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get(byte) - Static method in enum jdeserialize.fieldtype
Given a byte containing a type code, return the corresponding enum.
getAceModesAndThemes(ObservableList<String>, ObservableList<String>) - Static method in class io.FileWorker
Gets all possible ACE modes and themes.
getArguments(String) - Method in class jdeserialize.Getopt
Gets the list of arguments for a given option, or null if the option wasn't specified.
getBasicHTML() - Method in class Editor
getBlobBytes(Database.DB_Messenger) - Static method in class io.Database
This method finds the first BLOB returned by the query and retrieves its content.
getBytes(File, Database.DB_Messenger) - Method in class Converter
Retrieve data from the file or database.
getConfig() - Static method in class io.FileWorker
getContent() - Method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
Retrieves the list of content objects that were written to the stream.
getDescriptionString() - Method in class jdeserialize.Getopt
Get a tabular description of all options and their descriptions, one per line.
getExceptionObject() - Method in exception jdeserialize.ExceptionReadException
Gets the Exception object that was thrown.
getFieldType() - Method in class jdeserialize.arraycoll
Gets the field type of the array.
getHandle() - Method in interface jdeserialize.content
Get the numeric handle by which this object was referred to in the object stream.
getHandle() - Method in class jdeserialize.contentbase
getHandleMaps() - Method in class jdeserialize.jdeserialize
Return a list of Maps containing every object with a handle.
getHierarchy(ArrayList<classdesc>) - Method in class jdeserialize.classdesc
Generates a list of all class descriptions in this class's hierarchy, in the order described by the Object Stream Serialization Protocol.
getInput(AtomicReference<File>, AtomicReference<Database.DB_Messenger>) - Method in class Converter
Get a request to process the input.
getJavaType() - Method in class jdeserialize.field
Get a string representing the type for this field in Java (the language) format.
getJavaType() - Method in enum jdeserialize.fieldtype
Gets the class name for a reference or array type.
getJson() - Method in class Editor
Getopt - Class in jdeserialize
Simple getopt()-like implementation.
Getopt(Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jdeserialize.Getopt
Getopt() - Constructor for class jdeserialize.Getopt
Getopt.OptionParseException - Exception in jdeserialize
getOptionValues() - Method in class jdeserialize.Getopt
Gets the set of all options specified, as well as the list of their arguments.
getOtherArguments() - Method in class jdeserialize.Getopt
Gets the list arguments specified that were *not* options or their arguments, in the order they were specified.
getRecordedData() - Method in class jdeserialize.LoggerInputStream
Returns the data recorded so far; if recording is not active, an empty buffer is returned.
getResource(String) - Static method in class io.FileWorker
getType() - Method in interface jdeserialize.content
getType() - Method in class jdeserialize.contentbase
getView() - Method in class Editor
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