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Petr Lukašík
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<META content=text/html;charset=utf-8 http-equiv=Content-Type>
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<TITLE>List of OB signs in the scope of OB Graphemic Analyses Project</TITLE>
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<h2><center><strong><u> List of OB cuneiform signs with readings</u></strong></center></h2>
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@$spojeni = Pg_Connect("user=dbowner dbname=klinopis");
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if (! $spojeni)
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echo ("<br>Nepodarilo se pripojit k datab?zi.<BR>\n");
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<FONT FACE='Arial Unicode' SIZE=3><BR>
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<table border=1>
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<td><center><strong> our no.
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<td><center><strong> sign name
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<td><center><strong> Borger's no.
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<td><center><strong> syllabic value
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<td><center><strong> logographic value
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$polozky="pcislo, gnazev, bcislo, scteni, lcteni";
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$vysledek = Pg_Exec ($spojeni, "SELECT $polozky FROM graf01 ORDER BY pcislo");
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$pocet = Pg_NumRows ($vysledek);
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for ($i=0; $i < $pocet; $i++)
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list ($pcislo, $gnazev, $bcislo, $scteni, $lcteni) = Pg_Fetch_Array ($vysledek, $i);
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echo ("<tr><center><td> $pcislo </td>".
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"<td> $gnazev </td>".
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"<td> $bcislo </td>".
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"<td> $scteni </td>".
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"<td> $lcteni </td>"."
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<td> <a href=\"./tools/novadata/graf01d.php\">delete</a> </td>"."
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Pg_FreeResult ($vysledek);
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Pg_Close ($spojeni);
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