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Petr Lukašík
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<BR><H3 align=center>Web links</H3>
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<LI>Library catalogues, list of abbreviations and related</LI>
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<P align=justify>
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<A HREF="http://cdli.ucla.edu/Tools/abbrev.html" target="_blank">List of
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abbreviations used in Assyriology (made by CDLI team)</A></P>
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<P align=justify>
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<A HREF="http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/bib?vaa/bib" target="_blank">Search
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library catalogue of Vorderasiatische Archaeologie LMU Muenchen</A></P>
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<P align=justify>
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<A HREF="http://www.univie.ac.at/orientalistik/frame.html" target="_blank">assyriological register - Archiv fuer Orientforschung</A></P>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www.etana.org/abzu/" target="_blank">search Guide to Resources for the Study
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of the Ancient Near East available on the Internet</small></A><BR><BR>
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<P align=justify>
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other usefull links</P>
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<LI><A HREF="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/psd/www/ISSL-form.html" target="_blank">Sumerian Index by S. Tinney</A></P>
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<P align=justify>
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<LI><A HREF="http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/cda_archive/default.htm" target="_blank">A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian - addenda et corrigenda on web</A></P>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www-etcsl.orient.ox.ac.uk/" target="_blank">The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www.cdli.ucla.edu/" target="_blank">Cuneiform
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Digital Library Initiative - CDLI</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www.jhu.edu/ice/" target="_blank">Initiative for Cuneiform Encoding</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www.ksa.zcu.cz/" target="_blank">Near Eastern Studies of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://www.orient.cas.cz/" target="_blank">Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Prague</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://enlil.ff.cuni.cz/" target="_blank">Department of Comparative Linguistics - former Ancient Near Eastern Studies - Faculty of Arts, Charles University - Prague</small></A><BR>
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<LI><small><A href="http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/indexe.htm" target="_blank">Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien</small></A><BR>
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