Implementatio of SMTP and SendGrid email services, email templating, base template value object
Merge branch 'dev' into email-service
Resolving merge conflict
User filtration for Goal Definitions
Added senior name to DTO
Updated UserShortDto, methods in DomainUserRepository for fetching users with different roles, UI fixes
Language changing, better log out, buttons looking
Bug and UI fixes, removing areas, definitions and goals, authorize view restrictions
Fixed GetUsersList merge issue
Resolved merge conflicts
UI changes, dashboard graphs and filters draft
Language mutations and some other fixes
Added language mutations supportrefs #8895 @0.15h
Changed the code so it is easier to test and rewrited some tests
Merge branch 'goals-fe' into 'goal-module-commands'
Goals fe
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!13
Completed data layer with migrations. With flags
Fixed FontAwesome issuerefs #8895 @0.1h
Goals initial connected
Fixed some UI bugs, finished minor components, basic actionsrefs #8895 @0.15hod
Basic skeleton of goals fe pagesrefs #8725 @1.2548h
Merge branch 'users' into 'dev'
Bug fixes, creating and updating user, role seed
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021bc304crew!7
Added application role and user seed, users list and create/update bug fixes
Bug fixes, creating and updating user, role seedrefs #8763 @0.5h
Added migration for goalsrefs #8555@testFull
Removed unused Azure AD project, updated identity core, custom authorization middleware - permission oriented authorizationref #8556
Temporarily fixed infinite loop while authenticating with Azure ADref #8556
Merged ad-auth with frontend
Initialized AD service infrastructure with test project
menu, loginref #8423
Initialized email service provider with test project
Initial project structure commit