Revize 55098dbb
Přidáno uživatelem Tomáš Ballák před téměř 5 roky(ů)
- ID 55098dbb88feff1302dfdabf4c1c162a2f8444f2
- Rodič fa91b0c1
.gitignore | ||
7 | 7 |
database/ |
8 | 8 |
dev-dump/ |
9 | 9 |
*.lock |
10 |
.env |
website/.env | ||
1 |
# In all environments, the following files are loaded if they exist, |
2 |
# the latter taking precedence over the former: |
3 |
# |
4 |
# * .env contains default values for the environment variables needed by the app |
5 |
# * .env.local uncommitted file with local overrides |
6 |
# * .env.$APP_ENV committed environment-specific defaults |
7 |
# * .env.$APP_ENV.local uncommitted environment-specific overrides |
8 |
# |
9 |
# Real environment variables win over .env files. |
10 |
# |
11 |
12 |
# |
13 |
# Run "composer dump-env prod" to compile .env files for production use (requires symfony/flex >=1.2). |
14 |
# |
15 |
16 |
###> symfony/framework-bundle ### |
17 |
APP_ENV=dev |
18 |
APP_SECRET=ca5751564bbb9a0d75d412e020790283 |
19 |
20 |
#TRUSTED_HOSTS='^(localhost|example\.com)$' |
21 |
###< symfony/framework-bundle ### |
website/config/services.yaml | ||
4 | 4 |
# Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed |
5 | 5 |
# |
6 | 6 |
parameters: |
7 |
databaseConnectionString: 'mongodb://root:root@database' |
7 | 8 |
8 | 9 |
services: |
9 | 10 |
# default configuration for services in *this* file |
10 | 11 |
_defaults: |
11 | 12 |
autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services. |
12 | 13 |
autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc. |
14 |
bind: |
15 |
$connectionString: '%databaseConnectionString%' |
13 | 16 |
14 | 17 |
# makes classes in src/ available to be used as services |
15 | 18 |
# this creates a service per class whose id is the fully-qualified class name |
... | ... | |
25 | 28 |
26 | 29 |
# add more service definitions when explicit configuration is needed |
27 | 30 |
# please note that last definitions always *replace* previous ones |
31 |
32 |
App\OpenData\OpenDataManager: ~ |
33 |
App\OpenData\IOpenDataManager: '@App\OpenData\OpenDataManager' |
website/public/js/zcu-heatmap.js | ||
1 |
var mymap; |
2 |
3 |
4 |
function initMap(x = 49.724, y = 13.352, zoom = 17) { |
5 |
6 |
mymap ='heatmap').setView([x, y], zoom); |
7 |
8 |
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { |
9 |
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>', |
10 |
maxZoom: 19 |
11 |
}).addTo(mymap); |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
} |
16 |
17 |
function showHeatmap(route) { |
18 |
19 |
$.ajax({ |
20 |
type: "POST", |
21 |
url: route, |
22 |
success: function(result) { |
23 |
drawHeatmap(result); |
24 |
} |
25 |
}); |
26 |
27 |
} |
28 |
29 |
function drawHeatmap(points) { |
30 |
31 |
// Flipped x and y |
32 |
points = (p) { return [p['y'], p['x'], p['number']]; }); |
33 |
34 |
L.heatLayer(points).addTo(mymap), draw = true; |
35 |
36 |
} |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
website/src/Controller/HeatmapController.php | ||
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
namespace App\Controller; |
4 | 4 |
5 |
use App\Entity\OpenData; |
6 |
use MongoDB\Driver\Query; |
7 |
use MongoDB\Driver\Manager; |
5 |
use App\OpenData\IOpenDataManager; |
8 | 6 |
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route; |
9 | 7 |
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; |
10 | 8 |
... | ... | |
13 | 11 |
* @Route("/heatmap") |
14 | 12 |
*/ |
15 | 13 |
