Revize 240d2e5b
Přidáno uživatelem Milan Hotovec před téměř 4 roky(ů)
src/Core/Infrastructure/Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence/Migrations/20210511102009_EditPercentile.Designer.cs | ||
1 |
// <auto-generated /> |
2 |
using System; |
3 |
using Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence; |
4 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
5 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; |
6 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata; |
7 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; |
8 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion; |
9 |
10 |
namespace Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence.Migrations |
11 |
{ |
12 |
[DbContext(typeof(LeuzeDbContext))] |
13 |
[Migration("20210511102009_EditPercentile")] |
14 |
partial class EditPercentile |
15 |
{ |
16 |
protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) |
17 |
{ |
18 |
#pragma warning disable 612, 618 |
19 |
modelBuilder |
20 |
.HasAnnotation("Relational:MaxIdentifierLength", 128) |
21 |
.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "5.0.4") |
22 |
.HasAnnotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityColumn); |
23 |
24 |
modelBuilder.Entity("ApplicationPermissionApplicationRole", b => |
25 |
{ |
26 |
b.Property<Guid>("PermissionsId") |
27 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
28 |
29 |
b.Property<Guid>("RolesId") |
30 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
31 |
32 |
b.HasKey("PermissionsId", "RolesId"); |
33 |
34 |
b.HasIndex("RolesId"); |
35 |
36 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Roles_Assigned_Permissions"); |
37 |
}); |
38 |
39 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationPermission", b => |
40 |
{ |
41 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
42 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
43 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
44 |
45 |
b.Property<string>("Module") |
46 |
.IsRequired() |
47 |
.HasMaxLength(512) |
48 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(512)"); |
49 |
50 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
51 |
.IsRequired() |
52 |
.HasMaxLength(512) |
53 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(512)"); |
54 |
55 |
b.Property<string>("Privilege") |
56 |
.IsRequired() |
57 |
.HasMaxLength(2048) |
58 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(2048)"); |
59 |
60 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
61 |
62 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Application_Permissions"); |
63 |
}); |
64 |
65 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRole", b => |
66 |
{ |
67 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
68 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
69 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
70 |
71 |
b.Property<string>("ConcurrencyStamp") |
72 |
.IsConcurrencyToken() |
73 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
74 |
75 |
b.Property<bool>("IsDefault") |
76 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
77 |
78 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
79 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
80 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
81 |
82 |
b.Property<string>("NormalizedName") |
83 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
84 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
85 |
86 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
87 |
88 |
b.HasIndex("NormalizedName") |
89 |
.IsUnique() |
90 |
.HasDatabaseName("RoleNameIndex") |
91 |
.HasFilter("[NormalizedName] IS NOT NULL"); |
92 |
93 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Roles"); |
94 |
}); |
95 |
96 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRoleClaim", b => |
97 |
{ |
98 |
b.Property<int>("Id") |
99 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
100 |
.HasColumnType("int") |
101 |
.HasAnnotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityColumn); |
102 |
103 |
b.Property<string>("ClaimType") |
104 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
105 |
106 |
b.Property<string>("ClaimValue") |
107 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
108 |
109 |
b.Property<Guid>("RoleId") |
110 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
111 |
112 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
113 |
114 |
b.HasIndex("RoleId"); |
115 |
116 |
b.ToTable("AspNetRoleClaims"); |
117 |
}); |
118 |
119 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", b => |
120 |
{ |
121 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
122 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
123 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
124 |
125 |
b.Property<int>("AccessFailedCount") |
126 |
.HasColumnType("int"); |
127 |
128 |
b.Property<string>("ConcurrencyStamp") |
129 |
.IsConcurrencyToken() |
130 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
131 |
132 |
b.Property<string>("Email") |
133 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
134 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
135 |
136 |
b.Property<bool>("EmailConfirmed") |
137 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
138 |
139 |
b.Property<bool>("IsAdUser") |
140 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
141 |
142 |
b.Property<bool>("LockoutEnabled") |
143 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
144 |
145 |
b.Property<DateTimeOffset?>("LockoutEnd") |
146 |
.HasColumnType("datetimeoffset"); |
147 |
148 |
b.Property<string>("NormalizedEmail") |
149 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
150 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
151 |
152 |
b.Property<string>("NormalizedUserName") |
153 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
154 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
155 |
156 |
b.Property<string>("PasswordHash") |
157 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
158 |
159 |
b.Property<string>("PhoneNumber") |
160 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
161 |
162 |
b.Property<bool>("PhoneNumberConfirmed") |
163 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
164 |
165 |
b.Property<string>("SecurityStamp") |
