1 |
Petr Lukašík
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
function get_header_of_table() {
6 |
return "\n <tr class=\"nadpis_sekce\">
7 |
<td>jazyk </td>
8 |
<td>zdroj </td>
9 |
10 |
11 |
<td> </td>
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
function get_row_of_table($Record) {
17 |
global $language;
18 |
global $order;
19 |
global $od;
20 |
global $limit;
21 |
global $contrains_source;
22 |
global $contrains_lection;
23 |
24 |
$nav_str = "language=$language&contrains_source=$contrains_source&contrains_lection=$contrains_lection";
25 |
26 |
$navrat .= " <tr class=\"akt\">";
27 |
$navrat .= "\n <td> ".$Record['language']." </td>";
28 |
$navrat .= "\n <td> ".$Record['source']."</td>";
29 |
$navrat .= "\n <td> ".$Record['lection']."</td>";
30 |
31 |
$navrat .= "\n <td class=\"arabic\">";
32 |
$navrat .= $Record["title"];
33 |
$navrat .= " </td>\n";
34 |
$navrat .= "\n <td><a href=\"?nav_id=detail_article&article_id=".$Record['IDarticle']."&".$nav_str."\">detail</a></td>";
35 |
$navrat .= "\n </tr> \n";
36 |
return $navrat;
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
function get_foot_of_table() {
42 |
return '<tr class="nadpis_sekce">
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
function get_razeni($l_order = "IDarticle",
52 |
$l_od = 0,
53 |
$l_limit = 30,
54 |
$contrains_source = "all",
55 |
$contrains_lection = "all") {
56 |
57 |
global $language;
58 |
59 |
global $order;
60 |
global $od;
61 |
global $limit;
62 |
63 |
$order = $l_order;
64 |
$od = $l_od;
65 |
$limit = $l_limit;
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
$nav_str = "language=$language&contrains_source=$contrains_source&contrains_lection=$contrains_lection";
70 |
71 |
$pocet_slov = get_pocet_clanku($contrains_source, $contrains_lection);
72 |
$navrat = "<p class=\"akt\"></p>";
73 |
$navrat .= "\n<table>
74 |
<tr class=\"nadpis_sekce\">
75 |
76 |
<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" name=\"razeni\">
77 |
Filtr: $language - $contrains_source - $contrains_lection";
78 |
79 |
$navrat .= " (Ve výběru celkem $pocet_slov)<br />
80 |
Řadit podle
81 |
<select name=\"order\">
82 |
<option value=\"IDarticle\">Identofikátor</option>
83 |
<option value=\"title\">nadpis</option>
84 |
<option value=\"body\">obsah</option>
85 |
<option value=\"note\">poznámka</option>
86 |
87 |
od: <input type=\"text\" name=\"od\" value=\"$od\" size=\"5\" />
88 |
počet: <input type=\"text\" name=\"limit\" value=\"$limit\" size=\"5\" />
89 |
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contrains_source\" value=\"$contrains_source\" />
90 |
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contrains_lection\" value=\"$contrains_lection\" />
91 |
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"serad\" value=\"Zobraz\" />
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
<tr class=\"nadpis_sekce\"><td align=\"center\">
96 |
<a href=\"?nav_id=list_article&serad=true&order=$order&od=0&limit=$limit&$nav_str\">
97 |
Na začátek </a> | ";
98 |
if ($od-$limit >= 0)
99 |
$navrat .="\n <a href=\"?nav_id=list_article&serad=true&order=$order&od=".
100 |
101 |
Předchozích $limit </a> | ";
102 |
if ($od+$limit < $pocet_slov)
103 |
$navrat .="\n <a href=\"?nav_id=list_article&serad=true&order=$order&od=".
104 |
105 |
Dalších $limit </a> | ";
106 |
$navrat .="\n <a href=\"?nav_id=list_article&serad=true&order=$order&od=".
