Revize dd522430
Přidáno uživatelem Filip Jani před téměř 6 roky(ů)
app/bootstrap.php | ||
17 | 17 |
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon'); |
18 | 18 |
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon'); |
19 | 19 |
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/model.neon'); |
20 |
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/components.neon'); |
20 | 21 | |
21 | 22 |
$container = $configurator->createContainer(); |
22 | 23 |
app/component/ExampleGrid.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 |
namespace App\Components; |
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 |
use App\Utils\DataGrid\DataGrid; |
8 |
use Model\Repository\LineRepository; |
9 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Exception\DataGridException; |
10 | ||
11 |
/** |
12 |
* Ukázkový datagrid, bude smazán při předání |
13 |
* - všechny možnosti použití gridu lze vidět na |
14 |
* |
15 |
* |
16 |
* @package App\Components |
17 |
*/ |
18 |
class ExampleGrid extends DataGrid |
19 |
{ |
20 |
/** @var LineRepository */ |
21 |
private $lineRepository; |
22 | ||
23 |
public function __construct(LineRepository $lineRepository) |
24 |
{ |
25 |
$this->lineRepository = $lineRepository; |
26 | ||
27 |
parent::__construct(); |
28 |
} |
29 | ||
30 |
/** |
31 |
* Abstraktní metoda, slouží k nastavení primárního klíče a nastavení datasource |
32 |
* 1. $this->setPrimaryKey(); |
33 |
* 2. $this->setDataSource(); |
34 |
* |
35 |
* @throws DataGridException |
36 |
*/ |
37 |
public function init() |
38 |
{ |
39 |
$this->setPrimaryKey(LineRepository::COLUMN_ID); |
40 |
$this->setDataSource($this->lineRepository->findAll()); |
41 |
} |
42 | ||
43 |
/** |
44 |
* Definice sloupečků, akcí, vyhledávácích filtrů gridu |
45 |
* |
46 |
* @throws DataGridException |
47 |
*/ |
48 |
public function define() |
49 |
{ |
50 |
$this->addColumnNumber(LineRepository::COLUMN_ID, "ID"); |
51 |
$this->addColumnText(LineRepository::COLUMN_TRANSLITERATION, "Transliterace"); |
52 |
$this->addFilterText(LineRepository::COLUMN_TRANSLITERATION, "Transliterace"); |
53 | ||
54 |
$this->addAction(LineRepository::COLUMN_TRANSLITERATION, "Smazat"); |
55 |
} |
56 |
} |
57 | ||
58 |
interface IExampleGirdFactory |
59 |
{ |
60 |
/** |
61 |
* Funkce create je implementována již v předkovi |
62 |
* |
63 |
* @return ExampleGrid |
64 |
*/ |
65 |
public function create(); |
66 |
} |
app/config/components.neon | ||
1 |
services: |
2 |
# Gridy |
3 |
- App\Components\IExampleGirdFactory |
4 | ||
5 |
# Formuláře |
app/presenters/HomepagePresenter.php | ||
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 |
namespace App\Presenters; |
4 | 4 | |
5 |
use App\Components\IExampleGirdFactory; |
5 | 6 |
use Nette; |
6 | 7 | |
7 | 8 | |
8 | 9 |
final class HomepagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter |
9 | 10 |
{ |
11 |
/** @var IExampleGirdFactory */ |
12 |
private $exampleGridFactory; |
13 | ||
14 |
public function __construct(IExampleGirdFactory $exampleGridFactory) |
15 |
{ |
16 |
parent::__construct(); |
17 | ||
18 |
$this->exampleGridFactory = $exampleGridFactory; |
19 |
} |
20 | ||
21 |
public function actionDefault(){ |
22 | ||
23 |
} |
24 | ||
25 |
public function createComponentDataGrid(){ |
26 |
return $this->exampleGridFactory->create(); |
27 |
} |
10 | 28 |
} |
app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte | ||
1 | 1 |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
2 | 2 |
<html> |
3 | 3 |
<head> |
4 |
<meta charset="utf-8">
5 |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
4 |
<meta charset="utf-8">
5 |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
6 | 6 | |
7 |
<title>{ifset title}{include title|stripHtml} | {/ifset}Nette Web</title> |
7 |
<title>{ifset title}{include title|stripHtml} | {/ifset}Nette Web</title> |
8 | ||
9 |
<!-- jQuery --> |
10 |
<script |
11 |
src="" |
12 |
integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" |
13 |
crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
14 | ||
15 |
<script src="" |
16 |
integrity="sha256-wqAoCRn9//AnHSl4qbXVhqdvmgFQqN5Elqp4Eb2wOXA=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
17 | ||
18 |
<!-- Bootstrap CDN --> |
19 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" |
20 |
integrity="sha384-WskhaSGFgHYWDcbwN70/dfYBj47jz9qbsMId/iRN3ewGhXQFZCSftd1LZCfmhktB" crossorigin="anonymous"> |
21 |
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22 |
integrity="sha384-smHYKdLADwkXOn1EmN1qk/HfnUcbVRZyYmZ4qpPea6sjB/pTJ0euyQp0Mk8ck+5T" |
23 |
crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
24 | ||
25 |
<!-- Bootstrap Select --> |
26 |
<link rel="stylesheet" |
27 |
href=""> |
28 |
<script src=""></script> |
29 | ||
30 |
<!-- Bootstrap Datepicker --> |
31 |
<link rel="stylesheet" |
32 |
href="" |
33 |
integrity="sha256-mlKJFBS1jbZwwDrZD1ApO7YFS6MA1XDN37jZ9GDFC64=" crossorigin="anonymous"/> |
34 |
<script src="" |
35 |
integrity="sha256-tW5LzEC7QjhG0CiAvxlseMTs2qJS7u3DRPauDjFJ3zo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
36 |
<script src="" |
37 |
integrity="sha256-pbW7ult8QcDlimj+JQplrsCieqCvQ/8VGr7ZdTuev8c=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
38 | ||
39 |
<!-- Font awesome --> |
40 |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" |
41 |
integrity="sha384-hWVjflwFxL6sNzntih27bfxkr27PmbbK/iSvJ+a4+0owXq79v+lsFkW54bOGbiDQ" crossorigin="anonymous"> |
42 | ||
43 | ||
44 |
<script src=""></script> |
45 |
<script src="{$basePath}/js/nette.ajax.js"></script> |
8 | 46 |
</head> |
9 | 47 | |
10 | 48 |
<body> |
11 |
<div n:foreach="$flashes as $flash" n:class="flash, $flash->type">{$flash->message}</div>
49 |
<div n:foreach="$flashes as $flash" n:class="flash, $flash->type">{$flash->message}</div> |
12 | 50 | |
13 |
{include content}
51 |
{include content} |
14 | 52 | |
15 |
{block scripts} |
16 |
<script src=""></script> |
17 |
{/block} |
53 |
{block scripts} |
54 |
<script> |
55 |
$(function () { |
56 |
$.nette.init(); |
57 |
}); |
58 |
</script> |
59 |
{/block} |
18 | 60 |
</body> |
19 | 61 |
</html> |
app/presenters/templates/Homepage/default.latte | ||
1 | 1 |
{* This is the welcome page, you can delete it *} |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 |
{block content} |
4 |
<div id="banner"> |
5 |
<h1 n:block=title>Congratulations!</h1> |
6 |
</div> |
7 | 4 | |
8 |
<div id="content"> |
9 |
<h2>You have successfully created your <a href="">Nette</a> Web project.</h2> |
10 | ||
11 |
<p><img src="" alt=""> |
12 |
If you are exploring Nette for the first time, you should read the |
13 |
<a href="">Quick Start</a>, <a href="">documentation</a>, |
14 |
<a href="">tutorials</a> and <a href="">forum</a>.</p> |
15 | ||
16 |
<h2>We hope you enjoy Nette!</h2> |
17 |