166 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
167 |
168 |
b.Property<bool>("TwoFactorEnabled") |
169 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
170 |
171 |
b.Property<string>("UserName") |
172 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
173 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
174 |
175 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
176 |
177 |
b.HasIndex("NormalizedEmail") |
178 |
.HasDatabaseName("EmailIndex"); |
179 |
180 |
b.HasIndex("NormalizedUserName") |
181 |
.IsUnique() |
182 |
.HasDatabaseName("UserNameIndex") |
183 |
.HasFilter("[NormalizedUserName] IS NOT NULL"); |
184 |
185 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Users"); |
186 |
}); |
187 |
188 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserClaim", b => |
189 |
{ |
190 |
b.Property<int>("Id") |
191 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
192 |
.HasColumnType("int") |
193 |
.HasAnnotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityColumn); |
194 |
195 |
b.Property<string>("ClaimType") |
196 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
197 |
198 |
b.Property<string>("ClaimValue") |
199 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
200 |
201 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
202 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
203 |
204 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
205 |
206 |
b.HasIndex("UserId"); |
207 |
208 |
b.ToTable("AspNetUserClaims"); |
209 |
}); |
210 |
211 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserLogin", b => |
212 |
{ |
213 |
b.Property<string>("LoginProvider") |
214 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(450)"); |
215 |
216 |
b.Property<string>("ProviderKey") |
217 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(450)"); |
218 |
219 |
b.Property<string>("ProviderDisplayName") |
220 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
221 |
222 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
223 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
224 |
225 |
b.HasKey("LoginProvider", "ProviderKey"); |
226 |
227 |
b.HasIndex("UserId"); |
228 |
229 |
b.ToTable("AspNetUserLogins"); |
230 |
}); |
231 |
232 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserRole", b => |
233 |
{ |
234 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
235 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
236 |
237 |
b.Property<Guid>("RoleId") |
238 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
239 |
240 |
b.HasKey("UserId", "RoleId"); |
241 |
242 |
b.HasIndex("RoleId"); |
243 |
244 |
b.ToTable("AspNetUserRoles"); |
245 |
}); |
246 |
247 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserToken", b => |
248 |
{ |
249 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
250 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
251 |
252 |
b.Property<string>("LoginProvider") |
253 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(450)"); |
254 |
255 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
256 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(450)"); |
257 |
258 |
b.Property<string>("Value") |
259 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
260 |
261 |
b.HasKey("UserId", "LoginProvider", "Name"); |
262 |
263 |
b.ToTable("AspNetUserTokens"); |
264 |
}); |
265 |
266 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", b => |
267 |
{ |
268 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
269 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
270 |
271 |
b.Property<Guid?>("SeniorUserId") |
272 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
273 |
274 |
b.HasKey("UserId"); |
275 |
276 |
b.HasIndex("SeniorUserId"); |
277 |
278 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
279 |
}); |
280 |
281 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.Comment", b => |
282 |
{ |
283 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
284 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
285 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
286 |
287 |
b.Property<Guid>("CreatorId") |
288 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
289 |
290 |
b.Property<Guid>("GoalId") |
291 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
292 |
293 |
b.Property<bool>("IsChanged") |
294 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
295 |
296 |
b.Property<bool>("IsPrivate") |
297 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
298 |
299 |
b.Property<string>("Text") |
300 |
.IsRequired() |
301 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
302 |
303 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
304 |
305 |
b.HasIndex("CreatorId"); |
306 |
307 |
b.HasIndex("GoalId"); |
308 |
309 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_Comments"); |
310 |
}); |
311 |
312 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalDefinition", b => |
313 |
{ |
314 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
315 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
316 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
317 |
318 |
b.Property<Guid>("CreatorId") |
319 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
320 |
321 |
b.Property<DateTime>("From") |
322 |
.HasColumnType("datetime2"); |
323 |
324 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
325 |
.IsRequired() |
326 |
.HasMaxLength(255) |
327 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(255)"); |
328 |
329 |
b.Property<Guid>("OwnerId") |
330 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
331 |
332 |
b.Property<bool>("OwnerLocked") |
333 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
334 |
335 |
b.Property<bool>("SupervisorLocked") |
336 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
337 |
338 |
b.Property<DateTime>("To") |
339 |
.HasColumnType("datetime2"); |
340 |
341 |
b.Property<decimal?>("Vari") |
342 |
.HasColumnType("decimal(18,2)"); |
343 |
344 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
345 |
346 |
b.HasIndex("CreatorId"); |
347 |
348 |
b.HasIndex("OwnerId"); |
349 |
350 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalDefinitions"); |
351 |
}); |
352 |
353 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", b => |
354 |
{ |
355 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
