Revize bf76f726
Přidáno uživatelem Pavel Fidranský před více než 6 roky(ů)
config/config_návrh.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
//defaultn? filter |
3 |
"defaultFilter": { |
4 |
5 |
//filter podle archetyp? vrchol? |
6 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
7 |
"archetypes": [ "archetypeName1", "archetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? |
8 |
"matchType": "match_type" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
9 |
}, |
10 |
11 |
//filter podle archetyp? hran |
12 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
13 |
//seznam trojic archetyp? (archetyp v?choz?ho vrcholu, archetyp hrany, archetype c?lov?ho vrcholu) |
14 |
"archetypes": [ |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
19 |
//filtr je v?dy pro ka?dou trojici fromArchetype-edgeArchetpye-toArchetype, kter? spl?uje libovolnou z uveden?ch kombinac? |
20 |
}, |
21 |
{ |
22 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
23 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
24 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
25 |
}, |
26 |
{ |
27 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
28 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
29 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
30 |
}, |
31 |
... |
32 |
], |
33 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
36 |
//filter podle atribut? vrchol? |
37 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
38 |
//filter pro typ ENUM |
39 |
{ |
40 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
41 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
42 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
43 |
"filter": { |
44 |
"values": [ "value1", "value2", ... ], //hodnoty jako string |
45 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "any" / "none" / "exact_match" |
46 |
} |
47 |
}, |
48 |
//filter pro typ STRING |
49 |
{ |
50 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
51 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
52 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
53 |
"filter": { |
54 |
"value": "value", //hodnota typu string |
55 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "exact_match" / "exact_mismatch" / "containing" / "non_containing" / "regular_expression" |
56 |
} |
57 |
}, |
58 |
//filter pro typ NUMBER |
59 |
{ |
60 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
61 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
62 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
63 |
"filter": { |
64 |
"min": cislo, //minim?ln? hodnota jako ??slo |
65 |
"max": cislo, //maxim?n? hodnota jako ??slo |
66 |
"minInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda min je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
67 |
"maxInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda max je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
68 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
69 |
} |
70 |
}, |
71 |
//filter pro typ DATE |
72 |
{ |
73 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
74 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
75 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
76 |
"filter": { |
77 |
"min": "datum", //minim?ln? hodnota jako datum reprezentovan? ?et?zcem ve form?tu ve form?tu yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
78 |
"max": "datum", //maxim?n? hodnota jako datum reprezentovan? ?et?zcem ve form?tu ve form?tu yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
79 |
"minInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda min je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
80 |
"maxInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda max je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
81 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
82 |
} |
83 |
}, |
84 |
... |
85 |
], |
86 |
87 |
//filter podle atribut? hran |
88 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
89 |
//stejn? jako u "vertexAttributeFilters" |
90 |
] |
91 |
}, |
92 |
93 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "archetypeName1", "archetypeName2", ... ], //Pole n?zv? archetyp?, kter? budou p?esunuty do skupin v postrann? li?t? |
94 |
95 |
//Definice archetypov?ch ikon |
96 |
"archetypeIcons": { |
97 |
//ikony identifikov?ny pomoc? jm?n |
98 |
"archetypeName1": 'archetype 1 svg', //hodnotou v t?to struktu?e je pot? svg k?d |
99 |
"archetypeName2": 'archetype 2 svg' |
100 |
} |
101 |
} |
config/empty_filter.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
17 |
], |
18 |
19 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
21 |
] |
22 |
}, |
23 |
24 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "File", "Commit", "RepoFile"], |
25 |
26 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
27 |
{ |
28 |
"name" : "Person", |
29 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
30 |
}, |
31 |
{ |
32 |
"name" : "Wiki", |
33 |
"value" : "<text x=\"6\" y=\"7\" font-weight=\"bold\" style=\"font-family: serif !important; text-anchor: middle\">W<\/text>" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"name" : "Commit", |
37 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"4\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"7.5\" fill-opacity=\"0\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"3.5\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"11.5\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"14\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
38 |
}, |
39 |
{ |
40 |
"name" : "File", |
41 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/>" |
42 |
}, |
43 |
{ |
44 |
"name" : "RepoFile", |
45 |
"value" :"<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><ellipse cx=\"5\" cy=\"7\" rx=\"3\" ry=\"1\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke-width=\"0.5\"\/><path d=\"M 2 7 L 2 12 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 12 L 8 7\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 8.66 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 8.66\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 10.33 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 10.33\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/>" |