</div> |
18 | ||
19 |
<style> |
20 |
html { font: normal 18px/1.3 Georgia, "New York CE", utopia, serif; color: #666; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px rgba(0,0,0,0); overflow-y: scroll; } |
21 |
body { background: #3484d2; color: #333; margin: 2em auto; padding: 0 .5em; max-width: 600px; min-width: 320px; } |
22 | ||
23 |
a { color: #006aeb; padding: 3px 1px; } |
24 |
a:hover, a:active, a:focus { background-color: #006aeb; text-decoration: none; color: white; } |
25 | ||
26 |
#banner { border-radius: 12px 12px 0 0; background-image: url(); } |
27 | ||
28 |
h1 { font: inherit; color: white; font-size: 50px; line-height: 121px; margin: 0; padding-left: 4%; background: url( no-repeat 95%; background-size: 130px auto; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .9); } |
29 |
@media (max-width: 600px) { |
30 |
h1 { background: none; font-size: 40px; } |
31 |
} |
32 | ||
33 |
#content { background: white; border: 1px solid #eff4f7; border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px; padding: 10px 4%; overflow: hidden; } |
34 | ||
35 |
h2 { font: inherit; padding: 1.2em 0; margin: 0; } |
36 | ||
37 |
img { border: none; float: right; margin: 0 0 1em 3em; } |
38 |
</style> |
5 |
<div class="container"> |
6 |
<div class="row"> |
7 |
<div class="col-md-12"> |
8 |
{control dataGrid} |
9 |
</div> |
10 |
</div> |
11 |
</div> |
app/utils/datagrid/DataGrid.php | ||
1 |
<?php |
2 | ||
3 |
namespace App\Utils\DataGrid; |
4 | ||
5 |
use Nette\ComponentModel\IContainer; |
6 |
use Nette\Database\Table\Selection; |
7 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Column\ColumnDateTime; |
8 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Column\ColumnNumber; |
9 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Column\ColumnText; |
10 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\DataGrid as BaseDataGrid; |
11 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Exception\DataGridException; |
12 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Filter\FilterText; |
13 |
use Ublaboo\DataGrid\Localization\SimpleTranslator; |
14 | ||
15 |
/** |
16 |
* Třída DataGrid poskytuje DataGrid s českou lokalizací, šablonou pro Bootstrap 4 a vyhledáváním s použitím LIKE |
17 |
* @package App\Utils\DataGrid |
18 |
*/ |
19 |
abstract class DataGrid extends BaseDataGrid |
20 |
{ |
21 |
/** |
22 |
* DataGrid konstruktor. |
23 |
* @param IContainer|null $parent |
24 |
* @param null $name |
25 |
*/ |
26 |
public function __construct(IContainer $parent = null, $name = null) |
27 |
{ |
28 |
parent::__construct($parent, $name); |
29 | ||
30 |
$translator = new SimpleTranslator([ |
31 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.no_item_found_reset' => 'Žádné položky nenalezeny. Filtr můžete vynulovat', |
32 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.no_item_found' => 'Žádné položky nenalezeny.', |
33 |
'' => 'zde', |
34 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.items' => 'Položky', |
35 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.all' => 'všechny', |
36 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.from' => 'z', |
37 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.reset_filter' => 'Resetovat filtr', |
38 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.group_actions' => 'Hromadné akce', |
39 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.show_all_columns' => 'Zobrazit všechny sloupce', |
40 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.hide_column' => 'Skrýt sloupec', |
41 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.action' => 'Akce', |
42 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.previous' => 'Předchozí', |
43 |
'' => 'Další', |
44 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.choose' => 'Vyberte', |
45 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.execute' => 'Provést', |
46 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.show_default_columns' => 'Zobrazit výchozí sloupce', |
47 |
'ublaboo_datagrid.filter_submit_button' => 'Filtrovat', |
48 | ||
49 |
'Name' => 'Jméno', |
50 |
'Inserted' => 'Vloženo' |
51 |
]); |
52 | ||
53 |
$this->setTranslator($translator); |
54 | ||
55 |
$this->setTemplateFile(__DIR__ . '/templates/datagrid.latte'); |
56 | ||
57 |
$this->setColumnsHideable(); |
58 | ||
59 |
$this->setAutoSubmit(false); |
60 | ||
61 |
$this->setStrictSessionFilterValues(false); |
62 | ||
63 |
$this->init(); |
64 | ||
65 |
$this->define(); |
66 |
} |
67 | ||
68 |
/** |
69 |
* Abstraktní metoda, slouží k nastavení primárního klíče a nastavení datasource |
70 |
* 1. $this->setPrimaryKey(); |
71 |
* 2. $this->setDataSource(); |
72 |
* |
73 |
* @throws DataGridException |
74 |
*/ |
75 |
public abstract function init(); |
76 | ||
77 |
/** |
78 |
* Definice sloupečků, akcí, vyhledávácích filtrů gridu |
79 |
* |
80 |
* @throws DataGridException |
81 |
*/ |
82 |
public abstract function define(); |
83 | ||
84 |
/** |
85 |
* Vrací vytvořený datagrid - používáno v továrničkách |
86 |
* |
87 |
* @return $this |
88 |
*/ |
89 |
public function create() |
90 |
{ |
91 |
return $this; |
92 |
} |
93 | ||
94 |
/** |
95 |
* Nastavuje každý sloupeček řaditelný jako výchozí nastavení |
96 |
* |
97 |
* @param string $key : column name |
98 |
* @param string $name : filter label |
99 |
* @param null $column |
100 |
* @return null|ColumnText |
101 |
*/ |
102 |
public function addColumnText($key, $name, $column = null): ColumnText |
103 |
{ |
104 |
$column = parent::addColumnText($key, $name, $column); |
105 |
$column->setSortable(); |
106 | ||
107 |
return $column; |
108 |
} |
109 | ||
110 |
/** |
111 |
* Nastavuje každý sloupeček řaditelný jako výchozí nastavení |
112 |
* |
113 |
* @param string $key : column name |
114 |
* @param string $name : filter label |
115 |
* @param null $column |
116 |
* @return ColumnNumber |
117 |
*/ |
118 |
public function addColumnNumber($key, $name, $column = null): ColumnNumber |
119 |
{ |
120 |
$column = parent::addColumnNumber($key, $name, $column); |
121 |
$column->setSortable(); |
122 | ||
123 |
return $column; |
124 |
} |
125 | ||
126 |
/** |
127 |
* Nastavuje každý sloupeček řaditelný jako výchozí nastavení |
128 |
* |
129 |
* @param string $key : column name |
130 |
* @param string $name : filter label |
131 |
* @param null $column |
132 |
* @return ColumnDateTime |
133 |
*/ |
134 |
public function addColumnDateTime($key, $name, $column = null): ColumnDateTime |
135 |
{ |
136 |
$column = parent::addColumnDateTime($key, $name, $column); |
137 |
$column->setSortable(); |
138 | ||
139 |
return $column; |
140 |
} |
141 | ||
142 |
/** |
143 |
* Umožňění filtrování sloupečků s textem podle jeho jednotlivých částí pomocí LIKE SQL commandu |
144 |
* |
145 |
