


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:

# Datum Autor Komentář
d8107adb 2019-04-25 20:39 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Days off info component modified

ebf7c703 2019-04-25 20:38 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Off days approval component modified

fb3df914 2019-04-25 19:33 Hung Hoang

Re #7263 Added simple page for employee route

d24d1e39 2019-04-25 19:33 Hung Hoang

Re #7263 Implemented routing for dashboard and employee list

5b862e59 2019-04-25 19:33 Hung Hoang

Re #7263 Created simple menu with a service and mock data

8bb488f9 2019-04-25 14:55 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Free days renamed to Off days

3f0610a2 2019-04-25 14:47 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Free days approval component implemented

cc508c92 2019-04-25 14:46 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Minor changes

0ac4f267 2019-04-24 14:56 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 User approval component implemented

b287ef3e 2019-04-24 13:04 Václav Jirák

Re #7253 Off days component implemented

9f45a114 2019-04-24 13:04 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Day picker component modified

41ab77d7 2019-04-24 10:54 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Day picker component implemented

06b9ca68 2019-04-23 13:28 Václav Jirák

Re #7263 Static view for employer initialized

a29966eb 2019-04-23 13:06 Hung Hoang

added gitignore

e4a04714 2019-04-23 13:06 Václav Jirák

Re #7264 HTTP Post test fixed

37412123 2019-04-23 13:06 Václav Jirák

Re #7264 Angular project initialized