46 |
}, |
47 |
{ |
48 |
"name" : "Ticket", |
49 |
"value" : "<path d=\"M 1 0 L 3 0 A 2 1 0 0 0 9 0 L 11 0, 11 15, 9 15 A 2 1 0 0 0 3 15 L 1 15 Z\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"1\" y1=\"6\" x2=\"11\" y2=\"6\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke-dasharray=\"1,1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
50 |
}, |
51 |
{ |
52 |
"name" : "Change", |
53 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"1,4 5,4 3,1\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"3\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"3\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/><polygon points=\"7,11 11,11 9,14\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"9\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"9\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/>" |
54 |
} |
55 |
] |
56 |
} |
config/historical_data_config.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
17 |
], |
18 |
19 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
21 |
] |
22 |
}, |
23 |
24 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
25 |
26 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
27 |
{ |
28 |
"name" : "person", |
29 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
30 |
}, |
31 |
{ |
32 |
"name" : "device", |
33 |
"value" : "<g transform=\"scale(0.6,0.6)\"><g transform=\"translate(-2,1)\"><path id=\"gear\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" style=\"fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;\" d=\"M20.869,13.476C20.948,12.994,21,12.504,21,12s-0.052-0.994-0.131-1.476l-2.463-0.259c-0.149-0.556-0.367-1.082-0.648-1.57l1.558-1.924c-0.576-0.806-1.281-1.511-2.087-2.087 l-1.924,1.558c-0.488-0.281-1.015-0.499-1.57-0.648l-0.259-2.463C12.994,3.052,12.504,3,12,3s-0.994,0.052-1.476,0.131 l-0.259,2.463C9.71,5.743,9.184,5.961,8.695,6.242L6.771,4.685C5.966,5.261,5.261,5.966,4.685,6.771l1.558,1.924 c-0.281,0.488-0.499,1.015-0.648,1.57l-2.463,0.259C3.052,11.006,3,11.496,3,12s0.052,0.994,0.131,1.476l2.463,0.259 c0.149,0.556,0.367,1.082,0.648,1.57l-1.558,1.924c0.576,0.806,1.281,1.511,2.087,2.087l1.924-1.558 c0.488,0.281,1.015,0.499,1.57,0.648l0.259,2.463C11.006,20.948,11.496,21,12,21s0.994-0.052,1.476-0.131l0.259-2.463 c0.556-0.149,1.082-0.367,1.57-0.648l1.924,1.558c0.806-0.576,1.511-1.281,2.087-2.087l-1.558-1.924 c0.281-0.488,0.499-1.015,0.648-1.57L20.869,13.476z M12,15.998c-2.209,0-3.998-1.789-3.998-3.998S9.791,8.002,12,8.002 S15.998,9.791,15.998,12S14.209,15.998,12,15.998z\"/></g></g>" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"name" : "theory", |
37 |
"value" : "<g transform=\"scale(0.03,0.03)\"><g transform=\"translate(-35,0)\"><path id=\"gear\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M394.235,151.628c0,82.449-49.695,92.044-59.021,181.956c0,8.382-6.785,15.163-15.168,15.163H165.161 c-8.379,0-15.161-6.781-15.161-15.163h-0.028c-9.299-89.912-58.994-99.507-58.994-181.956C90.978,67.878,158.855,0,242.606,0 S394.235,67.878,394.235,151.628z M318.423,363.906H166.794c-8.384,0-15.166,6.786-15.166,15.168 c0,8.378,6.782,15.163,15.166,15.163h151.628c8.378,0,15.163-6.785,15.163-15.163C333.586,370.692,326.801,363.906,318.423,363.906 z M318.423,409.396H166.794c-8.384,0-15.166,6.786-15.166,15.163c0,8.383,6.782,15.168,15.166,15.168h151.628 c8.378,0,15.163-6.785,15.163-15.168C333.586,416.182,326.801,409.396,318.423,409.396z M212.282,485.212h60.65 c16.76,0,30.322-13.562,30.322-30.326h-121.3C181.955,471.65,195.518,485.212,212.282,485.212z\"/></g></g>" |
38 |
} |
39 |
] |
40 |
} |
config/spade_config.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ "Ticket", "Person", "Wiki", "File"], |
5 |
"matchType": "matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Authorship" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket", "File" ] |
14 |
}, |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Assignment" ], |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ] |
19 |
}, |
20 |
{ |
21 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "File", "Ticket", "Wiki" ], |
22 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "ItemRelation" ], |
23 |
"toArchetypes": [ "File", "Ticket", "Wiki" ] |
24 |
}, |
25 |
{ |
26 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
27 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Modification" ], |
28 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Wiki" ] |
29 |
} |
30 |
], |
31 |
"matchType": "matching" |
32 |
}, |
33 |
34 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
37 |
"attributeName": "Status super class", |
38 |
"filter": { |
39 |
"values": [ "OPEN" ], |
40 |
"matchType": "any" |
41 |
} |
42 |
}, |
43 |
{ |
44 |
"archetype": "Person", |
45 |
"attributeName": "Role super classes", |
46 |
"filter": { |
47 |
"values": [ "TEAMMEMBER" ], |
48 |
"matchType": "any" |
49 |
} |
50 |
} |
51 |
], |
52 |
53 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
54 |
{ |
55 |
"archetype": "Modification", |
56 |
"attributeName": "Relation", |
57 |
"filter": { |
58 |
"values": [ "last modified by", "last modified" ], |
59 |
"matchType": "any" |
60 |
} |
61 |
} |
62 |
] |
63 |
}, |
64 |
65 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "File", "Commit", "RepoFile"], |
66 |
67 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
68 |
{ |
69 |
"name" : "Person", |
70 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
71 |
}, |
72 |
{ |
73 |
"name" : "Wiki", |
74 |
"value" : "<text x=\"6\" y=\"7\" font-weight=\"bold\" style=\"font-family: serif !important; text-anchor: middle\">W<\/text>" |
75 |
}, |
76 |
{ |
77 |
"name" : "Commit", |
78 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"4\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"7.5\" fill-opacity=\"0\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"3.5\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"11.5\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"14\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
79 |
}, |
80 |
{ |
81 |
"name" : "File", |
82 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/>" |
83 |
}, |
84 |
{ |
85 |
"name" : "RepoFile", |
86 |
