8673 - Rozchození aplikace na serveru
- * new docker image
+ docker compose -
17:00 Revize bb7795cd (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8672 - Podpora - Lacha Martin
- + new popup for unit editation/creation
* usage of accordion -
13:19 Revize e2996682 (aswi2021codebakers-gitlab): Re #8411 - Integrovat vybranou knihovnu do projektu
Také k dispozici: Atom