Updated gitignore, Azure ADref #8418 @4h
Updated gitignore
Merged ad-auth with frontend
Initialized AD service infrastructure with test project
menu, loginref #8423
Implemented calling to Azure AD
file path edit@testWindows
Cobertura test@testWindows
Junit test report added@testWindows
coverage test@testWindows
Merge branch 'cicd-setup' into 'dev'
Cicd setup
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!1
Linux command variable fixrefs #8299 @1h
Linux path fix@deploy
Linux echo fix@deploy
Deploy commands fix@deploy
Stage fix, deploy test@deploy
Deploy test@deploy
Spend test 2refs #8299 @30m@testFull
Spend testrefs #8299 @30m
Hopefully Fixed platform independent pathsrefs #8299 @30m
Fixed platform independent pathsrefs #8299 @30m@testFull
Také k dispozici: Atom