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handle - Variable in class jdeserialize.contentbase
handle_classDesc(byte, DataInputStream, boolean) - Method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
handle_newClassDesc(byte, DataInputStream) - Method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
handlemaps - Variable in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
handles - Variable in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
hashCode() - Method in class CLI.Option
hasOption(String) - Method in class jdeserialize.Getopt
Determines whether or not the option was specified when the arguments were parsed.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class Report
Preferred window height.
help() - Static method in class CLI
Prints help for running the application.
hex(long) - Static method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
hexnoprefix(long) - Static method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
hexnoprefix(long, int) - Static method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
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