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Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
9e9e8d67 2020-05-28 16:29 Michal Linha

re #7885 added SUM and ability to work with multiple values and sorted parameters in configuration, optimization

e8bf26d1 2020-05-23 13:03 Michal Linha

Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into enhancement/7885

48131bf6 2020-05-23 12:55 Michal Linha

re #7885 changes in table generation and COUNT

403c9955 2020-05-21 13:59 Michal Linha

re #7885 basic contingency table generation (not completely finished)

78a2184f 2020-05-21 06:20 Jan Čarnogurský

re #8102 - indication submit button in post

8db0bbf6 2020-05-20 04:03 Vojtěch Danišík

re #8103 Error text in assembly validation is now valid (not null).

5a4cdc03 2020-05-20 03:55 Vojtěch Danišík

re #8046 Assembly order does not change after assembly edit.

36a626d9 2020-05-07 19:29 Jan Čarnogurský

re #8026 - save order to selected parameters in assembly (frontend)

1c69708b 2020-05-07 13:42 Michal Linha

re #8025 added ability for admin to see and access all assemblies, added functionality that only visible assemblies load to users

6b630778 2020-05-06 11:39 Vojtěch Danišík

ID for assembly and configuration in /assembly, /configuration, /assembly_edit is now as RequestedParam instead of ModelAttribute.

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