firebase db url
Re #8193 - refactoring crawler
Re #8192 - configurable GUI (vars in SASS file)
final fixes
working webpack
remove python from php-fpm
missing T
another fix
add T
change order
gitlab pipeline fix
composer version fix
reload after renew certificate
Re #8163 - CSS, JS refactoring
Re #8163 - refactoring
Re #8190 - fix popup colors + form square brackets fix
Re #8190 - fix popup colors
Re #8191 - fixed popup bug and refactoring
Feature Re #8189 visible and updated popup
Re #8187 - fixed draggable bug, draggable timeline is now more smooth due optimalization, deploy new Bootstrap version due .map files
Re #8187 - implemented draggable timeline
Re #8186 loader + start on the current-time with player
css fix
little css fixes
Re #8159 - full height clickable dropdown dataset, fixed tests
Re #8159 - new, fixed buttons, CSS improvements, refactoring
Re #8161 - new timeline button due animation per day(s)
Re #8159 - CSS improvements, timeline clickable, code refactoring
Re #8159 - frontend HTML, JS syntax bugfixes, CSS improvements
Re #8159 - frontend bugfixes and refactoring
Feature Re #8184 ajax form
change the name of dataset in popup buble
Feature Re #8156 show all datasets
fix cord.. bory
update obsazenimistnosti
Re #8160 new dataset
todo comment
fix renew certificate
add well-known to http
fix missing procesedData
Test zpet
fix script for license (now one license for www and non-www)
dataset scoobike sharing - swap gps coordinates
cron fix
redirect from www to non-www
final fixes certificate
little fixes
error site
upgrade script
new dir for ww
add missing www
preparation for new cert
fix www missing certificate
Úprava komentářů
Update OpenDataManager.php
+ Re #8086+ php refactoring and comments
Merge branch 'master' of
namespace fix
deactivated input date autocomplete
devcontainer removed from root
+ Re #8081+ tests environmnet prepared+ fast fix in build script
label date twig fix
Re #8079 - sharing banner implemented
Re #8079 - intro page changes
odebran souhrny router z wifi datasetu
Hotfix wifi_precessor a uprava pojmenovani promene ve scriptu
Re #8079 - finishing frontend- new date label next to timeline- changed intro images to images with real data- locations box has maximum height with scrollbar- new texts on intro pages (map points)- CSS changes and repairs
fix #2
fix default server + server_name
redirect to https only + fix renew script and sites ...
Predelany komentáře upravena kontrola datasetu
Re #8116predelano ukladaniprejmenovany soubory podle python konvenci