"value" :"<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><ellipse cx=\"5\" cy=\"7\" rx=\"3\" ry=\"1\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke-width=\"0.5\"\/><path d=\"M 2 7 L 2 12 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 12 L 8 7\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 8.66 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 8.66\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 10.33 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 10.33\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/>" |
87 |
}, |
88 |
{ |
89 |
"name" : "Ticket", |
90 |
"value" : "<path d=\"M 1 0 L 3 0 A 2 1 0 0 0 9 0 L 11 0, 11 15, 9 15 A 2 1 0 0 0 3 15 L 1 15 Z\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"1\" y1=\"6\" x2=\"11\" y2=\"6\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke-dasharray=\"1,1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
91 |
}, |
92 |
{ |
93 |
"name" : "Change", |
94 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"1,4 5,4 3,1\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"3\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"3\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/><polygon points=\"7,11 11,11 9,14\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"9\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"9\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/>" |
95 |
} |
96 |
] |
97 |
} |
sources/src/main/java/cz/zcu/kiv/offscreen/configuration/ | ||
1 |
package cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.configuration; |
2 |
3 |
import javax.servlet.ServletContext; |
4 |
5 |
/** |
6 |
* |
7 |
* @author Jindra Pavlíková <> |
8 |
*/ |
9 |
public class ConfigurationLoader { |
10 |
11 |
private static final String PROP_CONFIG_LOCATION = "configLocation"; |
12 |
13 |
/** |
14 |
* Get configuration location property from web.xml. |
15 |
* |
16 |
* @param context App context. |
17 |
* @return Storage location path. |
18 |
*/ |
19 |
public static String getConfigLocation(ServletContext context) { |
20 |
return context.getInitParameter(PROP_CONFIG_LOCATION); |
21 |
} |
22 |
} |
sources/src/main/java/cz/zcu/kiv/offscreen/graph/loader/ | ||
9 | 9 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.api.AttributeDataType; |
10 | 10 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.EdgeArchetypeInfo; |
11 | 11 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.GraphManager; |
12 |
12 |
13 | 13 |
14 | 14 |
import; |
15 | 15 |
import; |
... | ... | |
26 | 26 |
27 | 27 |
static final String DATETIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; |
28 | 28 |
29 |
private File file; |
30 | 29 |
private String loadedJSON; |
31 | 30 |
private GraphManager graphManager; |
32 | 31 |
... | ... | |
37 | 36 |
38 | 37 |
39 | 38 |
public GraphJSONDataLoader(File file) { |
40 |
this.file = file; |
41 |
loadJSON(); |
42 |
} |
43 |
44 |
public GraphJSONDataLoader(String json){ |
45 |
loadedJSON = json; |
46 |
} |
47 |
48 |
private void loadJSON() { |
49 | 39 |
try { |
50 |
loadedJSON = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8");
40 |
loadedJSON = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file.getPath()), "UTF-8");
51 | 41 |
} catch (IOException e) { |
52 | 42 |
e.printStackTrace(); |
53 | 43 |
} |
54 | 44 |
} |
55 | 45 |
46 |
public GraphJSONDataLoader(String json){ |
47 |
loadedJSON = json; |
48 |
} |
49 |
56 | 50 |
/** |
57 | 51 |
* Method load graph from parameters from constructor or null when data are invalid. |
58 | 52 |
* |
sources/src/main/java/cz/zcu/kiv/offscreen/graph/loader/ | ||
7 | 7 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.filter.*; |
8 | 8 |
import net.sf.json.JSONArray; |
9 | 9 |
import net.sf.json.JSONObject; |
10 |
10 |
11 | 11 |
12 | 12 |
import; |
13 | 13 |
import; |
... | ... | |
27 | 27 |
28 | 28 |
private GraphManager graphManager; |
29 | 29 |
private JSONObject json; |
30 |
private File configFile; |
30 | 31 |
31 |
/** |
32 |
* Path to the directory with configuration file. |
33 |
*/ |
34 |
private String pathToConfig; |
35 |
36 |
public static String configFilename = "config.json"; |
32 |
public JSONConfigLoader(GraphManager graphManager) { |
33 |
this(graphManager, new File("config.json")); |
34 |
} |
37 | 35 |
38 |
public JSONConfigLoader(GraphManager graphManager, String pathToConfig) {
36 |
public JSONConfigLoader(GraphManager graphManager, File configFile) {
39 | 37 |
this.graphManager = graphManager; |
40 |
this.pathToConfig = pathToConfig;
38 |
this.configFile = configFile;
41 | 39 |
} |
42 | 40 |
43 | 41 |
/** |
... | ... | |
48 | 46 |
GraphFilter filter = new GraphFilter(); |
49 | 47 |
50 | 48 |
try { |
51 |
//String filterJson = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("D:\\aswi-git\\aswi\\config\\empty_filter.json"), "UTF-8"); |
52 |
String filterJson = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(pathToConfig + File.separator + configFilename), "UTF-8"); |
49 |
String filterJson = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configFile.getPath()), "UTF-8"); |
53 | 50 |
54 | 51 |
json = JSONObject.fromObject(filterJson); |
55 | 52 |
sources/src/main/java/cz/zcu/kiv/offscreen/servlets/api/ | ||
6 | 6 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.loader.DemoDiagramLoader; |
7 | 7 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.loader.GraphJSONDataLoader; |
8 | 8 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.graph.loader.JSONConfigLoader; |
9 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.configuration.ConfigurationLoader; |
10 | 9 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.servlets.BaseServlet; |
11 | 10 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.user.DB; |
12 | 11 |
import cz.zcu.kiv.offscreen.user.Diagram; |
... | ... | |
58 | 57 |
59 | 58 |
switch (jsonType) { |
60 | 59 |
case "spade": |
61 |
String configLocation = ConfigurationLoader.getConfigLocation(request.getServletContext()); |
62 |
rawJson = convertSpadeToRawJson(jsonToDisplay, configLocation); |
60 |
rawJson = convertSpadeToRawJson(jsonToDisplay); |
63 | 61 |
break; |
64 | 62 |
default: |
65 | 63 |
rawJson = jsonToDisplay; |
... | ... | |
77 | 75 |
/** |
78 | 76 |