356 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
357 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
358 |
359 |
b.Property<Guid>("CreatorId") |
360 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
361 |
362 |
b.Property<string>("Description") |
363 |
.IsRequired() |
364 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
365 |
366 |
b.Property<Guid>("GoalDefinitionId") |
367 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
368 |
369 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
370 |
.IsRequired() |
371 |
.HasMaxLength(255) |
372 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(255)"); |
373 |
374 |
b.Property<decimal>("PercentileFinal") |
375 |
.HasColumnType("decimal(18,2)"); |
376 |
377 |
b.Property<decimal>("PercentileUser") |
378 |
.HasColumnType("decimal(18,2)"); |
379 |
380 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
381 |
382 |
b.HasIndex("CreatorId"); |
383 |
384 |
b.HasIndex("GoalDefinitionId"); |
385 |
386 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalItems"); |
387 |
}); |
388 |
389 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalUpdate", b => |
390 |
{ |
391 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
392 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
393 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
394 |
395 |
b.Property<Guid>("CreatorId") |
396 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
397 |
398 |
b.Property<Guid>("GoalId") |
399 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
400 |
401 |
b.Property<string>("NewValue") |
402 |
.IsRequired() |
403 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
404 |
405 |
b.Property<string>("OldValue") |
406 |
.IsRequired() |
407 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
408 |
409 |
b.Property<int>("UpdatedType") |
410 |
.HasColumnType("int"); |
411 |
412 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
413 |
414 |
b.HasIndex("CreatorId"); |
415 |
416 |
b.HasIndex("GoalId"); |
417 |
418 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalUpdates"); |
419 |
}); |
420 |
421 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.Review", b => |
422 |
{ |
423 |
b.Property<Guid>("Id") |
424 |
.ValueGeneratedOnAdd() |
425 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
426 |
427 |
b.Property<string>("CommentCreator") |
428 |
.IsRequired() |
429 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
430 |
431 |
b.Property<string>("CommentOwner") |
432 |
.IsRequired() |
433 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
434 |
435 |
b.Property<Guid>("CreatorId") |
436 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
437 |
438 |
b.Property<Guid>("GoalId") |
439 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
440 |
441 |
b.Property<bool>("IsFinal") |
442 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
443 |
444 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
445 |
446 |
b.HasIndex("CreatorId"); |
447 |
448 |
b.HasIndex("GoalId"); |
449 |
450 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_Reviews"); |
451 |
}); |
452 |
453 |
modelBuilder.Entity("ApplicationPermissionApplicationRole", b => |
454 |
{ |
455 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationPermission", null) |
456 |
.WithMany() |
457 |
.HasForeignKey("PermissionsId") |
458 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
459 |
.IsRequired(); |
460 |
461 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRole", null) |
462 |
.WithMany() |
463 |
.HasForeignKey("RolesId") |
464 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
465 |
.IsRequired(); |
466 |
}); |
467 |
468 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRoleClaim", b => |
469 |
{ |
470 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRole", null) |
471 |
.WithMany() |
472 |
.HasForeignKey("RoleId") |
473 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
474 |
.IsRequired(); |
475 |
}); |
476 |
477 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserClaim", b => |
478 |
{ |
479 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", null) |
480 |
.WithMany() |
481 |
.HasForeignKey("UserId") |
482 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
483 |
.IsRequired(); |
484 |
}); |
485 |
486 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserLogin", b => |
487 |
{ |
488 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", null) |
489 |
.WithMany() |
490 |
.HasForeignKey("UserId") |
491 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
492 |
.IsRequired(); |
493 |
}); |
494 |
495 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserRole", b => |
496 |
{ |
497 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationRole", "Role") |
498 |
.WithMany() |
499 |
.HasForeignKey("RoleId") |
500 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
501 |
.IsRequired(); |
502 |
503 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", "User") |
504 |
.WithMany() |
505 |
.HasForeignKey("UserId") |
506 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
507 |
.IsRequired(); |
508 |
509 |
b.Navigation("Role"); |
510 |
511 |
b.Navigation("User"); |
512 |
}); |
513 |
514 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUserToken", b => |
515 |
{ |
516 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", null) |
517 |
.WithMany() |
518 |
.HasForeignKey("UserId") |
519 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
520 |
.IsRequired(); |
521 |
}); |
522 |
523 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", b => |
524 |
{ |
525 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "SeniorUser") |
526 |
.WithMany("Juniors") |
527 |
.HasForeignKey("SeniorUserId"); |
528 |
529 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", "User") |
530 |
.WithOne() |
531 |
.HasForeignKey("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "UserId") |
532 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
533 |
.IsRequired(); |
534 |
535 |
b.OwnsOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Shared.ValueObjects.EmailAddress", "EmailAddress", b1 => |
536 |
{ |
537 |
b1.Property<Guid>("DomainUserUserId") |
538 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
539 |
540 |
b1.Property<string>("Email") |
541 |
.IsRequired() |
542 |
.HasMaxLength(512) |
