Revize e30b109f
Přidáno uživatelem Milan Hotovec před téměř 4 roky(ů)
.gitlab-ci.yml | ||
73 | 73 |
- $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /merge branch/i #auto trigger for merge requests from command |
74 | 74 |
- $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /Merge remote-tracking branch/i #auto trigger for remote merge requests from command |
75 | 75 |
script: |
76 |
- 'dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" -r "./TestResults/" --test-adapter-path:. --logger:"junit;MethodFormat=Class;FailureBodyFormat=Verbose"' #Run tests using console mode of MSTest (Unit)¨
76 |
- 'dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" -r "./TestResults/"' #Run tests using console mode of MSTest (Unit)¨ |
77 | 77 |
- 'reportgenerator "-reports:.\TestResults\*\coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:coveragereport" -reporttypes:Html' |
78 | 78 |
- '(Get-Content .\coveragereport\index.html) -match "Line coverage:"' |
79 | 79 |
artifacts: |
... | ... | |
81 | 81 |
paths: |
82 | 82 |
- './coveragereport' |
83 | 83 |
reports: |
84 |
85 |
- ./TestResults/TestResults.xml
84 |
85 |
- ./TestResults/*.xml
86 | 86 |
87 | 87 |
#Job for testing linux |
88 | 88 |
test_job_linux: |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Cobertura test