Fixed events calls, imlemented include and exclude for Timeline (refs #7516)
refactored Timeline. It is now not in <iframe>, but in container. UI changes with Bootstrap (refs #7515)
Added option to show only Imiger or Imiger + Timeline (refs #7517)
Improved deselection interaction (refs #7464)
Timeline to IMiGEr interaction (refs #7464)
- imlemented imiger selection based on selected value in Timeline- this feature also support deselection due to doubleClick event of IMiGEr
IMiGEr to Timeline interaction (refs #7464)
- implemented Timeline selection based on selected node in IMiGEr
Fixed problem with missing items in Timeline (refs #7464)
Laoding data from IMiGEr REST API, timeline design adjustment (refs #7464)
Timeline integration, IMiGEr layout adjustment (refs #7464)
Fix file upload label
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