Fixed some UI bugs, finished minor components, basic actionsrefs #8895 @0.15hod
Basic skeleton of goals fe pagesrefs #8725 @1.2548h
Merge branch 'users' into 'dev'
Bug fixes, creating and updating user, role seed
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!7
Added application role and user seed, users list and create/update bug fixes
Bug fixes, creating and updating user, role seedrefs #8763 @0.5h
Added migration for goalsrefs #8555@testFull
Removed unused Azure AD project, updated identity core, custom authorization middleware - permission oriented authorizationref #8556
Temporarily fixed infinite loop while authenticating with Azure ADref #8556
Merged ad-auth with frontend
Initialized AD service infrastructure with test project
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