* Convert input spade JSON to frontend backend JSON and return it. |
79 | 77 |
*/ |
80 |
private String convertSpadeToRawJson(String spadeJson, String configLocation){
78 |
private String convertSpadeToRawJson(String spadeJson) {
81 | 79 |
GraphManager graphManager = new GraphJSONDataLoader(spadeJson).LoadData(); |
82 |
83 |
JSONConfigLoader configLoader = new JSONConfigLoader(graphManager, configLocation); |
80 |
JSONConfigLoader configLoader = new JSONConfigLoader(graphManager); |
84 | 81 |
85 | 82 |
Graph graph = graphManager.createGraph(configLoader); |
86 | 83 |
JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(graph); |
sources/src/main/resources/config/config_návrh.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
//defaultn? filter |
3 |
"defaultFilter": { |
4 |
5 |
//filter podle archetyp? vrchol? |
6 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
7 |
"archetypes": [ "archetypeName1", "archetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? |
8 |
"matchType": "match_type" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
9 |
}, |
10 |
11 |
//filter podle archetyp? hran |
12 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
13 |
//seznam trojic archetyp? (archetyp v?choz?ho vrcholu, archetyp hrany, archetype c?lov?ho vrcholu) |
14 |
"archetypes": [ |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
19 |
//filtr je v?dy pro ka?dou trojici fromArchetype-edgeArchetpye-toArchetype, kter? spl?uje libovolnou z uveden?ch kombinac? |
20 |
}, |
21 |
{ |
22 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
23 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
24 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
25 |
}, |
26 |
{ |
27 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? v?choz?ho vrcholu |
28 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "edgeArchetypeName1", "edgeArchetypeName2", ... ], //seznam n?zv? archetyp? hrany |
29 |
"toArchetypes": [ "vertexArchetypeName1", "vertexArchetypeName2", ... ] //seznam n?zv? archetyp? c?lov?ho vrcholu |
30 |
}, |
31 |
... |
32 |
], |
33 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
36 |
//filter podle atribut? vrchol? |
37 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
38 |
//filter pro typ ENUM |
39 |
{ |
40 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
41 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
42 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
43 |
"filter": { |
44 |
"values": [ "value1", "value2", ... ], //hodnoty jako string |
45 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "any" / "none" / "exact_match" |
46 |
} |
47 |
}, |
48 |
//filter pro typ STRING |
49 |
{ |
50 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
51 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
52 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
53 |
"filter": { |
54 |
"value": "value", //hodnota typu string |
55 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "exact_match" / "exact_mismatch" / "containing" / "non_containing" / "regular_expression" |
56 |
} |
57 |
}, |
58 |
//filter pro typ NUMBER |
59 |
{ |
60 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
61 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
62 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
63 |
"filter": { |
64 |
"min": cislo, //minim?ln? hodnota jako ??slo |
65 |
"max": cislo, //maxim?n? hodnota jako ??slo |
66 |
"minInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda min je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
67 |
"maxInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda max je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
68 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
69 |
} |
70 |
}, |
71 |
//filter pro typ DATE |
72 |
{ |
73 |
"archetype": "archetypeName", //n?zev archetypu, pro kter? filtr plat? |
74 |
"attributeName": "attributeName", //n?zev atributu |
75 |
//"filter" obsahuje info o samotn?m filtru, jeho struktura z?vis? na datov?m typu dan?ho atributu, ten lze zjistit v aplikaci z na?ten?ho grafu v GraphManageru |
76 |
"filter": { |
77 |
"min": "datum", //minim?ln? hodnota jako datum reprezentovan? ?et?zcem ve form?tu ve form?tu yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
78 |
"max": "datum", //maxim?n? hodnota jako datum reprezentovan? ?et?zcem ve form?tu ve form?tu yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
79 |
"minInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda min je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
80 |
"maxInclusive": inclusive, //info, zda max je sou??st intervalu ?i nikoliv, jako hodnota typu bool (true/false) |
81 |
"matchType": "matchType" //match type: "matching" / "non_matching" |
82 |
} |
83 |
}, |
84 |
... |
85 |
], |
86 |
87 |
//filter podle atribut? hran |
88 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
89 |
//stejn? jako u "vertexAttributeFilters" |
90 |
] |
91 |
}, |
92 |
93 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "archetypeName1", "archetypeName2", ... ], //Pole n?zv? archetyp?, kter? budou p?esunuty do skupin v postrann? li?t? |
94 |
95 |
//Definice archetypov?ch ikon |
96 |
"archetypeIcons": { |
97 |
//ikony identifikov?ny pomoc? jm?n |
98 |
"archetypeName1": 'archetype 1 svg', //hodnotou v t?to struktu?e je pot? svg k?d |
99 |
"archetypeName2": 'archetype 2 svg' |
100 |
} |
101 |
} |
sources/src/main/resources/config/empty_filter.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
17 |
], |
18 |
19 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
21 |
] |
22 |
}, |
23 |
24 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "File", "Commit", "RepoFile"], |
25 |
26 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
27 |
{ |
28 |
"name" : "Person", |
29 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
30 |
}, |
31 |
{ |
32 |
"name" : "Wiki", |
33 |
"value" : "<text x=\"6\" y=\"7\" font-weight=\"bold\" style=\"font-family: serif !important; text-anchor: middle\">W<\/text>" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"name" : "Commit", |
