1 |
2 |
"app-title": "Fulltext search app",
3 |
"app-main-nav": {
4 |
"title1": "FULLTEXT SEARCH",
5 |
"title2": "APPLICATION",
6 |
"home": "Home",
7 |
"search": "Search",
8 |
"browse": "Browse",
9 |
"upload": "Upload",
10 |
"about": "About",
11 |
"help": "Help"
12 |
13 |
"app-search-box": {
14 |
"search": "Search",
15 |
"placeholder": "Enter text to search..."
16 |
17 |
"app-search": {
18 |
"expression": "Searching expression: ",
19 |
"found": "Documents found: "
20 |
21 |
"app-search-paginator": {
22 |
"canvas-error": "Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.",
23 |
"items-per-page": "Items per page:"
24 |
25 |
"app-browse": {
26 |
"card-header": "All documents"
27 |
28 |
"app-table-browse": {
29 |
"id": "Id",
30 |
"document-name": "Document name",
31 |
"origin-date": "Origin date",
32 |
"uploaded-date": "Uploaded date"
33 |
34 |
"app-upload": {
35 |
"card-header": "Upload files",
36 |
"pick-files": "Pick files",
37 |
Ondřej Váně
"upload": "Upload",
38 |
"select-files-message": "Select files first",
39 |
"always-pair-of-files-message": "Always pair of files PNG and XML",
40 |
"success-uploaded-files-message": "Files successfully uploaded",
41 |
"missing-xml-or-png-pair-message": "missing xml or jpeg pair",
42 |
"file": "File"
43 |
44 |
"app-about-dialog": {
45 |
"title": "About",
46 |
"fe-version": "App version (FE):",
47 |
"be-version": "App version (BE):",
48 |
"solr-version": "Solr version:",
49 |
"developers": "<b>Developers:</b> Zdeněk Častorál, Jitka Poubová, Jan Smolař, Ondřej Váně",
50 |
"header3": "Project made by ASWI team ANONYMOUS (2020)",
51 |
Ondřej Váně
"paragraph": "The task of this project was to create a search engine based on the Apache Solr platform, which will enable efficient full-text search over a set of historical documents (scans) recognized by the OCR system."
52 |
53 |
"app-help": {
54 |
"card-header": "Help",
55 |
"upload-title": "File upload",
56 |
"upload-text": "Uploading files is performed on the <b>Upload</b> page, which is accessible from the main bar.<br><br>The <b>Pick files</b> button is used to select which files to upload.<br><br>The <b>Upload</b> button will upload selected files to the web application.<br><br><b>The XML file and its source image file must be uploaded together and with the same name!</b><br><br>You can upload any number of files at once.",
57 |
"search-title": "Searching",
58 |
"search-text": "Searching is performed on the <b>Search</b> page, which is accessible from the main bar.<br><br>Type your search expression in the text box and confirm it with the <b>Search</b> button. When the search is finished, results will be displayed.<br><br>Use the <b>???</b> checkbox to turn spell checking on/off. When checked, if no result of the search expression is found, a similar expression is searched instead up to the maximum distance of 2 between the words.<br><br>The search expression can contain:<ul><li><b>Symbol *</b> represents zero or any number of characters.<ul><li>For example: <b>tes*</b> - searches for all words starting with <b>tes</b></li></ul></li><li><b>Symbol ?</b> represents exactly one character.<ul><li>For example: <b>tes?</b> - finds all words starting with <b>tes</b> and followed by exactly one character</li></ul></li><li><b>Symbol ~</b> at the end of the search expression is used to find all words within a certain maximum distance between them and the search expression.<ul><li>For example : <b> test~2</b> - finds the word <b>test</b> and all words close to it up to a maximum distance of 2</li></ul></li><li><b>The symbol && and the expression AND</b> are used to find documents where ALL of the search expressions are.<ul><li>For example: <b>test AND test2</b> - finds all documents with the words <b>test</b> and <b>test2</b></li></ul></li><li><b> Symbol ! or the expression NOT</b> is used to find results where the specified expression does not occur.<ul><li>For example: <b>test NOT test2</b> - finds all occurrences of the word <b>test</b>, where the word <b>test2</b> is not.</li></ul></li><li><b>Symbol || or the expression OR</b> is used to find documents where AT LEAST ONE of the search expression is.<ul><li>For example: <b>test OR test2</b> - finds all documents with the word <b>test</b> or <b>test2</b> or both</li> </ul></li></ul>Special symbols that a search expression cannot contain: <b>+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ “ ~ * ? : / </b> <br> <br>If you need to use one of these symbols, you must add this symbol before it: <b>\\</b>",
59 |
"contact-admin-title": "Contact admin"
60 |
61 |