Re #7498 Global settings component implemented
Re#7494 Implemented edit user settings
Refactored all models
Re #7500 Day picker component modified - displaying vacations + emits change of month
Re#7493 Fixed delete request
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
Fixed Cors and endpoint /calendar/delete
Re#7493 Fixed user service put request call
Re#7493 Finished services except xlsx service
Re#7493 Modified and tested Users service
Modified project structure
Fixed Cors (added GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Fix import package
Re #7475 Implemented basic localization with usage examples
Re #7491 Implemented API for import/export with mocked PDF and XLS processing
Re #7477 Edited endpoints and created mock manager for data
Re #7442 Basic database queries
Re#7459 Implemented first popup
Re#7470 Implemented basic table
Re#7472 Refactored services implemenation
Re #7385 Initialisation of the database
Re #7462 Dashboard connected to GET methods of REST API
Fix paths of pom.xml
Také k dispozici: Atom