37 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"4\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"7.5\" fill-opacity=\"0\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"3.5\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"11.5\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"14\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
38 |
}, |
39 |
{ |
40 |
"name" : "File", |
41 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/>" |
42 |
}, |
43 |
{ |
44 |
"name" : "RepoFile", |
45 |
"value" :"<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><ellipse cx=\"5\" cy=\"7\" rx=\"3\" ry=\"1\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke-width=\"0.5\"\/><path d=\"M 2 7 L 2 12 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 12 L 8 7\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 8.66 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 8.66\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 10.33 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 10.33\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/>" |
46 |
}, |
47 |
{ |
48 |
"name" : "Ticket", |
49 |
"value" : "<path d=\"M 1 0 L 3 0 A 2 1 0 0 0 9 0 L 11 0, 11 15, 9 15 A 2 1 0 0 0 3 15 L 1 15 Z\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"1\" y1=\"6\" x2=\"11\" y2=\"6\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke-dasharray=\"1,1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
50 |
}, |
51 |
{ |
52 |
"name" : "Change", |
53 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"1,4 5,4 3,1\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"3\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"3\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/><polygon points=\"7,11 11,11 9,14\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"9\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"9\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/>" |
54 |
} |
55 |
] |
56 |
} |
sources/src/main/resources/config/historical_data_config.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
17 |
], |
18 |
19 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
21 |
] |
22 |
}, |
23 |
24 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
25 |
26 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
27 |
{ |
28 |
"name" : "person", |
29 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
30 |
}, |
31 |
{ |
32 |
"name" : "device", |
33 |
"value" : "<g transform=\"scale(0.6,0.6)\"><g transform=\"translate(-2,1)\"><path id=\"gear\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" style=\"fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;\" d=\"M20.869,13.476C20.948,12.994,21,12.504,21,12s-0.052-0.994-0.131-1.476l-2.463-0.259c-0.149-0.556-0.367-1.082-0.648-1.57l1.558-1.924c-0.576-0.806-1.281-1.511-2.087-2.087 l-1.924,1.558c-0.488-0.281-1.015-0.499-1.57-0.648l-0.259-2.463C12.994,3.052,12.504,3,12,3s-0.994,0.052-1.476,0.131 l-0.259,2.463C9.71,5.743,9.184,5.961,8.695,6.242L6.771,4.685C5.966,5.261,5.261,5.966,4.685,6.771l1.558,1.924 c-0.281,0.488-0.499,1.015-0.648,1.57l-2.463,0.259C3.052,11.006,3,11.496,3,12s0.052,0.994,0.131,1.476l2.463,0.259 c0.149,0.556,0.367,1.082,0.648,1.57l-1.558,1.924c0.576,0.806,1.281,1.511,2.087,2.087l1.924-1.558 c0.488,0.281,1.015,0.499,1.57,0.648l0.259,2.463C11.006,20.948,11.496,21,12,21s0.994-0.052,1.476-0.131l0.259-2.463 c0.556-0.149,1.082-0.367,1.57-0.648l1.924,1.558c0.806-0.576,1.511-1.281,2.087-2.087l-1.558-1.924 c0.281-0.488,0.499-1.015,0.648-1.57L20.869,13.476z M12,15.998c-2.209,0-3.998-1.789-3.998-3.998S9.791,8.002,12,8.002 S15.998,9.791,15.998,12S14.209,15.998,12,15.998z\"/></g></g>" |
34 |
}, |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"name" : "theory", |
37 |
"value" : "<g transform=\"scale(0.03,0.03)\"><g transform=\"translate(-35,0)\"><path id=\"gear\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" d=\"M394.235,151.628c0,82.449-49.695,92.044-59.021,181.956c0,8.382-6.785,15.163-15.168,15.163H165.161 c-8.379,0-15.161-6.781-15.161-15.163h-0.028c-9.299-89.912-58.994-99.507-58.994-181.956C90.978,67.878,158.855,0,242.606,0 S394.235,67.878,394.235,151.628z M318.423,363.906H166.794c-8.384,0-15.166,6.786-15.166,15.168 c0,8.378,6.782,15.163,15.166,15.163h151.628c8.378,0,15.163-6.785,15.163-15.163C333.586,370.692,326.801,363.906,318.423,363.906 z M318.423,409.396H166.794c-8.384,0-15.166,6.786-15.166,15.163c0,8.383,6.782,15.168,15.166,15.168h151.628 c8.378,0,15.163-6.785,15.163-15.168C333.586,416.182,326.801,409.396,318.423,409.396z M212.282,485.212h60.65 c16.76,0,30.322-13.562,30.322-30.326h-121.3C181.955,471.65,195.518,485.212,212.282,485.212z\"/></g></g>" |
38 |
} |
39 |
] |
40 |
} |
sources/src/main/resources/config/spade_config.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ "Ticket", "Person", "Wiki", "File"], |
5 |
"matchType": "matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Authorship" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket", "File" ] |
14 |
}, |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Assignment" ], |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ] |
19 |
}, |
20 |
{ |
21 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "File", "Ticket", "Wiki" ], |
22 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "ItemRelation" ], |
23 |
"toArchetypes": [ "File", "Ticket", "Wiki" ] |
24 |
}, |
25 |
{ |
26 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
27 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Modification" ], |
28 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Wiki" ] |
29 |
} |
30 |
], |
31 |
"matchType": "matching" |
32 |
}, |
33 |
34 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
37 |
"attributeName": "Status super class", |
38 |
"filter": { |
39 |
"values": [ "OPEN" ], |
40 |
"matchType": "any" |
41 |
} |
42 |
}, |
43 |
{ |
44 |
"archetype": "Person", |
45 |
"attributeName": "Role super classes", |
46 |
"filter": { |
47 |
"values": [ "TEAMMEMBER" ], |
48 |
"matchType": "any" |
49 |
} |
50 |
} |
51 |
], |
52 |
53 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
54 |
{ |
55 |
"archetype": "Modification", |
56 |
"attributeName": "Relation", |
57 |
"filter": { |
58 |
"values": [ "last modified by", "last modified" ], |
59 |
"matchType": "any" |
60 |
} |
61 |
} |
62 |
] |
63 |
}, |
64 |
