fix build production
restore script
format on save in python
changes in scripts
global extensions
debuger for php works
python works
prepare python to run inside docker container
+ funkcionalita zobrazení jednotlivých datasetů - zatím bez animace
+ fast fix - automatic generation data type bug fixed
+ fast fix - metoda formuláře změněna z POST na GET+ prohození souřadnic x, y
Re #7933+ základní funkcionalita formulářů v aplikaci - viz. Symfony forms
Re #7926, finishing controls on map
Re #7926, added logos
Hotfix composer install and removing orphans from docker compose down
Re #7856 Přidání ui do projektu, propejení stránek přes linky, vytvořenícontrollers
Re #7857
+ twig, annotations, mongo přidáno do composer.json+ template and routing základní test funkcionality+ mongo dump obnova - compose.yml - přidán nový volume data-db prouchování dat (docker windows nezvládá volume: ./database:/data/db) amount dev-dump složky...
Re #7900 python3 and pip settings for container
hotfix/disable tty because gitlab runner does not support this feature
Merge branch 'bug/7865/cache-issues-composer-install' into 'master'
Bug #7865 Issue with cache in Symfony
See merge request aswi/aswi-2020/aswi2020sebela!4
fix directory for persisted db due to deletion of project with every deploy
Merge branch 'dev-setup' into 'master'
Feature #7743 Setup for development environment
See merge request aswi/aswi-2020/aswi2020sebela!3
Merge branch 'dev-ci-cd' into 'master'
Ci/CD pipelines the second stage
See merge request aswi/aswi-2020/aswi2020sebela!2
The final version of the second stage of GitLab pipeline (build and deploy servers are distinct, use of ssh, only shell executor) Re #7748
CI/CD Configuration
See merge request aswi/aswi-2020/aswi2020sebela!1
Merge branch 'master' into 'dev-ci-cd'
Closes #7792
Update .gitlab-ci.yml
The final version of this file unless our server possibilities change
install docker-compose
Build stage added. In future it will push image to docker hub or GitLab registry (Gitlab registry cant be accessed now).
CI/CD pipeline - php unit test set up
Testing gitlab ci/cd pipeline setup with symfony unit testing examples
Update .gitlab-ci.yml symfony test ci/cd step
Python and py-pip added to php-fpm container for future use
GitLab CI/CD configuration file to set up pipelines - content will be added later
Update .gitignore to not use .gitlab-ci.yml which is used for CI/CD
build and composer install for windows
finall setup for development
empty folder fix for git
absolute path to composer install
fix of docker compose
setup of dev environment