543 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(512)"); |
544 |
545 |
b1.HasKey("DomainUserUserId"); |
546 |
547 |
b1.ToTable("Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
548 |
549 |
b1.WithOwner() |
550 |
.HasForeignKey("DomainUserUserId"); |
551 |
}); |
552 |
553 |
b.OwnsOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Shared.ValueObjects.PersonFullName", "Name", b1 => |
554 |
{ |
555 |
b1.Property<Guid>("DomainUserUserId") |
556 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
557 |
558 |
b1.Property<string>("FullName") |
559 |
.IsRequired() |
560 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
561 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
562 |
563 |
b1.HasKey("DomainUserUserId"); |
564 |
565 |
b1.ToTable("Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
566 |
567 |
b1.WithOwner() |
568 |
.HasForeignKey("DomainUserUserId"); |
569 |
}); |
570 |
571 |
b.Navigation("EmailAddress") |
572 |
.IsRequired(); |
573 |
574 |
b.Navigation("Name") |
575 |
.IsRequired(); |
576 |
577 |
b.Navigation("SeniorUser"); |
578 |
579 |
b.Navigation("User"); |
580 |
}); |
581 |
582 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.Comment", b => |
583 |
{ |
584 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Creator") |
585 |
.WithMany() |
586 |
.HasForeignKey("CreatorId") |
587 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
588 |
.IsRequired(); |
589 |
590 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", "Goal") |
591 |
.WithMany("Comments") |
592 |
.HasForeignKey("GoalId") |
593 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
594 |
.IsRequired(); |
595 |
596 |
b.Navigation("Creator"); |
597 |
598 |
b.Navigation("Goal"); |
599 |
}); |
600 |
601 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalDefinition", b => |
602 |
{ |
603 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Creator") |
604 |
.WithMany() |
605 |
.HasForeignKey("CreatorId") |
606 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
607 |
.IsRequired(); |
608 |
609 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Owner") |
610 |
.WithMany() |
611 |
.HasForeignKey("OwnerId") |
612 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
613 |
.IsRequired(); |
614 |
615 |
b.Navigation("Creator"); |
616 |
617 |
b.Navigation("Owner"); |
618 |
}); |
619 |
620 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", b => |
621 |
{ |
622 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Creator") |
623 |
.WithMany() |
624 |
.HasForeignKey("CreatorId") |
625 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
626 |
.IsRequired(); |
627 |
628 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalDefinition", "GoalDefinition") |
629 |
.WithMany("Goals") |
630 |
.HasForeignKey("GoalDefinitionId") |
631 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
632 |
.IsRequired(); |
633 |
634 |
b.Navigation("Creator"); |
635 |
636 |
b.Navigation("GoalDefinition"); |
637 |
}); |
638 |
639 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalUpdate", b => |
640 |
{ |
641 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Creator") |
642 |
.WithMany() |
643 |
.HasForeignKey("CreatorId") |
644 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
645 |
.IsRequired(); |
646 |
647 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", "Goal") |
648 |
.WithMany("Updates") |
649 |
.HasForeignKey("GoalId") |
650 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
651 |
.IsRequired(); |
652 |
653 |
b.Navigation("Creator"); |
654 |
655 |
b.Navigation("Goal"); |
656 |
}); |
657 |
658 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.Review", b => |
659 |
{ |
660 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "Creator") |
661 |
.WithMany() |
662 |
.HasForeignKey("CreatorId") |
663 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
664 |
.IsRequired(); |
665 |
666 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", "Goal") |
667 |
.WithMany("Reviews") |
668 |
.HasForeignKey("GoalId") |
669 |
.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) |
670 |
.IsRequired(); |
671 |
672 |
b.Navigation("Creator"); |
673 |
674 |
b.Navigation("Goal"); |
675 |
}); |
676 |
677 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", b => |
678 |
{ |
679 |
b.Navigation("Juniors"); |
680 |
}); |
681 |
682 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalDefinition", b => |
683 |
{ |
684 |
b.Navigation("Goals"); |
685 |
}); |
686 |
687 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalItem", b => |
688 |
{ |
689 |
b.Navigation("Comments"); |
690 |
691 |
b.Navigation("Reviews"); |
692 |
693 |
b.Navigation("Updates"); |
694 |
}); |
695 |
#pragma warning restore 612, 618 |
696 |
} |
697 |
} |
698 |
} |
src/Core/Infrastructure/Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence/Migrations/20210511102009_EditPercentile.cs | ||
1 |
using System; |
2 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; |
3 |
4 |
namespace Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence.Migrations |
5 |
{ |
6 |
public partial class EditPercentile : Migration |
7 |
{ |
8 |
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
9 |
{ |
10 |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<bool>( |
11 |
name: "IsDefault", |
12 |
table: "Leuze_Roles", |
13 |
type: "bit", |
14 |
nullable: false, |
15 |
defaultValue: false); |
16 |
17 |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<decimal>( |
18 |
name: "PercentileUser", |
19 |
table: "Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalItems", |
20 |
type: "decimal(18,2)", |
21 |
nullable: false, |
22 |
oldClrType: typeof(int), |
23 |
oldType: "int"); |
24 |
25 |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<decimal>( |
26 |
name: "PercentileFinal", |
27 |
table: "Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalItems", |
28 |
type: "decimal(18,2)", |
29 |
nullable: false, |
30 |
oldClrType: typeof(int), |
31 |
oldType: "int"); |
32 |
33 |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<Guid>( |
34 |
name: "SeniorUserId", |
35 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users", |
36 |
type: "uniqueidentifier", |
37 |
nullable: true); |
38 |
39 |
migrationBuilder.CreateIndex( |
40 |
name: "IX_Leuze_Domain_Users_SeniorUserId", |