* @param string $key : column name |
146 |
* @param string $name : filter label |
147 |
* @param null $columns |
148 |
* @return FilterText |
149 |
* @throws DataGridException |
150 |
*/ |
151 |
public function addFilterText($key, $name, $columns = null): FilterText |
152 |
{ |
153 |
$filterText = parent::addFilterText($key, $name, $columns); |
154 | ||
155 |
$filter = parent::getFilter($key); |
156 | ||
157 |
$filter->setCondition(function ($selection, $value) use ($key) |
158 |
{ |
159 |
/** @var Selection $selection */ |
160 |
$selection->where($key . ' LIKE', '%' . $value . '%'); |
161 |
}); |
162 | ||
163 |
return $filterText; |
164 |
} |
165 |
} |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/column_multi_action.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param $multi_action Ublaboo\DataGrid\Column\MultiAction |
3 |
*} |
4 | ||
5 |
<div class="dropdown"> |
6 |
{$multi_action->renderButton()|noescape} |
7 |
<ul class="dropdown-menu"> |
8 |
<li n:foreach="$multi_action->getActions() as $actionKey => $action"> |
9 |
{continueIf !$multi_action->testRowCondition($actionKey, $row)} |
10 | ||
11 |
{if $action->hasTemplate()} |
12 |
{include $action->getTemplate(), item => $row->getItem(), (expand) $action->getTemplateVariables(), row => $row} |
13 |
{else} |
14 |
{$action->render($row)|noescape} |
15 |
{/if} |
16 |
</li> |
17 |
</ul> |
18 |
</div> |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/column_status.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param $row Ublaboo\DataGrid\Row |
3 |
* @param $status Ublaboo\DataGrid\Column\ColumnStatus |
4 |
*} |
5 | ||
6 |
{var $active_option = $status->getCurrentOption($row)} |
7 | ||
8 |
<div class="dropdown"> |
9 |
{if $active_option} |
10 |
<button class="dropdown-toggle {$active_option->getClass()} {$active_option->getClassSecondary()}" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown"> |
11 |
{if $active_option->getIcon()}<i class="{$icon_prefix}{$active_option->getIcon()}"></i> {/if} |
12 |
{$active_option->getText()|translate} <i n:if="$status->hasCaret()" class="caret"></i> |
13 |
</button> |
14 |
{else} |
15 |
{$row->getValue($status->getColumn())} |
16 |
{/if} |
17 |
<ul class="dropdown-menu"> |
18 |
<li n:foreach="$status->getOptions() as $option"> |
19 |
<a class="{$option->getClassInDropdown()}" n:href="changeStatus!, id => $row->getId(), key => $status->getKey(), value => $option->getValue()"> |
20 |
{if $option->getIconSecondary()}<i class="datagrid-column-status-option-icon {$icon_prefix}{$option->getIconSecondary()}"></i> {/if} |
21 |
{$option->getText()|translate} |
22 |
</a> |
23 |
</li> |
24 |
</ul> |
25 |
</div> |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Column[] $columns Available columns |
3 |
* @param Action[] $actions Available actions |
4 |
* @param Export[] $exports Available exports |
5 |
* @param Filter[] $filters Available filters |
6 |
* @param ToolBarButton[] $toolbar_buttons Available toolbar_buttons |
7 |
* @param Form $filter Workaround for latte snippets |
8 |
* @param Row[] $rows List of rows (each contain a item from data source) |
9 |
* @param DataGrid $control Parent (DataGrid) |
10 |
* @param string $original_template Original template file path |
11 |
* @param string $icon_prefix Icon prefix (fa fa-) |
12 |
* @param array $columns_visibility What columns are visible |
13 |
* @param InlineEdit|null $inlineEdit Inline editing data |
14 |
* @param InlineEdit|null $inlineAdd Inline add data |
15 |
*} |
16 | ||
17 |
<div class="datagrid datagrid-{$control->getName()}" data-refresh-state="{link refreshState!}"> |
18 |
{** |
19 |
* Own data |
20 |
*} |
21 |
<div n:snippet="grid"> |
22 |
{snippetArea gridSnippets} |
23 |
{form filter, class => 'ajax'} |
24 |
{** |
25 |
* Filter form |
26 |
*} |
27 |
{if $control->hasOuterFilterRendering()} |
28 |
{block outer-filters} |
29 |
<div class="row text-right datagrid-collapse-filters-button-row" n:if="$control->hasCollapsibleOuterFilters()"> |
30 |
<div class="col-sm-12"> |
31 |
<button class="btn btn-xs btn-primary active" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#datagrid-{$control->getName()}-row-filters"> |
32 |
<i n:block = "icon-filter" class="{$icon_prefix}filter"></i> {='ublaboo_datagrid.show_filter'|translate} |
33 |
</button> |
34 |
</div> |
35 |
</div> |
36 | ||
37 |
{if $control->hasCollapsibleOuterFilters() && !$filter_active} |
38 |
{var $filter_row_class = 'row-filters collapse'} |
39 |
{elseif $filter_active} |
40 |
{var $filter_row_class = 'row-filters collapse in'} |
41 |
{else} |
42 |
{var $filter_row_class = 'row-filters'} |
43 |
{/if} |
44 |
<div class="{$filter_row_class}" id="datagrid-{$control->getName()}-row-filters"> |
45 |
<div class="row"> |
46 |
{var $i = 0} |
47 |
{var $filter_columns_class = 'col-sm-' . (12 / $control->getOuterFilterColumnsCount())} |
48 |
<div class="datagrid-row-outer-filters-group {$filter_columns_class}" n:foreach="$filters as $f"> |
49 |
{** |
50 |
* Each fitler is rendered separately in its own template |
51 |
*} |
52 |
{var $filter_block = 'filter-' . $f->getKey()} |
53 |
{var $filter_type_block = 'filtertype-' . $f->getType()} |
54 | ||
55 |
{ifset #$filter_block} |
56 |
{include #$filter_block, filter => $f, input => $form['filter'][$f->getKey()], outer => TRUE} |
57 |
{else} |
58 |
{ifset #$filter_type_block} |
59 |
{include #$filter_type_block, filter => $f, input => $form['filter'][$f->getKey()], outer => TRUE} |
60 |
{else} |
61 |
{include $f->getTemplate(), filter => $f, input => $form['filter'][$f->getKey()], outer => TRUE} |
62 |
{/ifset} |
63 |
{/ifset} |
64 |
{var $i = $i+1} |
65 |
</div> |
66 |
<div class="col-sm-12" n:if="!$control->hasAutoSubmit()"> |
67 |
<div class="text-right datagrid-manual-submit"> |
68 |
{input $filter['filter']['submit']} |
69 |
</div> |
70 |
</div> |
71 |
</div> |
72 |
</div> |
73 |
{/block} |
74 |
{/if} |
75 |
<table class="{block table-class}table table-hover table-striped table-bordered table-sm{/block}" n:snippet="table" n:block="data"> |
76 |
<thead n:block="header"> |
77 |
<tr class="row-group-actions" n:if="$hasGroupActions || $exports || $toolbar_buttons || $control->canHideColumns() || $inlineAdd" n:block="group-actions"> |
78 |
<th colspan="{$control->getColumnsCount()}" class="ublaboo-datagrid-th-form-inline"> |
79 |
{if $hasGroupActions} |
80 |
{block group_actions} |
81 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.group_actions'|translate}: |
82 |
{foreach $filter['group_action']->getControls() as $form_control} |
83 |
{if $form_control instanceof \Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton} |
84 |
{input $form_control, class => 'btn btn-primary btn-sm', style => 'display:none'} |
85 |
