re #7885 added SUM and ability to work with multiple values and sorted parameters in configuration, optimization
re #8102 - indication submit button in post
re #8024 - templates refaktoring
re #8099 added page titles
re #8100 - show assembly/configuration title
re #7975 - added flash message style, create one layout for all templates, refactoring
re #7970 fix atribute
re #7970 added confirmation before assembly delete. Srcipts moved from templates to separated files
re #7981 parameter order in configuration implementation finished
re #7981 re #7979 re #7974 default table name added, assembly order implemented, parameter order in configuration implemented
re #7883 - added javascript to template assembly
Merge branch 'master' into 'enhancement/7886'
re #7881 loading and editing parameters in configuration in their locations, ability to set user name of parameter
re #7881 ability to create or edit a user configuration and set or edit its basic attributes, operator value and configuration name are validated, if operator value is wrong user is redirected to main page, auto increment functionality changed to IDENTITY
re #7886 Adding + Editing parameters in assembly (only logic + pushing into database, which is not tested -> need JS implementation for adding new parameter).Updated hibernate dialect from oracle 10 to oracle 12c.Equals method comparing domain by id.
re #7881 loading of attributes of assembly on main page
re #7886 Creating + Editing assemblyNot working: Adding new role to access list, Loading values for parameter, Adding new values for parameter, disabling functions + operators if data type = enumeration, deleting role from Access list, Deleting parameter. Saving new assembly + checking all form elements....
re #7871 - connect templates with data from database
re #7871 Displaying list of assemblies + displaying result table of selected assembly.