41 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users", |
42 |
column: "SeniorUserId"); |
43 |
44 |
migrationBuilder.AddForeignKey( |
45 |
name: "FK_Leuze_Domain_Users_Leuze_Domain_Users_SeniorUserId", |
46 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users", |
47 |
column: "SeniorUserId", |
48 |
principalTable: "Leuze_Domain_Users", |
49 |
principalColumn: "UserId", |
50 |
onDelete: ReferentialAction.Restrict); |
51 |
} |
52 |
53 |
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
54 |
{ |
55 |
migrationBuilder.DropForeignKey( |
56 |
name: "FK_Leuze_Domain_Users_Leuze_Domain_Users_SeniorUserId", |
57 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
58 |
59 |
migrationBuilder.DropIndex( |
60 |
name: "IX_Leuze_Domain_Users_SeniorUserId", |
61 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
62 |
63 |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
64 |
name: "IsDefault", |
65 |
table: "Leuze_Roles"); |
66 |
67 |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
68 |
name: "SeniorUserId", |
69 |
table: "Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
70 |
71 |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<int>( |
72 |
name: "PercentileUser", |
73 |
table: "Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalItems", |
74 |
type: "int", |
75 |
nullable: false, |
76 |
oldClrType: typeof(decimal), |
77 |
oldType: "decimal(18,2)"); |
78 |
79 |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<int>( |
80 |
name: "PercentileFinal", |
81 |
table: "Leuze_Modules_Goal_Domain_GoalItems", |
82 |
type: "int", |
83 |
nullable: false, |
84 |
oldClrType: typeof(decimal), |
85 |
oldType: "decimal(18,2)"); |
86 |
} |
87 |
} |
88 |
} |
src/Core/Infrastructure/Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence/Migrations/LeuzeDbContextModelSnapshot.cs | ||
70 | 70 |
.IsConcurrencyToken() |
71 | 71 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)"); |
72 | 72 |
73 |
b.Property<bool>("IsDefault") |
74 |
.HasColumnType("bit"); |
75 |
73 | 76 |
b.Property<string>("Name") |
74 | 77 |
.HasMaxLength(256) |
75 | 78 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(256)"); |
... | ... | |
263 | 266 |
b.Property<Guid>("UserId") |
264 | 267 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
265 | 268 |
269 |
b.Property<Guid?>("SeniorUserId") |
270 |
.HasColumnType("uniqueidentifier"); |
271 |
266 | 272 |
b.HasKey("UserId"); |
267 | 273 |
274 |
b.HasIndex("SeniorUserId"); |
275 |
268 | 276 |
b.ToTable("Leuze_Domain_Users"); |
269 | 277 |
}); |
270 | 278 |
... | ... | |
361 | 369 |
.HasMaxLength(255) |
362 | 370 |
.HasColumnType("nvarchar(255)"); |
363 | 371 |
364 |
365 |
372 |
373 |
366 | 374 |
367 |
368 |
375 |
376 |
369 | 377 |
370 | 378 |
b.HasKey("Id"); |
371 | 379 |
... | ... | |
512 | 520 |
513 | 521 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", b => |
514 | 522 |
{ |
523 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "SeniorUser") |
524 |
.WithMany("Juniors") |
525 |
.HasForeignKey("SeniorUserId"); |
526 |
515 | 527 |
b.HasOne("Leuze.Core.Application.Identity.ApplicationUser", "User") |
516 | 528 |
.WithOne() |
517 | 529 |
.HasForeignKey("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", "UserId") |
... | ... | |
560 | 572 |
b.Navigation("Name") |
561 | 573 |
.IsRequired(); |
562 | 574 |
575 |
b.Navigation("SeniorUser"); |
576 |
563 | 577 |
b.Navigation("User"); |
564 | 578 |
}); |
565 | 579 |
... | ... | |
658 | 672 |
b.Navigation("Goal"); |
659 | 673 |
}); |
660 | 674 |
675 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users.DomainUser", b => |
676 |
{ |
677 |
b.Navigation("Juniors"); |
678 |
}); |
679 |
661 | 680 |
modelBuilder.Entity("Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains.GoalDefinition", b => |
662 | 681 |
{ |
663 | 682 |
b.Navigation("Goals"); |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI/Pages/Components/CreateGoalAside.razor | ||
1 |
1 |
@inject IMediator _mediator |
2 |
@inject IToastService toastService |
3 |
2 | 4 |
<aside class="@_aside review_detail"> |
3 | 5 |
<div class="review_detail_header"> |
4 | 6 |
<div>Vytvořit nový cíl</div> |
... | ... | |
10 | 12 |
</div> |
11 | 13 |
<div class="review_detail_body"> |
12 | 14 |
<div class="review_description_title">Název cíle</div> |
13 |
<input type="text" /> |
15 |
<input type="text" @bind-value="Name" />
14 | 16 |
<div class="review_description_title">Popis cíle</div> |
15 |
17 |
<textarea @oninput="(item) => Description = item.Value.ToString()">@Description</textarea>
16 | 18 |
</div> |
17 | 19 |
<div class="review_detail_footer"> |
18 |
<button>Vytvořit</button> |
20 |
<button @onclick="Create">Vytvořit</button>
19 | 21 |
<button>Zrušit</button> |
20 | 22 |
</div> |
21 | 23 |
</aside> |
... | ... | |
123 | 125 |
124 | 126 |
private string _aside; |
125 | 127 |
128 |
public string Name { get; set; } |
129 |
130 |
public string Description { get; set; } |
131 |
126 | 132 |
[Parameter] |
127 | 133 |
public bool Show { get; set; } = false; |
128 | 134 |
135 |
[Parameter] |
136 |
public Guid DefinitionId { get; set; } = default; |
137 |
129 | 138 |
[Parameter] |
130 | 139 |
public EventCallback CloseAside { get; set; } |
131 | 140 |
141 |
[Parameter] |
142 |
public EventCallback LoadGoalsInDefinitionView { get; set; } |
143 |
144 |
private async Task Create() |
145 |
{ |
146 |
var response = await _mediator.Send(new CreateGoal.Command(DefinitionId, Name, Description)); |
147 |
148 |
if (response.IsSuccess) |
149 |
{ |
150 |
toastService.ShowSuccess("Cíl úspěšně vytvořen"); |
151 |
await LoadGoalsInDefinitionView.InvokeAsync(); |
152 |
} |
153 |
else toastService.ShowError("Cíl se nepodařilo vytvořit"); |
154 |
155 |
await Close(); |
156 |
} |
157 |
132 | 158 |
private async Task Close() |
133 | 159 |
{ |
134 | 160 |
//ResetValues(); |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI/Pages/Components/GoalDetailAside.razor | ||
1 |
1 |
@inject IMediator _mediator |
2 |
2 | 3 |
<aside class="@_aside goal_detail"> |
3 | 4 |
<div class="goal_detail_header"> |
4 | 5 |
<div> |
... | ... | |
22 | 23 |
</div> |
23 | 24 |
<div class="goal_detail_body"> |
24 | 25 |
<div class="goal_detail_area"> |
25 |
<input class="goal_name" type="text" placeholder="Zadejte název cíle" /> |
26 |