{elseif $form_control->getName() == 'group_action'} |
86 |
{input $form_control, class => 'form-control input-sm form-control-sm', disabled => TRUE} |
87 |
{else} |
88 |
{input $form_control, style => 'display:none'} |
89 |
{/if} |
90 |
{/foreach} |
91 |
{if $control->shouldShowSelectedRowsCount()} |
92 |
<span class="datagrid-selected-rows-count"></span> |
93 |
{/if} |
94 |
{/block} |
95 |
{/if} |
96 | ||
97 |
<div class="datagrid-toolbar" n:if="$control->canHideColumns() || $inlineAdd || $exports || $toolbar_buttons"> |
98 |
<span n:if="$toolbar_buttons"> |
99 |
{foreach $toolbar_buttons as $toolbar_button}{$toolbar_button->renderButton()}{/foreach} |
100 |
</span> |
101 | ||
102 |
<span class="datagrid-exports" n:if="$exports" n:snippet="exports" n:block="exports"> |
103 |
{foreach $exports as $export}{$export->render()}{/foreach} |
104 |
</span> |
105 | ||
106 |
<div class="datagrid-settings" n:block="settings" n:if="$control->canHideColumns() || $inlineAdd"> |
107 |
{** |
108 |
* Inline add |
109 |
*} |
110 |
{if $inlineAdd} |
111 |
{$inlineAdd->renderButtonAdd()} |
112 |
{/if} |
113 | ||
114 |
{** |
115 |
* Hideable columns |
116 |
*} |
117 |
<div class="btn-group"> |
118 |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-default btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" n:if="$control->canHideColumns()"> |
119 |
<i n:block = "icon-gear" class="{$icon_prefix}cog"></i> |
120 |
</button> |
121 |
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right dropdown-menu--grid"> |
122 |
<li n:foreach="$columns_visibility as $v_key => $visibility"> |
123 |
{if $visibility['visible']} |
124 |
<a n:href="hideColumn!, column => $v_key" class="ajax dropdown-item"> |
125 |
<i n:block = "icon-checked" class="{$icon_prefix}check-square"></i> |
126 |
{include #column-header, column => $visibility['column']} |
127 |
</a> |
128 |
{else} |
129 |
<a n:href="showColumn!, column => $v_key" class="ajax dropdown-item"> |
130 |
<i n:block = "icon-unchecked" class="{$icon_prefix}square"></i> |
131 |
{include #column-header, column => $visibility['column']} |
132 |
</a> |
133 |
{/if} |
134 |
</li> |
135 |
<li role="separator" class="divider dropdown-divider"></li> |
136 |
<li> |
137 |
<a n:href="showAllColumns!" class="ajax dropdown-item"><i n:block = "icon-eye" class="{$icon_prefix}eye"></i> {='ublaboo_datagrid.show_all_columns'|translate}</a> |
138 |
</li> |
139 |
<li n:if="$control->hasSomeColumnDefaultHide()"> |
140 |
<a n:href="showDefaultColumns!" class="ajax dropdown-item"><i n:block = "icon-repeat" class="{$icon_prefix}redo"></i> {='ublaboo_datagrid.show_default_columns'|translate}</a> |
141 |
</li> |
142 |
</ul> |
143 |
</div> |
144 |
</div> |
145 |
</div> |
146 |
</th> |
147 |
</tr> |
148 |
<tr n:block="header-column-row"> |
149 |
<th n:snippet="thead-group-action" n:if="$hasGroupActions" n:attr="'rowspan=2' => !empty($filters) && !$control->hasOuterFilterRendering()" class="col-checkbox"> |
150 |
<input n:if="$hasGroupActionOnRows" n:class="$control->useHappyComponents() ? 'happy gray-border' , primary" name="{$control->getName()|lower}-toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-check="{$control->getName()}" data-check-all="{$control->getName()}"> |
151 |
</th> |
152 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
153 |
{var $th = $column->getElementForRender('th', $key)} |
154 |
{$th->startTag()|noescape} |
155 |
{var $col_header = 'col-' . $key . '-header'} |
156 | ||
157 |
{** |
158 |
* Column header can be defined also with block {col-<key>-header} |
159 |
*} |
160 |
{ifset #$col_header} |
161 |
{include #$col_header, column => $column} |
162 |
{else} |
163 |
{if $column->isSortable()} |
164 |
<a n:class="$column->isSortedBy() ? 'sort' : '', 'ajax', 'success'" href="{link sort!, sort => $control->getSortNext($column)}" id="datagrid-sort-{$key}"> |
165 |
{include #column-header, column => $column} |
166 | ||
167 |
{if $column->isSortedBy()} |
168 |
{if $column->isSortAsc()} |
169 |
<i n:block="icon-sort-up" class="{$icon_prefix}caret-up"></i> |
170 |
{else} |
171 |
<i n:block="icon-sort-down" class="{$icon_prefix}caret-down"></i> |
172 |
{/if} |
173 |
{else} |
174 |
<i n:block="icon-sort" class="{$icon_prefix}sort"></i> |
175 |
{/if} |
176 |
</a> |
177 |
{else} |
178 |
{include #column-header, column => $column} |
179 |
{/if} |
180 |
{/ifset} |
181 | ||
182 |
<div class="datagrid-column-header-additions"> |
183 |
<div class="btn-group column-settings-menu" n:if="$control->canHideColumns()"> |
184 |
<a class="dropdown-toggle success" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" href=""> |
185 |
<i n:block="icon-caret-down" class="{$icon_prefix}caret-down"></i> |
186 |
</a> |
187 |
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu--grid"> |
188 |
<li> |
189 |
<a n:href="hideColumn!, column => $key" class="ajax dropdown-item"> |
190 |
<i n:block = "icon-eye-slash" class="{$icon_prefix}eye-slash"></i> {='ublaboo_datagrid.hide_column'|translate}</a> |
191 |
</li> |
192 |
</ul> |
193 |
</div> |
194 | ||
195 |
{if $control->hasColumnReset()} |
196 |
<a data-datagrid-reset-filter-by-column="{$key}" n:href="resetColumnFilter!, key => $key" n:class="isset($filters[$key]) && $filters[$key]->isValueSet() ? '' : 'hidden', 'ajax'" title="{='ublaboo_datagrid.reset_filter'|translate}"> |
197 |
<i n:block="icon-remove" class="{$icon_prefix}remove"></i> |
198 |
</a> |
199 |
{/if} |
200 |
</div> |
201 |
{$th->endTag()|noescape} |
202 |
{/foreach} |
203 |
<th n:if="$actions || $control->isSortable() || $items_detail || $inlineEdit || $inlineAdd" class="col-action text-center"> |
204 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.action'|translate} |
205 |
</th> |
206 |
</tr> |
207 |
<tr n:block="header-filters" n:if="!empty($filters) && !$control->hasOuterFilterRendering()"> |
208 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
209 |
{var $th = $column->getElementForRender('th', $key)} |
210 |
{$th->startTag()|noescape} |
211 |
{var $col_header = 'col-filter-' . $key . '-header'} |
212 |
{if !$control->hasOuterFilterRendering() && isset($filters[$key])} |
213 |
{var $i = $filter['filter'][$key]} |
214 | ||
215 |
{var $filter_block = 'filter-' . $filters[$key]->getKey()} |
216 |
{var $filter_type_block = 'filtertype-' . $filters[$key]->getType()} |
217 | ||
218 |
{ifset #$filter_block} |
219 |
{include #$filter_block, filter => $filters[$key], input => $i, outer => FALSE} |
220 |
{else} |
221 |
{ifset #$filter_type_block} |
222 |
{include #$filter_type_block, filter => $filters[$key], input => $i, outer => FALSE} |
223 |
{else} |
224 |
{include $filters[$key]->getTemplate(), filter => $filters[$key], input => $i, outer => FALSE} |
225 |
{/ifset} |
226 |
{/ifset} |
227 | ||
228 |
{/if} |
229 |
