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Petr Lukašík
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include "autorizace.inc.php";
3 |
4 |
//if ($auth_level == 0) ksa_unauthorized();
5 |
if ($auth_level < 10) ksa_unauthorized();
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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<title>Selected items from the Old Babylonian Dictionary</title>
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<FONT FACE='Verdana' Color="#9bbad6">
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<h2><center>Selected items from the Old Babylonian Dictionary</center></FONT></h2>
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<h3><FONT color=#8080ff face=Verdana size=4>List of items according to previous selection</FONT></h3>
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$status = true;
18 |
@$connection = Pg_Connect ("user=dbowner dbname=klinopis");
19 |
if (!$connection)
20 |
21 |
echo "There are probably too many querries, please try again later!";
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23 |
24 |
25 |
echo "<FONT FACE=\"Arial Unicode MS\">Searched item: <b>$chain2</b> </FONT><BR>";
26 |
if (@$result = @Pg_Exec (
27 |
"SELECT oid, item, text1 FROM obkk ORDER BY item ASC"))
28 |
29 |
if (($pocethesel = @Pg_NumRows ($result)) > 0)
30 |
31 |
echo "<FONT FACE=\"Arial Unicode MS\" SIZE=3>$pocethesel item(s) found.\n<BR>";
32 |
echo "<table border=0 bgcolor=\"#ecece6\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>";
33 |
echo "<tr><td><FONT color=#8080ff size=3><small>item</small></td><td><FONT color=#8080ff size=4><small>provisional dictionary definition</small></FONT></td><td><FONT color=#8080ff size=4><small>last author</SMALL></FONT></TD></tr>";
34 |
for ($i = 0; $i < $pocethesel; $i++)
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List ($oid, $item, $text1) = Pg_Fetch_Row ($result, $i);
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echo "<tr><td>$item <td>$text1</td></td>
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echo "</table>";
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43 |
echo "Sorry, this item is not yet written in this dictionary. Try to write <FONT FACE=\"Arial Unicode MS\" SIZE=3>$chain2</FONT>, thanks.<FORM ACTION=\"/autor/obdict/obdictnew1.php\" METHOD=\"post\" ACCEPT-CHARSET=\"utf-8\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"><input type=hidden name=item value=\"$chain2\"><? $chain2 = URLencode ($chain2); ?><BR><input type=submit value=\"write new dictionary item $item\"></FORM>";
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echo ("Wow, sorry, too many queries, maybe try again later<br>");
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