




# Datum Autor Komentář
247153dc 2021-06-02 13:44 Milan Hotovec

Merge branch 'goals-fe' into 'dev'

Goals fe

See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!19

66225787 2021-06-02 13:28 Milan Hotovec

Final Lock fix

6cd1f116 2021-06-02 13:05 Dominik Chlouba

Reviewed and regenerated TEX documentation

4a2ec8e5 2021-06-02 12:50 Milan Hotovec

Docu update

be7e1bd2 2021-06-02 12:40 Dominik Chlouba

GoalDetailAside.razor update messages localization

c42d522d 2021-06-02 10:56 Dominik Chlouba

Comments, sending goal accept request

598cb3f3 2021-06-02 09:34 Dominik Chlouba

Merge branch 'command-connections' into goals-fe

0f42a3c4 2021-06-02 09:33 Dominik Chlouba

Updated documentation with description of application core and modularity and architectures with principles

c1728264 2021-06-01 21:51 Dominik Chlouba

Review icons conditions

47db00b8 2021-06-01 21:49 Milan Hotovec

Locking update

c4ecb32e 2021-06-01 21:11 Dominik Chlouba

Updating and removing comments, button for accepting and declining goals

7f0fd41c 2021-06-01 21:05 Milan Hotovec

Lock update

26427d02 2021-06-01 19:57 Dominik Chlouba

Merge branch 'command-connections' into goals-fe

2bf6ed39 2021-06-01 19:46 Milan Hotovec

Comments logic connected

47c708a8 2021-06-01 19:03 Milan Hotovec

Merge branch 'email-service' into 'dev'

Email service

See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!18

331310c6 2021-06-01 18:47 Dominik Chlouba

Implementatio of SMTP and SendGrid email services, email templating, base template value object

2906b45b 2021-06-01 16:09 Tomáš Orlovský

Added user documentation text

528bec77 2021-05-31 16:46 Dominik Chlouba

Merge branch 'dev' into email-service

5aa42d78 2021-05-31 16:33 Dominik Chlouba

Resolving merge conflict

0ec46253 2021-05-28 16:16 Tomáš Orlovský

Added rest of GoalDefinitionAreas commands tests @testFull

9d47fb90 2021-05-28 15:42 Tomáš Orlovský

Deleted solution configuration Test

866bd55c 2021-05-28 15:33 Milan Hotovec

Test location and paths fixed

68c1c319 2021-05-28 15:11 Tomáš Orlovský

Path test fix @testFull

2e43d358 2021-05-28 15:03 Tomáš Orlovský

quicker fix @testFull

38c48047 2021-05-28 15:01 Tomáš Orlovský

quick fix

(1-25/134) 25, 50, 100 na stránku

Také k dispozici: Atom