1 |
'use strict';
2 |
3 |
var test = require('tape');
4 |
var inspect = require('object-inspect');
5 |
var SaferBuffer = require('safer-buffer').Buffer;
6 |
var forEach = require('for-each');
7 |
var utils = require('../lib/utils');
8 |
9 |
test('merge()', function (t) {
10 |
t.deepEqual(utils.merge(null, true), [null, true], 'merges true into null');
11 |
12 |
t.deepEqual(utils.merge(null, [42]), [null, 42], 'merges null into an array');
13 |
14 |
t.deepEqual(utils.merge({ a: 'b' }, { a: 'c' }), { a: ['b', 'c'] }, 'merges two objects with the same key');
15 |
16 |
var oneMerged = utils.merge({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: { first: '123' } });
17 |
t.deepEqual(oneMerged, { foo: ['bar', { first: '123' }] }, 'merges a standalone and an object into an array');
18 |
19 |
var twoMerged = utils.merge({ foo: ['bar', { first: '123' }] }, { foo: { second: '456' } });
20 |
t.deepEqual(twoMerged, { foo: { 0: 'bar', 1: { first: '123' }, second: '456' } }, 'merges a standalone and two objects into an array');
21 |
22 |
var sandwiched = utils.merge({ foo: ['bar', { first: '123', second: '456' }] }, { foo: 'baz' });
23 |
t.deepEqual(sandwiched, { foo: ['bar', { first: '123', second: '456' }, 'baz'] }, 'merges an object sandwiched by two standalones into an array');
24 |
25 |
var nestedArrays = utils.merge({ foo: ['baz'] }, { foo: ['bar', 'xyzzy'] });
26 |
t.deepEqual(nestedArrays, { foo: ['baz', 'bar', 'xyzzy'] });
27 |
28 |
var noOptionsNonObjectSource = utils.merge({ foo: 'baz' }, 'bar');
29 |
t.deepEqual(noOptionsNonObjectSource, { foo: 'baz', bar: true });
30 |
31 |
32 |
'avoids invoking array setters unnecessarily',
33 |
{ skip: typeof Object.defineProperty !== 'function' },
34 |
function (st) {
35 |
var setCount = 0;
36 |
var getCount = 0;
37 |
var observed = [];
38 |
Object.defineProperty(observed, 0, {
39 |
get: function () {
40 |
getCount += 1;
41 |
return { bar: 'baz' };
42 |
43 |
set: function () { setCount += 1; }
44 |
45 |
utils.merge(observed, [null]);
46 |
st.equal(setCount, 0);
47 |
st.equal(getCount, 1);
48 |
observed[0] = observed[0]; // eslint-disable-line no-self-assign
49 |
st.equal(setCount, 1);
50 |
st.equal(getCount, 2);
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
test('assign()', function (t) {
59 |
var target = { a: 1, b: 2 };
60 |
var source = { b: 3, c: 4 };
61 |
var result = utils.assign(target, source);
62 |
63 |
t.equal(result, target, 'returns the target');
64 |
t.deepEqual(target, { a: 1, b: 3, c: 4 }, 'target and source are merged');
65 |
t.deepEqual(source, { b: 3, c: 4 }, 'source is untouched');
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
test('combine()', function (t) {
71 |
t.test('both arrays', function (st) {
72 |
var a = [1];
73 |
var b = [2];
74 |
var combined = utils.combine(a, b);
75 |
76 |
st.deepEqual(a, [1], 'a is not mutated');
77 |
st.deepEqual(b, [2], 'b is not mutated');
78 |
st.notEqual(a, combined, 'a !== combined');
79 |
st.notEqual(b, combined, 'b !== combined');
80 |
st.deepEqual(combined, [1, 2], 'combined is a + b');
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
t.test('one array, one non-array', function (st) {
86 |
var aN = 1;
87 |
var a = [aN];
88 |
var bN = 2;
89 |
var b = [bN];
90 |
91 |
var combinedAnB = utils.combine(aN, b);
92 |
st.deepEqual(b, [bN], 'b is not mutated');
93 |
st.notEqual(aN, combinedAnB, 'aN + b !== aN');
94 |
st.notEqual(a, combinedAnB, 'aN + b !== a');
95 |
st.notEqual(bN, combinedAnB, 'aN + b !== bN');
96 |
st.notEqual(b, combinedAnB, 'aN + b !== b');
97 |
st.deepEqual([1, 2], combinedAnB, 'first argument is array-wrapped when not an array');
98 |
99 |
var combinedABn = utils.combine(a, bN);
100 |
st.deepEqual(a, [aN], 'a is not mutated');
101 |
st.notEqual(aN, combinedABn, 'a + bN !== aN');
102 |
st.notEqual(a, combinedABn, 'a + bN !== a');
103 |
st.notEqual(bN, combinedABn, 'a + bN !== bN');
104 |
st.notEqual(b, combinedABn, 'a + bN !== b');
105 |
st.deepEqual([1, 2], combinedABn, 'second argument is array-wrapped when not an array');
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
t.test('neither is an array', function (st) {
111 |
var combined = utils.combine(1, 2);
112 |
st.notEqual(1, combined, '1 + 2 !== 1');
113 |
st.notEqual(2, combined, '1 + 2 !== 2');
114 |
st.deepEqual([1, 2], combined, 'both arguments are array-wrapped when not an array');
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
test('isBuffer()', function (t) {
123 |
forEach([null, undefined, true, false, '', 'abc', 42, 0, NaN, {}, [], function () {}, /a/g], function (x) {
124 |
t.equal(utils.isBuffer(x), false, inspect(x) + ' is not a buffer');
125 |
126 |
127 |
var fakeBuffer = { constructor: Buffer };
128 |
t.equal(utils.isBuffer(fakeBuffer), false, 'fake buffer is not a buffer');
129 |
130 |
var saferBuffer = SaferBuffer.from('abc');
131 |
t.equal(utils.isBuffer(saferBuffer), true, 'SaferBuffer instance is a buffer');
132 |
133 |
var buffer = Buffer.from ? Buffer.from('abc') : new Buffer('abc');
134 |
t.equal(utils.isBuffer(buffer), true, 'real Buffer instance is a buffer');
135 |
136 |