107 |
108 |
Na konec </a>
109 |
110 |
$navrat .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
111 |
return $navrat;
112 |
113 |
114 |
function get_pocet_clanku($contrains_source, $contrains_lection) {
115 |
global $language;
116 |
117 |
$spojeni = new DB_Sql();
118 |
$dotaz = "SELECT \"IDarticle\" FROM article";
119 |
if ($language != "all")
120 |
$dotaz .= " WHERE language LIKE '$language'";
121 |
if ($contrains_source != "all")
122 |
$dotaz .= " AND source = $contrains_source";
123 |
if ($contrains_lection != "all")
124 |
$dotaz .= " AND lection = $contrains_lection";
125 |
126 |
127 |
return $spojeni->num_rows();
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
function build_query_article($language, $contrains_source, $contrains_lection,$order, $od, $limit) {
132 |
Filip Jani
133 |
ar.IDarticle as IDarticle,
134 |
Petr Lukašík
ar.title as title,
135 |
lan.language as language,
136 |
so.title as source,
137 |
ar.lection as lection
138 |
139 |
140 |
FROM article ar, language lan, source so";
141 |
142 |
if ($language != "all")
143 |
$dotaz .= " WHERE ar.language LIKE '$language' ";
144 |
145 |
$dotaz .= " WHERE TRUE ";
146 |
147 |
if ($contrains_source != "all")
148 |
$dotaz .= "AND ar.source = $contrains_source";
149 |
if ($contrains_lection != "all")
150 |
$dotaz .= "AND ar.lection = $contrains_lection";
151 |
152 |
Filip Jani
$dotaz .= " AND ar.language = lan.IDlanguage
153 |
AND ar.source = so.IDsource ";
154 |
Petr Lukašík
if (!empty($order)) {
155 |
Filip Jani
$orderClause = "ar.IDarticle, $order";
156 |
Petr Lukašík
157 |
else {
158 |
Filip Jani
$orderClause = "IDarticle";
159 |
Petr Lukašík
160 |
161 |
Filip Jani
$dotaz .= " ORDER BY $orderClause LIMIT $limit OFFSET $od";
162 |
Petr Lukašík
163 |
return $dotaz;
164 |
} // END function build_query_article
165 |
166 |
167 |
function get_short_table_of_article($language = "all", $contrains_source = "all", $contrains_lection = "all",
168 |
$order = "IDarticle", $od = 0, $limit = 30) {
169 |
170 |
$spojeni = new DB_Sql();
171 |
$dotaz = build_query_article($language, $contrains_source, $contrains_lection,$order, $od, $limit);
172 |
$radky = $spojeni->query($dotaz);
173 |
Filip Jani
foreach ($radky as $radka){
174 |
if (!empty($radka['title'])) {
175 |
$navrat .= "<a href=\"?language=".$_REQUEST['language']."&view_article=".$radka['IDarticle']."\">".$radka['title']."</a><br />";
176 |
Petr Lukašík
177 |
178 |
return $navrat;
179 |
} // END function get_short_table_of_article
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
* Funkce vypise z db vsechny slovnikove polozky
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
function print_table_of_article($language = "all", $contrains_source = "all", $contrains_lection = "all",
188 |
$order = "IDarticle", $od = 0, $limit = 30) {
189 |
190 |
191 |
$spojeni = new DB_Sql();
192 |
$navrat = "<h3 class=\"nadpis2\">Výpis článků";
193 |
194 |
if ($language == "all")
195 |
$navrat .= " - vše</h3>";
196 |
else if($language == 1)
197 |
$navrat .= " - arabské</h3>";
198 |
else if($language == 2)
199 |
$navrat .= " - hebrejské</h3>";
200 |
else if($language == 3)
201 |
$navrat .= " - akkadské</h3>";
202 |
203 |
$navrat .= get_razeni($order, $od, $limit, $contrains_source, $contrains_lection);
204 |
$navrat .= "<table>";
205 |
$navrat .= get_header_of_table();
206 |
207 |
$dotaz = build_query_article($language, $contrains_source, $contrains_lection,$order, $od, $limit);
208 |
//echo "dotaz: ".$dotaz;
209 |
$radky = $spojeni->query($dotaz);
210 |
211 |
while ($spojeni->next_record()) {
212 |
$navrat .= get_row_of_table($spojeni->Record);
213 |
214 |
$navrat .= get_foot_of_table();
215 |
$navrat .= "</table>";
216 |
echo $navrat;
217 |
218 |
219 |
function get_article($id) {
220 |
221 |
$spojeni = new DB_Sql();
222 |
$dotaz = "SELECT DISTINCT ON (ar.\"IDarticle\")
223 |
ar.\"IDarticle\" as \"IDarticle\",
224 |
ar.title as title,
225 |
ar.body as body,
226 |
ar.note as note,
227 |
ar.article_voice as article_voice,
228 |
lan.language as language,
229 |
so.title as source,
230 |
ar.lection as lection,
231 |
ar.source as \"IDsource\"
232 |
FROM article ar, language lan, source so
233 |
WHERE \"IDarticle\" = '$id'
234 |
AND ar.language = lan.\"IDlanguage\"
235 |
AND ar.source = so.\"IDsource\" ";
236 |
$radky = $spojeni->query($dotaz);
237 |
238 |
239 |
if ($spojeni->Errno != 0) {
240 |
print_hlasku("Slovo se nepodařilo načíst.");
241 |
242 |
243 |
return $spojeni->Record;
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |