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Petr Lukašík
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<title>Selection of text chain from Old Babylonian Texts</title>
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<h2>Search in Old Babylonian Texts</h2>
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Petr Lukašík
<a href="javascript:openWindow('/utf/searchtexts1.php', 'popwinT')">search in OB text corpus</A>
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<BR><BR><A HREF="javascript:openWindow('/utf/textselection1.php', 'popwinS')">simple text selection</A>
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<BR><BR><A HREF="javascript:openWindow('/utf/sj.php', 'popwinD')">search in provisional version of Old Babylonian Dictionary</A>
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<BR><BR><A HREF="javascript:openWindow('/utf/transrulesv1.php', 'popwinR')">a list of rules used by the transliteration</A>
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Petr Lukašík
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