<input class="goal_name" type="text" placeholder="Zadejte název cíle" value="@DetailItem.Name" />
26 | 27 |
<div class="goal_description_title">Popis cíle</div> |
27 | 28 |
<textarea oninput=' = ""; = this.scrollHeight + "px"' |
28 |
class="goal_description" placeholder="Vyplňte popis cíle"></textarea> |
29 |
class="goal_description" placeholder="Vyplňte popis cíle">@DetailItem.Description</textarea>
29 | 30 |
</div> |
30 | 31 |
<div class="goal_communication_area"> |
31 | 32 |
<div class="goal_communication_item"> |
... | ... | |
325 | 326 |
[Parameter] |
326 | 327 |
public bool Show { get; set; } = false; |
327 | 328 |
329 |
private Guid _detailId; |
330 |
[Parameter] |
331 |
public Guid DetailId |
332 |
{ |
333 |
get { return _detailId; } |
334 |
set |
335 |
{ |
336 |
_detailId = value; |
337 |
GetDetails().Wait(); |
338 |
} |
339 |
} |
340 |
328 | 341 |
[Parameter] |
329 |
public Guid DetailId { get; set; } = default;
342 |
public GoalItem DetailItem { get; set; } = GoalItem.Default();
330 | 343 |
331 | 344 |
[Parameter] |
332 | 345 |
public EventCallback CloseAside { get; set; } |
... | ... | |
337 | 350 |
338 | 351 |
public void CloseReview() => ReviewId = default(Guid); |
339 | 352 |
353 |
private async Task GetDetails() |
354 |
{ |
355 |
var response = await _mediator.Send(new GetGoalById.Query(DetailId)); |
356 |
357 |
if (response.IsSuccess) |
358 |
{ |
359 |
DetailItem = response.Result.item; |
360 |
} |
361 |
} |
362 |
340 | 363 |
private async Task Close() |
341 | 364 |
{ |
342 | 365 |
//ResetValues(); |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI/Pages/GoalDefinitionDetail.razor | ||
1 |
@page "/goals/detail/{id}" |
1 |
@page "/goals/detail/{Id:guid}"
2 | 2 |
@attribute [Authorize] |
3 | 3 |
@layout MainLayout |
4 | 4 |
@inject IMediator _mediator |
... | ... | |
24 | 24 |
<tr> |
25 | 25 |
<th>Název</th> |
26 | 26 |
<th>Vytvořil</th> |
27 |
<th>Datum vytvoření</th> |
28 | 27 |
<th>Hodnocení uživatel</th> |
29 | 28 |
<th>Hodnocení nadřízený</th> |
30 | 29 |
<th>Akce</th> |
... | ... | |
32 | 31 |
@foreach (var range in Goals) |
33 | 32 |
{ |
34 | 33 |
<tr> |
35 |
<td>Název cíle</td> |
36 |
<td>David Vytvořílek</td> |
37 |
<td>3.5.2021</td> |
38 |
<td>80%</td> |
39 |
<td>150%</td> |
34 |
<td>@range.Name</td> |
35 |
<td>@range.Creator.Name</td> |
36 |
<td>@range.PercentileUser</td> |
37 |
<td>@range.PercentileFinal</td> |
40 | 38 |
<td> |
41 | 39 |
<div class="flex"> |
42 | 40 |
<div></div> |
43 |
<div @onclick='() => SetDetailId(Guid.NewGuid())'>
41 |
<div @onclick='() => SetDetailId(range.Id)'>
44 | 42 |
<i class="fal fa-eye"></i> |
45 | 43 |
Otevřít |
46 | 44 |
</div> |
... | ... | |
56 | 54 |
} |
57 | 55 |
58 | 56 |
<Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI.Pages.Components.GoalDetailAside Show="DetailId != default(Guid)" DetailId="DetailId" CloseAside="CloseDetailAside" /> |
59 |
<Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI.Pages.Components.CreateGoalAside Show="ShowCreate" CloseAside="CloseCreateAside" />
57 |
<Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI.Pages.Components.CreateGoalAside Show="ShowCreate" DefinitionId="Id" CloseAside="CloseCreateAside" LoadGoalsInDefinitionView="GetGoals" />
60 | 58 |
61 | 59 |
<BlazorStyled.Styled> |
62 | 60 |
.section_header { |
... | ... | |
161 | 159 |
@code { |
162 | 160 |
163 | 161 |
[Parameter] |
164 |
public string Id { get; set; }
162 |
public Guid Id { get; set; }
165 | 163 |
166 |
public List<Guid> Goals { get; set; } = new() { Guid.NewGuid() };
164 |
public List<GoalItem> Goals { get; set; } = new();
167 | 165 |
168 | 166 |
public Guid DetailId { get; set; } = default(Guid); |
169 | 167 |
... | ... | |
177 | 175 |
178 | 176 |
private void CloseCreateAside() => ShowCreate = false; |
179 | 177 |
178 |
private async Task GetGoals() |
179 |
{ |
180 |
var response = await _mediator.Send(new GetGoalsForDefinition.Query(Id)); |
181 |
182 |
if (response.IsSuccess) |
183 |
{ |
184 |
Goals = response.Result.list; |
185 |
} |
186 |
} |
187 |
188 |
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() |
189 |
{ |
190 |
await base.OnInitializedAsync(); |
191 |
await GetGoals(); |
192 |
} |
193 |
180 | 194 |
181 | 195 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI/Pages/MyGoalDefinition.razor | ||
18 | 18 |
@foreach (var range in Definitions) |
19 | 19 |
{ |
20 | 20 |
<tr> |
21 |
<td>Název definice</td>
22 |
<td>David Vytvořílek</td>
21 |
22 |
23 | 23 |
<td> |
24 | 24 |
<div class="flex"> |
25 | 25 |
<div></div> |
26 |
<div @onclick='() => _nav.NavigateTo("/goals/detail/test")'>
26 |
<div @onclick='() => _nav.NavigateTo($"/goals/detail/{range.Id}")'>
27 | 27 |
<i class="fal fa-eye"></i> |
28 | 28 |
Otevřít |
29 | 29 |
</div> |
... | ... | |
113 | 113 |
114 | 114 |
@code { |
115 | 115 |
116 |
public List<Guid> Definitions { get; set; } = new() { Guid.NewGuid() };
116 |
public List<GoalDefinition> Definitions { get; set; } = new();
117 | 117 |
118 | 118 |
public Guid DetailId { get; set; } = default(Guid); |
119 | 119 |
... | ... | |
133 | 133 |
134 | 134 |
private void CloseCreateAside() => ShowCreate = false; |
135 | 135 |
136 |
private async Task GetMyDefinitions() |
137 |
{ |
138 |
var response = await _mediator.Send(new GetMyGoalDefinitions.Query()); |
139 |
140 |
if (response.IsSuccess) |
141 |
{ |
142 |
Definitions = response.Result.list; |
143 |
} |
144 |
} |
145 |
146 |
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() |
147 |
{ |
148 |
await base.OnInitializedAsync(); |
149 |
await GetMyDefinitions(); |
150 |
} |
151 |
136 | 152 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.UI/_Imports.razor | ||
23 | 23 |
@using Leuze.Core.Application.CQRS.Roles.Queries |
24 | 24 |
@using Blazored.Toast |
25 | 25 |
@using Blazored.Toast.Services |
26 |
@using Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users |
26 |
@using Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users |
27 |
@using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.CQRS.Goals.Commands |
28 |
@using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.CQRS.Goals.Queries |
29 |
@using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.CQRS.GoalDefinitions.Queries |
30 |
@using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application/CQRS/GoalDefinitions/Queries/GetMyGoalDefinitions.cs | ||
