re #7988 Parameters are now deleted from assembly + deleted parametersInConfiguration, which was created by deleted #7989 Added / deleted parameters are now instantly showed in page (refreshing not needed).
re #7883 - added javascript to template assembly
re #7882 parameters order
re #7887 Deleting configurations and assemblies, Minor restructuralization.
Updating last merge.
Merge branch 'master' into 'enhancement/7886'
re #7886 Assembly validator completed (validating sql query, parameter name in select and parameter location) + displaying temp error message.Added title for edit / add assembly forms.Added toString method for all domains.
re #7881 loading and editing parameters in configuration in their locations, ability to set user name of parameter
re #7881 ability to create or edit a user configuration and set or edit its basic attributes, operator value and configuration name are validated, if operator value is wrong user is redirected to main page, auto increment functionality changed to IDENTITY
re #7886 Assembly validator in progress (validating assembly SQLQuery + locations for existing assembly, not tested for new assembly).Added comments.Removing unused imports.
re #7886 Adding + Editing parameters in assembly (only logic + pushing into database, which is not tested -> need JS implementation for adding new parameter).Updated hibernate dialect from oracle 10 to oracle 12c.Equals method comparing domain by id.
re #7886 Creating + Editing assemblyNot working: Adding new role to access list, Loading values for parameter, Adding new values for parameter, disabling functions + operators if data type = enumeration, deleting role from Access list, Deleting parameter. Saving new assembly + checking all form elements....
re #7871 Displaying list of assemblies + displaying result table of selected assembly.
re #7839 Repositories with basic methods created, domain class attributes mapped to names from database, services with basic methods created
re #7778 Created classes representing tables in database with attributes and relations between them.
re #7668 Project init with connecting to demo database