Re #7475 Localization
Fixed init script
Modified scripts for frontend setup
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
Re #7551 Call procedure parameters
Re #7534 'Profile settings' component connected to the API
Re #7551 Admin user
Re #7551 Api manager, autowired
Insert vacation
Re #7532 'Add vacation component' connected to the api
Re #7526 Database queries
Re #7390 Base domain classes
Re #7530 Get 'vacation' and 'overtime' from input xlsx file
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
Fixed endpoint for user's notification
Removed unused imports
Re #7499 User profile component implemented + refactor
Re#7531 Fixed redirect behavior
Re#7531 Components are guarded against invalid users
Enviroments fix
Re #7494 Components connected to API - except profile settings and add vacation components
Re#7528 Menu items are highlighted with correct default, added 404 page
Re#7527 SnackBar opens if the error occurs
Re#7527 Implemented import and export files on front end
Re #7499 User profile component initialized
Fixed endpoint for user's id
Refactor service structure
Re #7498 Global settings component implemented
Re#7494 Implemented edit user settings
Refactored all models
Re #7500 Day picker component modified - displaying vacations + emits change of month
Re#7493 Fixed delete request
Fixed Cors and endpoint /calendar/delete
Re#7493 Fixed user service put request call
Re#7493 Finished services except xlsx service
Re#7493 Modified and tested Users service
Modified project structure
Fixed Cors (added GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Fix import package
Re #7475 Implemented basic localization with usage examples
Re #7491 Implemented API for import/export with mocked PDF and XLS processing
Re #7477 Edited endpoints and created mock manager for data
Re #7442 Basic database queries
Re#7459 Implemented first popup
Re#7470 Implemented basic table
Re#7472 Refactored services implemenation
Re #7385 Initialisation of the database
Re #7462 Dashboard connected to GET methods of REST API
Fix paths of pom.xml
Re #7471 edited design of APIs based on consultation
Re #7472 Fixed hard coded urls
Re #7472 Implemented services for REST API
Re #7457 Basic features of profile settings component implemented
Re #7458 Basic features of add days off component implemented
Fixing directory structure
Merge branch 'Task#7263' into develop
Re #7263 Static view for employer initialized
Re #7263 Day picker component implemented
Re #7263 Day picker component modified
Re #7253 Off days component implemented
Re #7263 User approval component implemented
Re #7263 Minor changes
Re #7263 Free days approval component implemented...
Re #7264 Front end environment
Re #7386 Implemented APIs endpoints with DTOs
added gitignore
Re #7264 HTTP Post test fixed
Re #7264 CORS fix for development enviroment
Re #7264 Angular project initialized
Re #7143 Prepared developper's environment
Initial commit