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Petr Lukašík
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<title>Selection of attested variants according to syllabic value</title>
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Petr Lukašík
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Petr Lukašík
<H3><FONT FACE="Arial Unicode MS, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Code2000" color=#3399ff>Selection of variants according to syllabical value</H3>
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<p>Type in syllabical value to see all attested variants in the corpus used for Old Babylonian Graphemic Analyses:<br>
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<small>e.g. lam, ṭup etc. (if you don't see the special characters properly, you need to install a font with Unicode support.</small>
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function Add2Str(str){var str;document.form1.q.value+=str;document.form1.q.focus();}
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Type in:
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<INPUT class=vstup id=q name="borger" size=15 maxlength=100 value="">
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<? $borger = urlencode($borger); ?><BR>
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echo "Ahoj";
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require "./keyboard.php";
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