1 |
using Leuze.Core.Application.CQRS; |
2 |
using Leuze.Core.Domain.Repositories; |
3 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains; |
4 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Repositories; |
5 |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization; |
6 |
using System; |
7 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
8 |
using System.Linq; |
9 |
using System.Security.Claims; |
10 |
using System.Text; |
11 |
using System.Threading; |
12 |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
13 |
14 |
namespace Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.CQRS.GoalDefinitions.Queries |
15 |
{ |
16 |
public static class GetMyGoalDefinitions |
17 |
{ |
18 |
public record Query() : IBaseRequest<Response>; |
19 |
20 |
public record Response(List<GoalDefinition> list); |
21 |
22 |
23 |
public class Handler : IBaseRequestHandler<Query, Response> |
24 |
{ |
25 |
private readonly IGoalDefinitionRepository _goalDefinitionRepo; |
26 |
private readonly AuthenticationStateProvider _authenticationStateProvider; |
27 |
private readonly IDomainUserRepository _domainUserRepository; |
28 |
29 |
public Handler(IGoalDefinitionRepository goalDefinitionRepo, |
30 |
AuthenticationStateProvider authenticationStateProvider, IDomainUserRepository domainUserRepository) |
31 |
{ |
32 |
_goalDefinitionRepo = goalDefinitionRepo; |
33 |
_authenticationStateProvider = authenticationStateProvider; |
34 |
_domainUserRepository = domainUserRepository; |
35 |
} |
36 |
37 |
public async Task<RequestResponse<Response>> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
38 |
{ |
39 |
var state = await _authenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync(); |
40 |
var id = Guid.Parse(state.User!.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)!.Value); |
41 |
var goalDefs = await _goalDefinitionRepo.GetAllForUserAsync(id); |
42 |
43 |
if (goalDefs == null) |
44 |
{ |
45 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateErrorResponse($"Goal definitions for user: {id} not found!"); |
46 |
} |
47 |
48 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateSuccessResponse(new(goalDefs)); |
49 |
} |
50 |
} |
51 |
} |
52 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application/CQRS/Goals/Queries/GetGoalById.cs | ||
15 | 15 |
{ |
16 | 16 |
public static class GetGoalById |
17 | 17 |
{ |
18 |
public record Command(Guid GoalDefinitionId, string Name, string Description) : IBaseRequest<Response>;
18 |
public record Query(Guid goalId) : IBaseRequest<Response>;
19 | 19 |
20 | 20 |
public record Response(GoalItem item); |
21 | 21 |
22 | 22 |
23 |
public class Handler : IBaseRequestHandler<Command, Response>
23 |
public class Handler : IBaseRequestHandler<Query, Response>
24 | 24 |
{ |
25 | 25 |
private readonly IGoalItemRepository _goalItemRepo; |
26 |
private readonly IGoalDefinitionRepository _goalDefinitionRepo; |
27 |
private readonly AuthenticationStateProvider _authenticationStateProvider; |
28 |
private readonly IDomainUserRepository _domainUserRepo; |
29 | 26 |
30 |
public Handler(IGoalItemRepository goalItemRepo, IGoalDefinitionRepository goalDefinitionRepo, AuthenticationStateProvider authStateProvider, IDomainUserRepository domainUserRepo)
27 |
public Handler(IGoalItemRepository goalItemRepo) |
31 | 28 |
{ |
32 | 29 |
_goalItemRepo = goalItemRepo; |
33 |
_goalDefinitionRepo = goalDefinitionRepo; |
34 |
_authenticationStateProvider = authStateProvider; |
35 |
_domainUserRepo = domainUserRepo; |
36 | 30 |
} |
37 | 31 |
38 |
public async Task<RequestResponse<Response>> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
32 |
public async Task<RequestResponse<Response>> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
39 | 33 |
{ |
40 |
//TODO: user muze byt null, ale to my nechceme!!! |
41 |
var state = await _authenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync(); |
42 |
var id = Guid.Parse(state.User!.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)!.Value); |
43 |
var user = await _domainUserRepo.GetByIdAsync(id); |
44 |
var goalDef = await _goalDefinitionRepo.GetByIdAsync(request.GoalDefinitionId); |
34 |
var goal = await _goalItemRepo.GetByIdAsync(request.goalId); |
45 | 35 |
46 |
if(goalDef == null)
36 |
if(goal == null) |
47 | 37 |
{ |
48 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateErrorResponse($"Goal definition with id: {request.GoalDefinitionId} not found!");
38 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateErrorResponse($"Goal with id: {request.goalId} not found!");
49 | 39 |
} |
50 | 40 |
51 |
GoalItem item = new(goalDef, user, request.Name, request.Description); |
52 |
53 |
await _goalItemRepo.AddAsync(item); |
54 |
55 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateSuccessResponse(new(item)); |
41 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateSuccessResponse(new(goal)); |
56 | 42 |
} |
57 | 43 |
} |
58 | 44 |
src/Modules/Goal/Application/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application/CQRS/Goals/Queries/GetGoalsForDefinition.cs | ||
1 |
using Leuze.Core.Application.CQRS; |
2 |
using Leuze.Core.Domain.Repositories; |
3 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains; |
4 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Repositories; |
5 |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization; |
6 |
using System; |
7 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
8 |
using System.Linq; |
9 |
using System.Security.Claims; |
10 |
using System.Text; |
11 |
using System.Threading; |
12 |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
13 |
14 |
namespace Leuze.Modules.Goal.Application.CQRS.Goals.Queries |
15 |
{ |
16 |
public static class GetGoalsForDefinition |
17 |
{ |
18 |
public record Query(Guid goalDefinition) : IBaseRequest<Response>; |
19 |
20 |
public record Response(List<GoalItem> list); |
21 |
22 |
23 |
public class Handler : IBaseRequestHandler<Query, Response> |
24 |
{ |
25 |
private readonly IGoalItemRepository _goalItemRepo; |
26 |
private readonly AuthenticationStateProvider _authenticationStateProvider; |
27 |
private readonly IDomainUserRepository _domainUserRepository; |
28 |
29 |
public Handler(IGoalItemRepository goalItemRepo, |
30 |
