1 |
Petr Lukašík
2 |
@$spojeni = Pg_Connect ("user=dbowner dbname=klinopis");
3 |
if (! $spojeni)
4 |
5 |
echo ("Sorry, it was impossible to connect to the database, try later!<BR>\n");
6 |
7 |
8 |
if (@Pg_Exec ($spojeni, "UPDATE graf01 SET scteni='$scteni', lcteni='$lcteni' WHERE (oid='$oid')"))
9 |
echo ("Sign item saved OK:<br>\n");
10 |
11 |
12 |
echo ("An error occured, item change was not saved !\n");
13 |
14 |
@$result = Pg_Exec(
15 |
"select gnazev, bcislo01, scteni, lcteni from graf01 WHERE oid='$oid'");
16 |
if (!$result):
17 |
echo "An error occured!";
18 |
19 |
20 |
echo "<BR>";
21 |
@$result2 = Pg_Exec(
22 |
"select gnazev, bcislo01, scteni, lcteni from graf01 WHERE oid='$oid'");
23 |
echo "<table border=1>";
24 |
echo "<tr><td><center>ABZ number</center></td><td><center><b>sign name</b></center></td><td><center><b><small>logographic reading</small></b></center></td><td>syllabic reading</td></tr>";
25 |
for ($j=0; $j < Pg_NumRows($result2); $j++):
26 |
$zaznam = Pg_Fetch_Array($result2, $j);
27 |
echo ("<tr><td>".$zaznam["bcislo01"]."</td><td><FONT FACE='Arial Unicode MS' color=#3399ff SIZE=2>".$zaznam["gnazev"]."</font></td><td><FONT FACE='Arial Unicode MS' color=#3399ff SIZE=3>".$zaznam["lcteni"]."</FONT></td><td><FONT FACE='Arial Unicode MS' SIZE=3>".$zaznam["scteni"]."</FONT></td></tr>\n");
28 |
29 |
echo "</table>";
30 |
Pg_Close ($spojeni);
31 |
32 |
33 |
<INPUT TYPE="Button" VALUE="Bring me back to select other sign item" onClick="history.go(-2)">
34 |