65 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [ "File", "Commit", "RepoFile"], |
66 |
67 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
68 |
{ |
69 |
"name" : "Person", |
70 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"3\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"3\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/><path d=\"M 1 10 A 6 4 0 0 1 11 10 L 11 15 L 1 15\" fill=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0\"\/>" |
71 |
}, |
72 |
{ |
73 |
"name" : "Wiki", |
74 |
"value" : "<text x=\"6\" y=\"7\" font-weight=\"bold\" style=\"font-family: serif !important; text-anchor: middle\">W<\/text>" |
75 |
}, |
76 |
{ |
77 |
"name" : "Commit", |
78 |
"value" : "<circle r=\"4\" cx=\"6\" cy=\"7.5\" fill-opacity=\"0\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"3.5\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"6\" y1=\"11.5\" x2=\"6\" y2=\"14\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
79 |
}, |
80 |
{ |
81 |
"name" : "File", |
82 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/>" |
83 |
}, |
84 |
{ |
85 |
"name" : "RepoFile", |
86 |
"value" :"<polygon points=\"0.5,0.5 7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 11.5,14.5 0.5,14.5\" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><polygon points=\"7.5,0.5 11.5,4.5 7.5,4.5\" fill=\"gray\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><ellipse cx=\"5\" cy=\"7\" rx=\"3\" ry=\"1\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke-width=\"0.5\"\/><path d=\"M 2 7 L 2 12 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 12 L 8 7\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 8.66 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 8.66\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/><path d=\"M 2 10.33 A 3 1 0 0 0 8 10.33\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"transparent\"\/>" |
87 |
}, |
88 |
{ |
89 |
"name" : "Ticket", |
90 |
"value" : "<path d=\"M 1 0 L 3 0 A 2 1 0 0 0 9 0 L 11 0, 11 15, 9 15 A 2 1 0 0 0 3 15 L 1 15 Z\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"\/><line x1=\"1\" y1=\"6\" x2=\"11\" y2=\"6\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.5\" stroke-dasharray=\"1,1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\/>" |
91 |
}, |
92 |
{ |
93 |
"name" : "Change", |
94 |
"value" : "<polygon points=\"1,4 5,4 3,1\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"3\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"3\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/><polygon points=\"7,11 11,11 9,14\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" \/><line x1=\"9\" y1=\"2\" x2=\"9\" y2=\"13\" stroke=\"black\"\/>" |
95 |
} |
96 |
] |
97 |
} |
sources/src/test/java/cz/zcu/kiv/imiger/tests/backend/ | ||
17 | 17 |
18 | 18 |
public class GraphFilterTest { |
19 | 19 |
20 |
private static String testDirectory; |
21 |
22 | 20 |
private static GraphManager graphManager; |
23 | 21 |
24 | 22 |
@BeforeAll |
25 | 23 |
static void initTest() { |
26 |
testDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\..\\test"; |
27 |
28 |
File graphFile = new File(testDirectory + "\\data\\test1.json"); |
29 |
30 |
graphManager = new GraphJSONDataLoader(graphFile).LoadData(); |
24 |
graphManager = new GraphJSONDataLoader(new File("data/test1.json")).LoadData(); |
31 | 25 |
} |
32 | 26 |
33 | 27 |
@Test |
34 | 28 |
void testFilter1a() { |
35 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1a.json"); |
29 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1a.json");
36 | 30 |
37 | 31 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
38 | 32 |
vertexIds.add(32); |
... | ... | |
59 | 53 |
60 | 54 |
@Test |
61 | 55 |
void testFilter1b() { |
62 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1b.json"); |
56 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1b.json");
63 | 57 |
64 | 58 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
65 | 59 |
vertexIds.add(2); |
... | ... | |
81 | 75 |
82 | 76 |
@Test |
83 | 77 |
void testFilter1c() { |
84 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1c.json"); |
78 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1c.json");
85 | 79 |
86 | 80 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
87 | 81 |
vertexIds.add(2); |
... | ... | |
103 | 97 |
104 | 98 |
@Test |
105 | 99 |
void testFilter1d() { |
106 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1d.json"); |
100 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1d.json");
107 | 101 |
108 | 102 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
109 | 103 |
vertexIds.add(1); |
... | ... | |
125 | 119 |
126 | 120 |
@Test |
127 | 121 |
void testFilter1e() { |
128 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1e.json"); |
122 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1e.json");
129 | 123 |
130 | 124 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
131 | 125 |
vertexIds.add(1); |
... | ... | |
147 | 141 |
148 | 142 |
@Test |
149 | 143 |
void testFilter1f() { |
150 |
Graph graph = createGraph("test1f.json"); |
144 |
Graph graph = createGraph("config/test1f.json");
151 | 145 |
152 | 146 |
List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); |
153 | 147 |
vertexIds.add(1); |
... | ... | |
164 | 158 |
} |
165 | 159 |
166 | 160 |
private Graph createGraph(String configFilename) { |
167 |
String configLocation = testDirectory + "\\config"; |
168 |
JSONConfigLoader configLoader = new JSONConfigLoader(graphManager, configLocation); |
169 |
JSONConfigLoader.configFilename = configFilename; |
170 |
return graphManager.createGraph(configLoader); |
161 |
return graphManager.createGraph(new JSONConfigLoader(graphManager, new File(configFilename))); |
171 | 162 |
} |
172 | 163 |
173 | 164 |
private SubedgeInfo createTestSubEdge(int id) { |
sources/src/test/java/cz/zcu/kiv/imiger/tests/frontend/ | ||
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 |
class SeleniumUtil { |
16 | 16 |
17 |
private static final String TEST_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\..\\test";
17 |
private static final String TEST_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\test\\resources";
18 | 18 |
19 | 19 |
/** |
20 | 20 |
* Path to the config location folder |
