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Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
856636e3 2020-08-22 19:25 Michal Linha

re #8113 re #7885 changed header column generation and row indentations; re #8154 nothing; no comments

f30c9e9e 2020-08-22 19:25 Michal Linha

re #8113 re #7885 all functions implemented, contingency table generation improved; re #8154 value filtering added; no comments

cc39413d 2020-05-28 16:37 Michal Linha

re #7885 added SUM and ability to work with multiple values and sorted parameters in configuration, optimization

efcabc4d 2020-05-28 16:35 Michal Linha

re #7885 basic contingency table generation (not completely finished)

d411f143 2020-05-04 11:17 Vojtěch Danišík

re #8014 Login into app + session for user.

ba8b306a 2020-04-23 22:53 Vojtěch Danišík

re #7886 Assembly validator in progress (validating assembly SQLQuery + locations for existing assembly, not tested for new assembly).
Added comments.
Removing unused imports.

4d92f985 2020-04-13 23:04 Vojtěch Danišík

re #7780 Loading data from database (with sql query) into specific models.

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