{$th->endTag()|noescape} |
230 |
{/foreach} |
231 |
<th n:if="$actions || $control->isSortable() || $items_detail || $inlineEdit || $inlineAdd" class="col-action text-center"> |
232 |
{if !$control->hasAutoSubmit() && !$control->hasOuterFilterRendering()} |
233 |
{input $filter['filter']['submit']} |
234 |
{/if} |
235 |
</th> |
236 |
</tr> |
237 |
</thead> |
238 | ||
239 |
{block tbody} |
240 |
<tbody n:snippet="tbody" {if $control->isSortable()}data-sortable data-sortable-url="{plink $control->getSortableHandler()}" data-sortable-parent-path="{$control->getSortableParentPath()}"{/}> |
241 |
{snippetArea items} |
242 |
{if $inlineAdd && $inlineAdd->isPositionTop()} |
243 |
{include inlineAddRow, columns => $columns} |
244 |
{/if} |
245 | ||
246 |
{foreach $rows as $row} |
247 |
{var $item = $row->getItem()} |
248 | ||
249 |
{if !isset($toggle_detail)} |
250 |
{if $inlineEdit && $inlineEdit->getItemId() == $row->getId()} |
251 |
{php $inlineEdit->onSetDefaults($filter['inline_edit'], $item); } |
252 | ||
253 |
<tr data-id="{$row->getId()}" n:snippet="item-{$row->getId()}" n:class="$row->getControlClass()"> |
254 |
<td n:if="$hasGroupActions" class="col-checkbox"></td> |
255 | ||
256 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
257 |
{var $col = 'col-' . $key} |
258 | ||
259 |
{var $td = $column->getElementForRender('td', $key, $row)} |
260 |
{var $td->class[] = 'datagrid-inline-edit'} |
261 |
{$td->startTag()|noescape} |
262 |
{if isset($filter['inline_edit'][$key])} |
263 |
{input $filter['inline_edit'][$key]} |
264 |
{elseif $inlineEdit->showNonEditingColumns()} |
265 |
{include column-value, column => $column, row => $row, key => $key} |
266 |
{/if} |
267 |
{$td->endTag()|noescape} |
268 |
{/foreach} |
269 | ||
270 |
<td class="col-action col-action-inline-edit"> |
271 |
{input $filter['inline_edit']['cancel'], class => 'btn btn-xs btn-danger'} |
272 |
{input $filter['inline_edit']['submit'], class => 'btn btn-xs btn-primary'} |
273 |
{input $filter['inline_edit']['_id']} |
274 |
{input $filter['inline_edit']['_primary_where_column']} |
275 |
</td> |
276 |
</tr> |
277 |
{else} |
278 |
<tr data-id="{$row->getId()}" n:snippet="item-{$row->getId()}" n:class="$row->getControlClass()"> |
279 |
<td n:if="$hasGroupActions" class="col-checkbox"> |
280 |
{if $row->hasGroupAction()} |
281 |
<input n:class="$control->useHappyComponents() ? 'happy gray-border' , primary" type="checkbox" data-check="{$control->getName()}" data-check-all-{$control->getName()|noescape} name="{$control->getName()|lower}_group_action_item[{$row->getId()}]"> |
282 |
{/if} |
283 |
</td> |
284 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
285 |
{php $column = $row->applyColumnCallback($key, clone $column)} |
286 | ||
287 |
{var $td = $column->getElementForRender('td', $key, $row)} |
288 |
{$td->startTag()|noescape} |
289 |
{include column-value, column => $column, row => $row, key => $key} |
290 |
{$td->endTag()|noescape} |
291 |
{/foreach} |
292 |
<td n:if="$actions || $control->isSortable() || $items_detail || $inlineEdit || $inlineAdd" class="col-action"> |
293 |
{foreach $actions as $key => $action} |
294 |
{if $row->hasAction($key)} |
295 |
{if $action->hasTemplate()} |
296 |
{include $action->getTemplate(), item => $item, (expand) $action->getTemplateVariables(), row => $row} |
297 |
{else} |
298 |
{$action->render($row)|noescape} |
299 |
{/if} |
300 |
{/if} |
301 |
{/foreach} |
302 |
<span class="handle-sort btn btn-xs btn-default btn-secondary" n:if="$control->isSortable()"> |
303 |
<i n:block = "icon-arrows-v" class="{$icon_prefix}arrows-v"></i> |
304 |
</span> |
305 |
{if $inlineEdit && $row->hasInlineEdit()} |
306 |
{$inlineEdit->renderButton($row)|noescape} |
307 |
{/if} |
308 |
{if $items_detail && $items_detail->shouldBeRendered($row)} |
309 |
{$items_detail->renderButton($row)|noescape} |
310 |
{/if} |
311 |
</td> |
312 |
</tr> |
313 |
{/if} |
314 |
{/if} |
315 | ||
316 |
{** |
317 |
* Item detail |
318 |
*} |
319 |
{if $items_detail && $items_detail->shouldBeRendered($row)} |
320 |
<tr class="row-item-detail item-detail-{$row->getId()}" n:snippet="item-{$row->getId()}-detail"> |
321 |
{if isset($toggle_detail) && $toggle_detail == $row->getId()} |
322 |
{var $item_detail_params = ['item' => $item, '_form' => $filter] + $items_detail->getTemplateVariables()} |
323 | ||
324 |
{if isset($filter['items_detail_form'])} |
325 |
{var $item_detail_params['items_detail_form'] = $filter['items_detail_form']} |
326 |
{/if} |
327 | ||
328 |
{ifset #detail} |
329 |
<td colspan="{$control->getColumnsCount()}"> |
330 |
<div class="item-detail-content"> |
331 |
{include #detail, (expand) $item_detail_params} |
332 |
</div> |
333 |
</td> |
334 |
{elseif $items_detail} |
335 |
<td colspan="{$control->getColumnsCount()}"> |
336 |
<div class="item-detail-content"> |
337 |
{if $items_detail->getType() == 'template'} |
338 |
{include $items_detail->getTemplate(), (expand) $item_detail_params} |
339 |
{else} |
340 |
{$items_detail->render($item)|noescape} |
341 |
{/if} |
342 |
</div> |
343 |
</td> |
344 |
{/ifset} |
345 |
{/if} |
346 |
</tr> |
347 |
<tr class="row-item-detail-helper"></tr> |
348 |
{/if} |
349 |
{/foreach} |
350 | ||
351 |
{if $inlineAdd && $inlineAdd->isPositionBottom()} |
352 |
{include inlineAddRow, columns => $columns} |
353 |
{/if} |
354 | ||
355 |
<tr class="datagrid-row-columns-summary" n:if="!empty($rows) && ($columnsSummary || $control->hasSomeAggregationFunction())" n:snippet="summary"> |
356 |
<td n:if="$hasGroupActions" class="col-checkbox"></td> |
357 | ||
358 |
{if $columnsSummary && $columnsSummary->someColumnsExist($columns)} |
359 |
{include columnsSummary, columns => $columns} |
360 |
{/if} |
361 | ||
362 |
{if $control->hasSomeAggregationFunction()} |
363 |
{include aggregationFunctions, columns => $columns} |
364 |
{/if} |
365 | ||
366 |
<td n:if="$actions || $control->isSortable() || $items_detail || $inlineEdit || $inlineAdd" class="col-action"></td> |
367 |
</tr> |
368 | ||
369 |
{block noItems} |
370 |
<tr n:if="!$rows"> |
371 |
<td colspan="{$control->getColumnsCount()}"> |
372 |
{if $filter_active} |
373 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.no_item_found_reset'|translate} <a class="link ajax" n:href="resetFilter!">{=''|translate}</a>. |
374 |
{else} |
375 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.no_item_found'|translate} |
376 |
{/if} |
377 |
</td> |
378 |
</tr> |
379 |
{/block} |
380 |
{/snippetArea} |
381 |
</tbody> |
382 |
{/block} |
383 |
{block tfoot} |
384 |
<tfoot n:snippet="pagination"> |
385 |
{if $control->isPaginated() || $filter_active} |
386 |
<tr n:block="pagination"> |
387 |
<td colspan="{$control->getColumnsCount()}" n:if="!$control->isTreeView()" class="row-grid-bottom"> |
