re #37 code cleanup
re #NaN git ignore
re #28 working webapp docker build and compose
re #28 update angular to 8.x
re #30: rename base package and groupId
re #28 working docker-compose file for server-side application
re #28 proper Dockerfile for server build, related pom.xml changes
re #36 hotfix to make tests pass, still needs refactoring
Added documentation
Frontend refactored
Fixed is not able to set lower number of sick day than is already taken
Fixed a taking vacation for the same day.
Cannot take a vacation in past, refactor VacationDay to Vacation in domain package
Error and information messages modified - correct error messages from backend are displayed and information messages are translated
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
Sickdays is now correctly displayed in the list of users
Fixed: user settings, accepting / rejecting vacation, sick day, users, adding and deleting sick days, etc..
Status of oncoming vacation is now translated
Corrected number of remaining sickdays in user's profile
Moved database exception handler
Set utf8 database encoding
Fixed api
Fixed repositories
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