... | ... | |
71 | 71 |
* Turn on exclude mode for vertex exclude |
72 | 72 |
*/ |
73 | 73 |
static void switchToExcludeMode(){ |
74 |
74 |
75 | 75 |
76 | 76 |
try { |
77 | 77 |
Thread.sleep(1000); |
sources/src/test/resources/config/archetypeIconConfigTest.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [], |
16 |
17 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [] |
18 |
}, |
19 |
20 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
21 |
22 |
"archetypeIcons": [ |
23 |
{ |
24 |
name: "SpecifiedIcon", |
25 |
value: "<rect class=\"testingArchetypeIcon\" width=\"12\" height=\"15\" x=\"0\" y =\"0\" stroke=\"none\" fill=\"green\"/>" |
26 |
} |
27 |
] |
28 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/automaticGroupingConfigTest.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [], |
16 |
17 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [] |
18 |
}, |
19 |
20 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": ["FirstGroupArchetype"], |
21 |
22 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
23 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/emptyConfig.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [], |
16 |
17 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [] |
18 |
}, |
19 |
20 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
21 |
22 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
23 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1a expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 32, 9, 1, 2 |
2 |
Edges - from: 1, to: 32, ids: 117 |
3 |
- from: 1, to: 9, ids: 10 |
4 |
- from: 2, to: 9, ids: 8 |
5 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1a.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Assignment" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Person" ] |
14 |
} |
15 |
], |
16 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
17 |
}, |
18 |
19 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
{ |
21 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
22 |
"attributeName": "Created", |
23 |
"filter": { |
24 |
"min": "2017-04-05 00:00:00", |
25 |
"max": "2017-04-12 12:00:00", |
26 |
"minInclusive": true, |
27 |
"maxInclusive": true, |
28 |
"matchType": "matching" |
29 |
} |
30 |
}, |
31 |
{ |
32 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
33 |
"attributeName": "Estimate", |
34 |
"filter": { |
35 |
"min": 1.0, |
36 |
"max": 3.0, |
37 |
"minInclusive": true, |
38 |
"maxInclusive": false, |
39 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
40 |
} |
41 |
}, |
42 |
{ |
43 |
"archetype": "Person", |
44 |
"attributeName": "Roles", |
45 |
"filter": { |
46 |
"values": [ "Team leader", "Developer" ], |
47 |
"matchType": "any" |
48 |
} |
49 |
} |
50 |
], |
51 |
52 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
53 |
{ |
54 |
"archetype": "Authorship", |
55 |
"attributeName": "Relation", |
56 |
"filter": { |
57 |
"values": [ "created by" ], |
58 |
"matchType": "none" |
59 |
} |
60 |
} |
61 |
] |
62 |
}, |
63 |
64 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
65 |
66 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
67 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1b expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 2, 9, 18 |
2 |
Edges - from: 9, to: 2, ids: 9 |
3 |
- from: 18, to: 2, ids: 86 |
4 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1b.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ "Person", "Ticket" ], |
5 |
"matchType": "matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Authorship", "Modification" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Person" ] |
14 |
} |
15 |
], |
16 |
"matchType": "matching" |
17 |
}, |
18 |
19 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
20 |
{ |
21 |
"archetype": "Person", |
22 |
"attributeName": "Role classes", |
23 |
"filter": { |
24 |
"values": [ "DEVELOPER", "PROJECTMANAGER" ], |
25 |
"matchType": "exact_match" |
26 |
} |
27 |
} |
28 |
], |
29 |
30 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
31 |
32 |
] |
33 |
}, |
34 |
35 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
36 |
37 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
38 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1c expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 2, 18, 32 |
2 |
Edges - from: 2, to: 18, ids: 79 |
3 |
- from: 18, to: 2, ids: 86 |
4 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1c.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
{ |
17 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
18 |
"attributeName": "Start", |
19 |
"filter": { |
20 |
"min": "2017-04-12 00:00:00", |
21 |
"max": "2017-04-19 00:00:00", |
22 |
"minInclusive": true, |
23 |
"maxInclusive": false, |
24 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
25 |
} |
26 |
}, |
27 |
{ |
28 |
"archetype": "Person", |
29 |
"attributeName": "Name", |
30 |
"filter": { |
31 |
"value": "Petr Mayr", |
32 |
"matchType": "exact_match" |
33 |
} |
34 |
} |
35 |
], |
36 |
37 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
38 |
39 |
] |
40 |
}, |
41 |
42 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
43 |
44 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
45 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1d expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 1, 9, 32 |
2 |
Edges - from: 1, to: 9, ids: 10 |
3 |
- from: 1, to: 32, ids: 117 |
4 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1d.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ "Person", "Ticket", "Change" ], |
5 |
"matchType": "matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Authorship" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Change" ] |
14 |
}, |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Assignment" ], |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ] |
19 |
} |
20 |
], |
21 |
"matchType": "matching" |
22 |
}, |
23 |
24 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
25 |
{ |
26 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
27 |
"attributeName": "Spent", |
28 |
"filter": { |
29 |
"min": 1.0, |
30 |
"max": 2.0, |
31 |
"minInclusive": false, |
32 |
"maxInclusive": true, |
33 |
"matchType": "matching" |