388 |
<div class="col-items"> |
389 |
<small class="text-muted" n:if="$control->isPaginated()"> |
390 |
({var $paginator = $control['paginator']->getPaginator()} |
391 | ||
392 |
{if $control->getPerPage() === 'all'} |
393 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.items'|translate}: {='ublaboo_datagrid.all'|translate} |
394 |
{else} |
395 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.items'|translate}: {$paginator->getOffset() > 0 ? $paginator->getOffset() + 1 : ($paginator->getItemCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0)} - {sizeof($rows) + $paginator->getOffset()} |
396 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.from'|translate} {$paginator->getItemCount()} |
397 |
{/if}) |
398 |
</small> |
399 |
</div> |
400 |
<div class="col-pagination text-center"> |
401 |
{** |
402 |
* Pagination |
403 |
*} |
404 |
{control paginator} |
405 |
</div> |
406 |
<div class="col-per-page text-right"> |
407 |
{** |
408 |
* Items per page form (display only beside paginated grido) |
409 |
*} |
410 |
<a n:if="$filter_active" n:href="resetFilter!" class="ajax btn btn-danger btn-sm reset-filter">{='ublaboo_datagrid.reset_filter'|translate}</a> |
411 |
{if $control->isPaginated()} |
412 |
{input $filter['per_page'], data-autosubmit-per-page => TRUE, class => 'form-control input-sm form-control-sm'} |
413 |
{input $filter['per_page_submit'], class => 'datagrid-per-page-submit'} |
414 |
{/if} |
415 |
</div> |
416 |
</td> |
417 |
</tr> |
418 |
{/if} |
419 |
</tfoot> |
420 |
{/block} |
421 |
</table> |
422 |
{/form} |
423 |
{/snippetArea} |
424 |
</div> |
425 |
</div> |
426 | ||
427 | ||
428 |
{define inlineAddRow} |
429 |
{php $inlineAdd->onSetDefaults($filter['inline_add']); } |
430 | ||
431 |
<tr class="datagrid-row-inline-add datagrid-row-inline-add-hidden"> |
432 |
<td n:if="$hasGroupActions" class="col-checkbox"></td> |
433 | ||
434 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
435 |
{var $col = 'col-' . $key} |
436 | ||
437 |
{var $td = clone $column->getElementForRender('td', $key)} |
438 |
{var $td->class[] = 'datagrid-inline-edit'} |
439 |
{$td->startTag()|noescape} |
440 |
{if isset($filter['inline_add'][$key])} |
441 |
{input $filter['inline_add'][$key]} |
442 |
{/if} |
443 |
{$td->endTag()|noescape} |
444 |
{/foreach} |
445 | ||
446 |
<td class="col-action col-action-inline-edit"> |
447 |
{input $filter['inline_add']['cancel']} |
448 |
{input $filter['inline_add']['submit']} |
449 |
</td> |
450 |
</tr> |
451 |
{/define} |
452 | ||
453 | ||
454 |
{define columnsSummary} |
455 | ||
456 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
457 |
{var $td = $column->getElementForRender('td', $key)} |
458 | ||
459 |
{$td->startTag()|noescape} |
460 |
{$columnsSummary->render($key)} |
461 |
{$td->endTag()|noescape} |
462 |
{/foreach} |
463 | ||
464 |
{/define} |
465 | ||
466 | ||
467 |
{define aggregationFunctions} |
468 | ||
469 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
470 |
{var $td = $column->getElementForRender('td', $key)} |
471 | ||
472 |
{$td->startTag()|noescape} |
473 |
{if $aggregation_functions} |
474 |
{ifset $aggregation_functions[$key]} |
475 |
{$aggregation_functions[$key]->renderResult()|noescape} |
476 |
{/ifset} |
477 |
{else} |
478 |
{$multiple_aggregation_function->renderResult($key)|noescape} |
479 |
{/if} |
480 |
{$td->endTag()|noescape} |
481 |
{/foreach} |
482 | ||
483 |
{/define} |
484 | ||
485 | ||
486 |
{define column-header} |
487 |
{if $column->isHeaderEscaped()} |
488 |
{if $column instanceof \Nette\Utils\Html || !$column->isTranslatableHeader()} |
489 |
{$column->getName()|noescape} |
490 |
{else} |
491 |
{$column->getName()|translate|noescape} |
492 |
{/if} |
493 |
{else} |
494 |
{if $column instanceof \Nette\Utils\Html || !$column->isTranslatableHeader()} |
495 |
{$column->getName()} |
496 |
{else} |
497 |
{$column->getName()|translate} |
498 |
{/if} |
499 |
{/if} |
500 |
{/define} |
501 | ||
502 | ||
503 |
{define column-value} |
504 |
{var $col = 'col-' . $key} |
505 |
{var $item = $row->getItem()} |
506 | ||
507 |
{if $column->hasTemplate()} |
508 |
{include $column->getTemplate(), row => $row, item => $item, (expand) $column->getTemplateVariables()} |
509 |
{else} |
510 |
{ifset #$col} |
511 |
{include #$col, item => $item} |
512 |
{else} |
513 |
{if $column->isTemplateEscaped()} |
514 |
{$column->render($row)} |
515 |
{else} |
516 |
{$column->render($row)|noescape} |
517 |
{/if} |
518 |
{/ifset} |
519 |
{/if} |
520 |
{/define} |
521 | ||
522 |
<link href="{$basePath}/css/datagrid.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> |
523 |
<link href="{$basePath}/css/datagrid-spinners.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> |
524 | ||
525 |
<script src="{$basePath}/js/datagrid.min.js"></script> |
526 |
<script src="{$basePath}/js/datagrid-instant-url-refresh.min.js"></script> |
527 |
<script src="{$basePath}/js/datagrid-spinners.min.js"></script> |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_filter_date.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Filter $filter |
3 |
* @param Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput $input |
4 |
* @param string $icon_prefix Icon prefix (fa fa-) |
5 |
*} |
6 | ||
7 |
{if $outer} |
8 |
<div class="row"> |
9 |
{label $input class => 'col-sm-3 control-label' /} |
10 |
<div class="col-sm-9 form-inline"> |
11 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm datagrid-input-group-full-width"> |
12 |
{input $input} |
13 |
<label n:name="$input" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
14 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
15 |
</label> |
16 |
</div> |
17 |
</div> |
18 |
</div> |
19 |
{else} |
20 |
<div class="form-inline"> |
21 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm"> |
22 |
{input $input} |
23 |
<label n:name="$input" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
24 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
25 |
</label> |
26 |
</div> |
27 |
</div> |
28 |
{/if} |
29 | ||
30 |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_filter_daterange.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Filter $filter |
3 |
* @param Nette\Forms\Container $input |
4 |
* @param string $icon_prefix Icon prefix (fa fa-) |
5 |
*} |
6 | ||
7 |
{var $container = $input} |
8 | ||
9 |
{if $outer} |
10 |
<div class="row"> |
11 |
{label $container['from'], class => 'col-sm-3 control-label' /} |
12 |
<div class="col-sm-4 form-inline"> |
13 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm"> |
14 |
{input $container['from']} |
15 |
<label n:name="$container['from']" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
16 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