AuthenticationStateProvider authenticationStateProvider, IDomainUserRepository domainUserRepository) |
31 |
{ |
32 |
_goalItemRepo = goalItemRepo; |
33 |
_authenticationStateProvider = authenticationStateProvider; |
34 |
_domainUserRepository = domainUserRepository; |
35 |
} |
36 |
37 |
public async Task<RequestResponse<Response>> Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
38 |
{ |
39 |
var state = await _authenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync(); |
40 |
var id = Guid.Parse(state.User!.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)!.Value); |
41 |
var goals = await _goalItemRepo.GetAllForUserDefinitionAsync(request.goalDefinition); |
42 |
43 |
if (goals == null) |
44 |
{ |
45 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateErrorResponse($"Goals for definition: {request.goalDefinition} not found!"); |
46 |
} |
47 |
48 |
return RequestResponse<Response>.CreateSuccessResponse(new(goals)); |
49 |
} |
50 |
} |
51 |
} |
52 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Domain/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain/Domains/GoalDefinition.cs | ||
39 | 39 |
public bool SupervisorLocked { get; private set; } |
40 | 40 |
public decimal? Vari { get; private set; } |
41 | 41 |
42 |
private List<GoalItem> _goals { get; set; }
42 |
private List<GoalItem> _goals = new List<GoalItem>();
43 | 43 |
public IReadOnlyList<GoalItem> Goals => _goals.AsReadOnly(); |
44 | 44 |
45 | 45 |
public void SetName(string name) |
src/Modules/Goal/Domain/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain/Domains/GoalItem.cs | ||
25 | 25 |
this.Description = description; |
26 | 26 |
} |
27 | 27 |
28 |
public static GoalItem Default() |
29 |
{ |
30 |
GoalItem item = new GoalItem(); |
31 |
return item; |
32 |
} |
33 |
28 | 34 |
public Guid Id { get; private set; } |
29 | 35 |
public GoalDefinition GoalDefinition { get; private set; } |
30 | 36 |
public Guid GoalDefinitionId { get; private set; } |
... | ... | |
35 | 41 |
public decimal PercentileUser { get; private set; } |
36 | 42 |
public decimal PercentileFinal { get; private set; } |
37 | 43 |
38 |
private List<Comment> _comments { get; set; }
44 |
private List<Comment> _comments = new();
39 | 45 |
public IReadOnlyList<Comment> Comments => _comments.AsReadOnly(); |
40 | 46 |
41 |
private List<GoalUpdate> _updates { get; set; }
47 |
private List<GoalUpdate> _updates = new();
42 | 48 |
public IReadOnlyList<GoalUpdate> Updates => _updates.AsReadOnly(); |
43 | 49 |
44 |
private List<Review> _reviews { get; set; }
50 |
private List<Review> _reviews = new();
45 | 51 |
public IReadOnlyList<Review> Reviews => _reviews.AsReadOnly(); |
46 | 52 |
47 | 53 |
public void SetName(string name) |
src/Modules/Goal/Infrastructure/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence/DependencyInjection.cs | ||
1 | 1 |
using ExtCore.Infrastructure.Actions; |
2 |
using Leuze.Core.Application.Configuration; |
3 |
using Leuze.Core.Domain.Domains.Users; |
4 |
using Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence; |
5 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains; |
2 | 6 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence.Extensions; |
3 | 7 |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; |
4 | 8 |
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; |
9 |
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; |
5 | 10 |
using System; |
11 |
using System.Linq; |
6 | 12 |
7 | 13 |
namespace Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence |
8 | 14 |
{ |
... | ... | |
44 | 50 |
/// <param name="serviceProvider"></param> |
45 | 51 |
public void Execute(IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) |
46 | 52 |
{ |
53 |
using (var serviceScope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) |
54 |
{ |
55 |
var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<LeuzeDbContext>(); |
56 |
var appSettings = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<AppSettings>>().Value; |
47 | 57 |
58 |
var user = context.Set<DomainUser>().Where(item => item.EmailAddress.Email == "").FirstOrDefault(); |
59 |
GoalDefinition gd = new GoalDefinition(user, user, "Test Goal definition", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(10)); |
60 |
context.Add(gd); |
61 |
context.SaveChanges(); |
62 |
} |
48 | 63 |
} |
49 | 64 |
} |
50 | 65 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Infrastructure/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence/Extensions/RepositoriesExtension.cs | ||
20 | 20 |
services.AddTransient<IGoalItemRepository,GoalItemRepository>(); |
21 | 21 |
services.AddTransient<IGoalUpdateRepository,GoalUpdateRepository>(); |
22 | 22 |
services.AddTransient<IReviewRepository,ReviewRepository>(); |
23 |
24 |
23 | 25 |
} |
24 | 26 |
25 | 27 |
} |
src/Modules/Goal/Infrastructure/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence/Repositories/GoalDefinitionRepository.cs | ||
40 | 40 |
41 | 41 |
public async Task<List<GoalDefinition>> GetAllForUserAsync(Guid userId) |
42 | 42 |
{ |
43 |
return await dbSet.Where(item => item.OwnerId == userId).ToListAsync(); |
43 |
return await dbSet.Include(item => item.Creator).Where(item => item.OwnerId == userId).ToListAsync();
44 | 44 |
} |
45 | 45 |
46 | 46 |
public async Task<List<GoalDefinition>> GetAllAsync() |
src/Modules/Goal/Infrastructure/Leuze.Modules.Goal.Infrastructure.Persistence/Repositories/GoalItemRepository.cs | ||
3 | 3 |
using Leuze.Core.Infrastructure.Persistence; |
4 | 4 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Domains; |
5 | 5 |
using Leuze.Modules.Goal.Domain.Repositories; |
6 |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
6 | 7 |
using System; |
7 | 8 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
8 | 9 |
using System.Linq; |
... | ... | |
42 | 43 |
43 | 44 |
public async Task<List<GoalItem>> GetAllForUserDefinitionAsync(Guid definitionId) |
44 | 45 |
{ |
45 |
return dbSet.Where(item => item.GoalDefinitionId == definitionId).ToList(); //TODO: await??
46 |
return await dbSet.Include(item => item.Creator).Where(item => item.GoalDefinitionId == definitionId).ToListAsync();
46 | 47 |
} |
47 | 48 |
48 | 49 |
public async Task<List<GoalItem>> GetAllAsync() |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Goals initial connected