1 |
2 |
"Commands:": "Opdrachten:",
3 |
"Options:": "Opties:",
4 |
"Examples:": "Voorbeelden:",
5 |
"boolean": "boolean",
6 |
"count": "aantal",
7 |
"string": "text",
8 |
"number": "nummer",
9 |
"array": "lijst",
10 |
"required": "verplicht",
11 |
"default:": "standaard:",
12 |
"choices:": "keuzes:",
13 |
"aliases:": "aliassen:",
14 |
"generated-value": "gegenereerde waarde",
15 |
"Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s": "Niet genoeg non-optie argumenten. Gekregen: %s, minstens nodig: %s",
16 |
"Too many non-option arguments: got %s, maximum of %s": "Te veel non-optie argumenten. Gekregen: %s, maximum: %s",
17 |
"Missing argument value: %s": {
18 |
"one": "Missing argument value: %s",
19 |
"other": "Missing argument values: %s"
20 |
21 |
"Missing required argument: %s": {
22 |
"one": "Missend verplichte argument: %s",
23 |
"other": "Missende verplichte argumenten: %s"
24 |
25 |
"Unknown argument: %s": {
26 |
"one": "Onbekend argument: %s",
27 |
"other": "Onbekende argumenten: %s"
28 |
29 |
"Invalid values:": "Ongeldige waardes:",
30 |
"Argument: %s, Given: %s, Choices: %s": "Argument: %s, Gegeven: %s, Keuzes: %s",
31 |
"Argument check failed: %s": "Argument check mislukt: %s",
32 |
"Implications failed:": "Implicaties mislukt:",
33 |
"Not enough arguments following: %s": "Niet genoeg argumenten na: %s",
34 |
"Invalid JSON config file: %s": "Ongeldig JSON configuratiebestand: %s",
35 |
"Path to JSON config file": "Pad naar JSON configuratiebestand",
36 |
"Show help": "Toon help",
37 |
"Show version number": "Toon versie nummer",
38 |
"Did you mean %s?": "Bedoelde u misschien %s?",
39 |
"Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive": "Argumenten %s en %s zijn onderling uitsluitend",
40 |
"Positionals:": "Positie-afhankelijke argumenten",
41 |
"command": "commando"
42 |