17 |
</label> |
18 |
</div> |
19 |
</div> |
20 |
{label $container['to'], class => 'filter-range-delimiter col-sm-1 control-label' /} |
21 |
<div class="col-sm-4 form-inline"> |
22 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm"> |
23 |
{input $container['to']} |
24 |
<label n:name="$container['to']" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
25 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
26 |
</label> |
27 |
</div> |
28 |
</div> |
29 |
</div> |
30 |
{else} |
31 |
<div class="datagrid-col-filter-date-range form-inline"> |
32 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm"> |
33 |
{input $container['from']} |
34 |
<label n:name="$container['from']" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
35 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
36 |
</label> |
37 |
</div> |
38 | ||
39 |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm"> |
40 |
{input $container['to']} |
41 |
<label n:name="$container['to']" class="input-group-addon input-group-append"> |
42 |
<i class="input-group-text {$icon_prefix}calendar"></i> |
43 |
</label> |
44 |
</div> |
45 |
</div> |
46 |
{/if} |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_filter_range.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Filter $filter |
3 |
* @param Nette\Forms\Container $input |
4 |
*} |
5 | ||
6 |
{var $container = $input} |
7 | ||
8 |
{if $outer} |
9 |
<div class="row"> |
10 |
{label $container['from'], class => 'col-sm-3 control-label' /} |
11 |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
12 |
{input $container['from']} |
13 |
</div> |
14 |
{label $container['to'], class => 'filter-range-delimiter col-sm-1 control-label' /} |
15 |
<div class="col-sm-4"> |
16 |
{input $container['to']} |
17 |
</div> |
18 |
</div> |
19 |
{else} |
20 |
<div class="datagrid-col-filter-range form-inline"> |
21 |
<div class="input-group"> |
22 |
{input $container['from']} |
23 | ||
24 |
<div class="input-group-addon datagrid-col-filter-datte-range-delimiter">-</div> |
25 | ||
26 |
{input $container['to']} |
27 |
</div> |
28 |
</div> |
29 |
{/if} |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_filter_select.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Filter $filter |
3 |
* @param Nette\Forms\Controls\SelectBox $input |
4 |
*} |
5 | ||
6 |
{if $outer} |
7 |
<div class="row"> |
8 |
{label $input class => 'col-sm-3 control-label' /} |
9 |
<div class="col-sm-9"> |
10 |
{input $input} |
11 |
</div> |
12 |
</div> |
13 |
{else} |
14 |
{input $input} |
15 |
{/if} |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_filter_text.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param Filter $filter |
3 |
* @param Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput $input |
4 |
*} |
5 | ||
6 |
{if $outer} |
7 |
<div class="row"> |
8 |
{label $input class => 'col-sm-3 control-label' /} |
9 |
<div class="col-sm-9"> |
10 |
{input $input} |
11 |
</div> |
12 |
</div> |
13 |
{else} |
14 |
{input $input} |
15 |
{/if} |
app/utils/datagrid/templates/datagrid_tree.latte | ||
1 |
{** |
2 |
* @param array $columns Available columns |
3 |
* @param array $actions Available actions |
4 |
* @param array $exports Available exports |
5 |
* @param Row[] $rows List of rows (each contain a item from data source) |
6 |
* @param DataGrid $control Parent (DataGrid) |
7 |
* @param string $original_template Original template file path |
8 |
* @param string $icon_prefix Icon prefix (fa fa-) |
9 |
*} |
10 | ||
11 |
{extends $original_template} |
12 | ||
13 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-children datagrid-tree" n:snippet="table" n:block="data" {if $control->isSortable()}data-sortable-tree data-sortable-url="{plink $control->getSortableHandler()}" data-sortable-parent-path="{$control->getSortableParentPath()}"{/if}> |
14 |
{snippetArea items} |
15 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item datagrid-tree-header" n:snippet="item-header"> |
16 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-content" data-has-children=""> |
17 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-left"> |
18 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
19 |
<strong>{$column->getName()|translate}</strong> |
20 |
{breakIf TRUE} |
21 |
{/foreach} |
22 |
</div> |
23 | ||
24 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right"> |
25 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-columns"> |
26 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
27 |
{continueIf $iterator->isFirst()} |
28 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-columns-column col-{$column->getColumnName()} text-{$column->hasAlign() ? $column->getAlign() : 'left'}"> |
29 |
<strong>{$column->getName()|translate}</strong> |
30 |
</div> |
31 |
{/foreach} |
32 |
</div> |
33 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-actions" n:if="($actions || $control->isSortable()) && $rows"> |
34 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-actions-action"> |
35 |
{var $tmp_row = reset($rows)} |
36 | ||
37 |
{foreach $actions as $key => $action} |
38 |
{if $tmp_row->hasAction($key)} |
39 |
{if $action->hasTemplate()} |
40 |
{include $action->getTemplate(), item => $tmp_row->getItem(), (expand) $action->getTemplateVariables(), row => $tmp_row} |
41 |
{else} |
42 |
{$action->render($tmp_row)|noescape} |
43 |
{/if} |
44 |
{/if} |
45 |
{/foreach} |
46 | ||
47 |
<span class="handle-sort btn btn-xs btn-default btn-secondary" n:if="$control->isSortable()"> |
48 |
<i class="{$icon_prefix}arrows"></i> |
49 |
</span> |
50 |
</div> |
51 |
</div> |
52 |
</div> |
53 |
</div> |
54 |
</div> |
55 | ||
56 |
{foreach $rows as $row} |
57 |
{var $has_children = $control->hasTreeViewChildrenCallback() ? $control->treeViewChildrenCallback($row->getItem()) : $row->getValue($tree_view_has_children_column)} |
58 |
{var $item = $row->getItem()} |
59 | ||
60 |
<div n:class="$has_children ? has-children, 'datagrid-tree-item'" data-id="{$row->getId()}" n:snippet="item-{$row->getId()}"> |
61 |
<div n:class="datagrid-tree-item-content, $row->getControlClass()" data-id="{$row->getId()}" data-has-children="{$has_children ? true : false}"> |
62 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-left"> |
63 |
<a n:href="getChildren! parent => $row->getId()" data-toggle-tree="true" n:class="!$has_children ? hidden, 'chevron ajax'"> |
64 |
<i n:block="icon-chevron" class="{$icon_prefix}chevron-right"></i> |
65 |
</a> |
66 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
67 |
{var $col = 'col-' . $key} |
68 |
{php $column = $row->applyColumnCallback($key, clone $column)} |
69 | ||
70 |
{if $column->hasTemplate()} |
71 |
{include $column->getTemplate(), item => $item, (expand) $column->getTemplateVariables()} |
72 |
{else} |
