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Petr Lukašík
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<H3 align=center>Catalogue of Old Babylonian Signs</H3>
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<P align=justify class=text1>As a result of the Project <FONT color=#9bbad6><b>Catalogue of Old Babylonian Signs</b></FONT> we bring the list of Old Babylonian signs with their variants to our assyriological audience:
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<FONT color=#3399ff size=2>
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Petr Lukašík
<LI><A href="javascript:openWindow('/utf/show1borger.php', 'popwin1')">looking for a sign variant according to Borger's number (R. Borger, ABZ)</A><BR>
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<LI><A href="javascript:openWindow('/utf/show1signname.php', 'popwin2')">looking for a sign variant according to traditional name of a sign</A><BR>
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<LI><A href="javascript:openWindow('/utf/show1logographic.php', 'popwin3')">looking for a sign variant according to logographic reading </A><BR>
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<LI><A href="javascript:openWindow('/utf/show1syllabic.php', 'popwin4')">looking for a sign variant according to 'syllabic' reading </A>
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Petr Lukašík
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<H4 align=center>Included texts in the Corpus of Old Babylonian Sign Analyses</H4>
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<P align=justify class=text1>You can see all of our selection of included texts used in the Corpus of Old Babylonian Sign Analyses or a selection of certain texts according to your criteria:</P>
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Petr Lukašík
<LI><A href="/utf/select02all.php">see a list of <b>all included texts</b> in the Corpus of Old Babylonian Text in the Sign Analyses</A><BR>
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<LI><A href="/utf/select01place.php">selection of included texts according to an <b>ancient provenience</b></A><BR>
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<LI><A href="/utf/select01type.php">selection of included texts according to a <b>type of document</b></A>
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Petr Lukašík
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<p align=justify>If you would have any troubles to see special characters etc., just install a font with full support of Unicode encodings. In operating systems like Windows 9x and above you can use a font by Microsoft <A HREF=http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/aruniupd.aspx target=_blank>Arial Unicode MS</A>, or you
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can look at a web page dedicated to possible problems connected with <A HREF=http://www.unicode.org/help/display_problems.html target=_blank>Unicode.</A></p>
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<P align="justify">The project of the <FONT color=#9bbad6><b>Catalogue of Old Babylonian Sign</B></FONT> was created by the kind support of <b>Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic</b>. (No. A00219, main participant <A href="http://www.orient.cas.cz/" target="_blank">Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic</A>, second participant <A href="http://enlil.ff.cuni.cz/" target="_blank">
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Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Comparative Linguistics - Faculty of Arts, Charles University - Prague</A>.</P>
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