re #7921 added template for login page
Added JS
fix view for chrome and firefox
re #7871 Added edit formula for every assembly.
re #7871 - connect templates with data from database
re #7871 Displaying list of assemblies + displaying result table of selected assembly.
re #7779 Convert TableColumn -> ContingencyTableRow and send it to frontend. SQL query is now executed in specific class DatabaseInterface via SqlQueryManager.
re #7780 Loading data from database (with sql query) into specific models.
re #7839 Repositories with basic methods created, domain class attributes mapped to names from database, services with basic methods created
re #7782 Created new class ExporterPDF with export to PDF functionality and renamed the former Exporter class to ExporterXLSX, changed the version of a library used for export to XLSX functionality implementation
re #7781 Created package utils for utility classes and created class Exporter with export to xlsx functionality
re #7778 Created classes representing tables in database with attributes and relations between them.
re #7668 Project init with connecting to demo database