73 |
{ifset #$col} |
74 |
{include #$col, item => $item} |
75 |
{else} |
76 |
{if $column->isTemplateEscaped()} |
77 |
{$column->render($row)} |
78 |
{else} |
79 |
{$column->render($row)|noescape} |
80 |
{/if} |
81 |
{/ifset} |
82 |
{/if} |
83 | ||
84 |
{breakIf TRUE} |
85 |
{/foreach} |
86 |
</div> |
87 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right"> |
88 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-columns"> |
89 |
{foreach $columns as $key => $column} |
90 |
{continueIf $iterator->isFirst()} |
91 | ||
92 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-columns-column text-{$column->hasAlign() ? $column->getAlign() : 'left'}"> |
93 |
{var $col = 'col-' . $key} |
94 |
{php $column = $row->applyColumnCallback($key, clone $column)} |
95 | ||
96 |
{if $column->hasTemplate()} |
97 |
{include $column->getTemplate(), row => $row, item => $item, (expand) $column->getTemplateVariables()} |
98 |
{else} |
99 |
{ifset #$col} |
100 |
{include #$col, item => $item} |
101 |
{else} |
102 |
{if $column->isTemplateEscaped()} |
103 |
{$column->render($row)} |
104 |
{else} |
105 |
{$column->render($row)|noescape} |
106 |
{/if} |
107 |
{/ifset} |
108 |
{/if} |
109 |
</div> |
110 |
{/foreach} |
111 |
</div> |
112 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-actions"> |
113 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-right-actions-action"> |
114 |
{foreach $actions as $key => $action} |
115 |
{if $row->hasAction($key)} |
116 |
{if $action->hasTemplate()} |
117 |
{include $action->getTemplate(), item => $item, (expand) $action->getTemplateVariables(), row => $row} |
118 |
{else} |
119 |
{$action->render($row)|noescape} |
120 |
{/if} |
121 |
{/if} |
122 |
{/foreach} |
123 | ||
124 |
<span class="handle-sort btn btn-xs btn-default btn-secondary" n:if="$control->isSortable()"> |
125 |
<i n:block = "icon-arrows" class="{$icon_prefix}arrows"></i> |
126 |
</span> |
127 |
</div> |
128 |
</div> |
129 |
</div> |
130 |
</div> |
131 |
<div class="datagrid-tree-item-children" {if $control->isSortable()}data-sortable-tree data-sortable-url="{plink $control->getSortableHandler()}"{/}></div> |
132 |
</div> |
133 |
{/foreach} |
134 |
{if !$rows} |
135 |
{='ublaboo_datagrid.no_item_found'|translate} |
136 |
{/if} |
137 |
{/snippetArea} |
138 |
</div> |
composer.json | ||
19 | 19 |
"nette/security": "^2.4", |
20 | 20 |
"nette/utils": "^2.4", |
21 | 21 |
"latte/latte": "^2.4", |
22 |
"tracy/tracy": "^2.4" |
22 |
"tracy/tracy": "^2.4", |
23 |
"ublaboo/datagrid": "^5.6" |
23 | 24 |
}, |
24 | 25 |
"require-dev": { |
25 | 26 |
"nette/tester": "^2.0" |
composer.lock | ||
4 | 4 |
"Read more about it at", |
5 | 5 |
"This file is @generated automatically" |
6 | 6 |
], |
7 |
"content-hash": "29742b99e1ba0714587bf91cdbaecb4d",
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8 | 8 |
"packages": [ |
9 | 9 |
{ |
10 | 10 |
"name": "latte/latte", |
... | ... | |
1180 | 1180 |
], |
1181 | 1181 |
"time": "2018-09-18T10:22:16+00:00" |
1182 | 1182 |
}, |
1183 |
{ |
1184 |
"name": "paragonie/random_compat", |
1185 |
"version": "v9.99.99", |
1186 |
"source": { |
1187 |
"type": "git", |
1188 |
"url": "", |
1189 |
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"dist": { |
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1195 |
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1196 |
}, |
1197 |
"require": { |
1198 |
"php": "^7" |
1199 |
}, |
1200 |
"require-dev": { |
1201 |
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*", |
1202 |
"vimeo/psalm": "^1" |
1203 |
}, |
1204 |
"suggest": { |
1205 |
"ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." |
1206 |
}, |
1207 |
"type": "library", |
1208 |
"notification-url": "", |
1209 |
"license": [ |
1210 |
"MIT" |
1211 |
], |
1212 |
"authors": [ |
1213 |
{ |
1214 |
"name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", |
1215 |
"email": "", |
1216 |
"homepage": "" |
1217 |
} |
1218 |
], |
1219 |
"description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7", |
1220 |
"keywords": [ |
1221 |
"csprng", |
1222 |
"polyfill", |
1223 |
"pseudorandom", |
1224 |
"random" |
1225 |
], |
1226 |
"time": "2018-07-02T15:55:56+00:00" |
1227 |
}, |
1228 |
{ |
1229 |
"name": "symfony/inflector", |
1230 |
"version": "v3.3.6", |
1231 |
"source": { |
1232 |
"type": "git", |
1233 |
"url": "", |
1234 |
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1239 |
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1240 |
"shasum": "" |
1241 |
}, |
1242 |
"require": { |
1243 |
"php": ">=5.5.9" |
1244 |
}, |
1245 |
"type": "library", |
1246 |
"extra": { |
1247 |
"branch-alias": { |
1248 |
"dev-master": "3.3-dev" |
1249 |
} |
1250 |
}, |
1251 |
"autoload": { |
1252 |
"psr-4": { |
1253 |
"Symfony\\Component\\Inflector\\": "" |
1254 |
}, |
1255 |
"exclude-from-classmap": [ |
1256 |
"/Tests/" |
1257 |
] |
1258 |
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1259 |
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1260 |
"license": [ |
1261 |
"MIT" |
1262 |
], |
1263 |
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1264 |
{ |
1265 |
"name": "Bernhard Schussek", |
1266 |
"email": "" |
1267 |
}, |
1268 |
{ |
1269 |
"name": "Symfony Community", |
1270 |
"homepage": "" |
1271 |
} |
1272 |
], |
1273 |
"description": "Symfony Inflector Component", |
1274 |
"homepage": "", |
1275 |
"keywords": [ |
1276 |
"inflection", |
1277 |
"pluralize", |
1278 |
"singularize", |
1279 |
"string", |
1280 |
"symfony", |
1281 |
"words" |
1282 |
], |
1283 |
"time": "2017-04-12T14:14:56+00:00" |
1284 |
}, |
1285 |
{ |
1286 |
"name": "symfony/polyfill-php70", |
1287 |
"version": "v1.11.0", |
1288 |
"source": { |
1289 |
"type": "git", |
1290 |
"url": "", |
1291 |
"reference": "bc4858fb611bda58719124ca079baff854149c89" |
1292 |
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1293 |
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1294 |
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1295 |
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1296 |
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1297 |
"shasum": "" |
1298 |
}, |
1299 |
"require": { |
1300 |
"paragonie/random_compat": "~1.0|~2.0|~9.99", |
1301 |
"php": ">=5.3.3" |
1302 |
}, |
1303 |
"type": "library", |
1304 |
"extra": { |
1305 |
"branch-alias": { |
1306 |
"dev-master": "1.11-dev" |
1307 |
} |
1308 |
}, |
1309 |
"autoload": { |
1310 |
"psr-4": { |
1311 |
"Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php70\\": "" |
1312 |
}, |
1313 |
"files": [ |
1314 |
"bootstrap.php" |
1315 |
], |
1316 |
"classmap": [ |
1317 |
"Resources/stubs" |
1318 |
] |
1319 |
}, |
1320 |
"notification-url": "", |
1321 |
"license": [ |
1322 |
"MIT" |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Re #7217 přidání datagridů