public function index() { |
16 |
$manager = new Manager( |
17 |
'mongodb://root:root@database' |
18 |
); |
19 |
20 |
$openData = $manager->executeQuery('open-data-db.KOLOBEZKY31102018', new Query([], [])); |
21 |
$openData->setTypeMap([ |
22 |
'array' => 'array', |
23 |
'document' => 'array', |
24 |
'root' => 'array', |
25 |
]); |
26 |
27 |
return $this->render('heatmap.html.twig', [ |
28 |
'open_data' => $openData->toArray(), |
29 |
]); |
14 |
return $this->render('heatmap.html.twig'); |
30 | 15 |
} |
31 | 16 |
32 | 17 |
/** |
33 |
* @Route("heatmap/opendata", name="opendata") |
18 |
* @Route("heatmap/opendata/{collectionName}", name="opendata")
34 | 19 |
*/ |
35 |
public function opendata() { |
36 |
$manager = new Manager( |
37 |
'mongodb://root:root@database' |
38 |
); |
39 |
40 |
$openData = $manager->executeQuery('open-data-db.KOLOBEZKY31102018', new Query([], [])); |
41 |
$openData->setTypeMap([ |
42 |
'array' => 'array', |
43 |
'document' => 'array', |
44 |
'root' => 'array', |
45 |
]); |
46 |
47 |
return $this->json($openData->toArray()); |
20 |
public function opendata(IOpenDataManager $manager, $collectionName) { |
21 |
return $this->json($manager->getCollectionDataByName($collectionName)); |
48 | 22 |
} |
49 | 23 |
} |
website/src/IOpenDataManager.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
namespace App\OpenData; |
4 |
5 |
interface IOpenDataManager { |
6 |
public function getCollectionDataByName($name); |
7 |
} |
website/src/OpenDataManager.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 |
3 |
namespace App\OpenData; |
4 |
5 |
use MongoDB\Driver\Query; |
6 |
use MongoDB\Driver\Manager; |
7 |
8 |
class OpenDataManager implements IOpenDataManager { |
9 |
private $manager; |
10 |
11 |
public function __construct() { |
12 |
$this->manager = new Manager( |
13 |
14 |
); |
15 |
} |
16 |
17 |
public function getCollectionDataByName($name) { |
18 |
$openData = $this->manager->executeQuery($name, new Query([], [])); |
19 |
20 |
$openData->setTypeMap([ |
21 |
'array' => 'array', |
22 |
'document' => 'array', |
23 |
'root' => 'array', |
24 |
]); |
25 |
26 |
return $openData->toArray(); |
27 |
} |
28 |
} |
website/templates/heatmap.html.twig | ||
24 | 24 |
<script src="" integrity="sha256-xNzN2a4ltkB44Mc/Jz3pT4iU1cmeR0FkXs4pru/JxaQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
25 | 25 |
<script src="{{ asset('js/leaflet.js') }}"></script> |
26 | 26 |
<script src="{{ asset('js/leaflet-heat.js') }}"></script> |
27 |
27 |
<script src="{{ asset('js/zcu-heatmap.js') }}"></script> |
28 | 28 |
<script> |
29 | 29 |
30 |
$(document).ready(function() { |
31 |
32 |
var mymap ='heatmap').setView([49.724, 13.352], 17); |
33 |
34 |
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { |
35 |
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>', |
36 |
maxZoom: 19 |
37 |
}).addTo(mymap); |
38 |
39 |
$.ajax({ |
40 |
type: "POST", |
41 |
url: "{{ path('opendata') }}", |
42 |
success: function(result) { |
43 |
heatmap(result); |
44 |
} |
45 |
}); |
46 |
47 |
function heatmap(points) { |
48 |
49 |
points = (p) { return [p['y'], p['x'], p['number']]; }); |
50 |
51 |
var heat = L.heatLayer(points).addTo(mymap), |
52 |
draw = true; |
53 |
54 |
} |
55 |
56 |
}); |
57 |
30 |
initMap(); |
31 |
showHeatmap("{{ path('opendata', {'collectionName':'open-data-db.KOLOBEZKY31102018'}) }}"); |
58 | 32 |
59 | 33 |
</script> |
60 | 34 |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Re #7857