34 |
} |
35 |
}, |
36 |
{ |
37 |
"archetype": "Person", |
38 |
"attributeName": "Name", |
39 |
"filter": { |
40 |
"value": "Petr Mayr", |
41 |
"matchType": "exact_mismatch" |
42 |
} |
43 |
} |
44 |
], |
45 |
46 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
47 |
48 |
] |
49 |
}, |
50 |
51 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
52 |
53 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
54 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1e expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 1, 32, 9 |
2 |
Edges - from: 9, to: 1, ids: 11 |
3 |
- from: 1, to: 32, ids: 117 |
4 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1e.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ ], |
5 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
11 |
], |
12 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
13 |
}, |
14 |
15 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
16 |
{ |
17 |
"archetype": "Person", |
18 |
"attributeName": "Name", |
19 |
"filter": { |
20 |
"value": "Jan", |
21 |
"matchType": "containing" |
22 |
} |
23 |
}, |
24 |
{ |
25 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
26 |
"attributeName": "Description", |
27 |
"filter": { |
28 |
"value": "css", |
29 |
"matchType": "non_containing" |
30 |
} |
31 |
} |
32 |
], |
33 |
34 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
35 |
{ |
36 |
"archetype": "Assignment", |
37 |
"attributeName": "Relation", |
38 |
"filter": { |
39 |
"values": [ "is assigned to" ], |
40 |
"matchType": "any" |
41 |
} |
42 |
} |
43 |
] |
44 |
}, |
45 |
46 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
47 |
48 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
49 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1f expected result.txt | ||
1 |
Vertices - ids: 1, 2, 18 |
2 |
Edges - from: 18, to: 2, ids: 86 |
3 |
sources/src/test/resources/config/test1f.json | ||
1 |
{ |
2 |
"defaultFilter": { |
3 |
"vertexArchetypeFilter": { |
4 |
"archetypes": [ "Person", "Ticket" ], |
5 |
"matchType": "matching" |
6 |
}, |
7 |
8 |
"edgeArchetypeFilter": { |
9 |
"archetypes": [ |
10 |
{ |
11 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
12 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Modification" ], |
13 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Ticket" ] |
14 |
}, |
15 |
{ |
16 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Person" ], |
17 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Modification" ], |
18 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Change" ] |
19 |
}, |
20 |
{ |
21 |
"fromArchetypes": [ "Change" ], |
22 |
"edgeArchetypes": [ "Modification" ], |
23 |
"toArchetypes": [ "Person" ] |
24 |
} |
25 |
], |
26 |
"matchType": "non_matching" |
27 |
}, |
28 |
29 |
"vertexAttributeFilters": [ |
30 |
{ |
31 |
"archetype": "Ticket", |
32 |
"attributeName": "Description", |
33 |
"filter": { |
34 |
"value": ".*css.*", |
35 |
"matchType": "regular_expression" |
36 |
} |
37 |
} |
38 |
], |
39 |
40 |
"edgeAttributeFilters": [ |
41 |
42 |
] |
43 |
}, |
44 |
45 |
"defaultGroupArchetypes": [], |
46 |
47 |
"archetypeIcons": [] |
48 |
} |
sources/src/test/resources/data/RawArchetypeIconTest.json | ||
1 |
{"attributeTypes":[],"edgeArchetypes":[{"name":"edge","text":""}],"vertexArchetypes":[{"icon":"<rect class=\"testingArchetypeIcon\" width=\"12\" height=\"15\" x=\"0\" y =\"0\" stroke=\"none\" fill=\"green\"/>","name":"SpecifiedIcon","text":""},{"icon":"","name":"UnspecifiedIcon","text":""},{"icon":"","name":"☺Smiley","text":""}],"vertices":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":1,"text":"","name":"Vertex with specified icon","position":{"x":640.5,"y":408.25}},{"archetype":1,"attributes":[],"id":2,"text":"","name":"Vertex with unspecified icon","position":{"x":826.25,"y":536.75}},{"archetype":2,"attributes":[],"id":3,"text":"","name":"Vertex with smiley as archetype icon","position":{"x":438,"y":537.75}}],"edges":[{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":1}],"from":1,"to":3,"text":"","id":1},{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":0}],"from":1,"to":2,"text":"","id":2}],"possibleEnumValues":{},"groups":[],"sideBar":[],"highlightedVertex":"","highlightedEdge":""} |
sources/src/test/resources/data/RawAssociatedArchetypeTest.json | ||
1 |
{"attributeTypes":[],"edgeArchetypes":[{"name":"edge","text":""}],"vertexArchetypes":[{"icon":"","name":"1","text":""},{"icon":"","name":"2","text":""},{"icon":"","name":"3","text":""},{"icon":"","name":"4","text":""}],"vertices":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":1,"text":"","name":"V1","position":{"x":989.5,"y":684}},{"archetype":1,"attributes":[],"id":2,"text":"","name":"V2","position":{"x":985.75,"y":871.5}},{"archetype":1,"attributes":[],"id":3,"text":"","name":"V3","position":{"x":988,"y":540}},{"archetype":3,"attributes":[],"id":4,"text":"","name":"V4","position":{"x":694,"y":678.25}},{"archetype":2,"attributes":[],"id":5,"text":"","name":"V5","position":{"x":702.75,"y":755}}],"edges":[{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":0}],"from":1,"to":2,"text":"","id":1},{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":4}],"from":4,"to":5,"text":"","id":2},{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":2}],"from":1,"to":4,"text":"","id":3},{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":1}],"from":3,"to":1,"text":"","id":4},{"subedgeInfo":[{"archetype":0,"attributes":[],"id":3}],"from":4,"to":1,"text":"","id":5}],"possibleEnumValues":{},"groups":[],"sideBar":[],"highlightedVertex":"","highlightedEdge":""} |
sources/src/test/resources/data/RawDetailTest.json | ||
1 |
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8 |
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9 |
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28 |
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32 |
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33 |
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63 |
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66 |
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Také k dispozici: Unified diff
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