


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
app.js 9.23 KB
constants.js 266 Bajtů
coordinates.js 267 Bajtů
diagram.js 411 Bajtů
forceDirected.js 4.82 KB
graphExporter.js 1.48 KB
graphLoader.js 5.63 KB
loader.js 1.35 KB
markSymbol.js 1.86 KB
userMenu.js 3.05 KB
zoom.js 1.73 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
552a1fea 2018-10-22 21:51 Pavel Fidranský

static util methods are used everywhere

7b03cdcc 2018-10-22 21:51 Pavel Fidranský

reworked utils to ES6 classes with static methods

e2be6f31 2018-10-22 21:50 Pavel Fidranský

fixed saving new diagrams to DB

e8950e73 2018-10-22 20:54 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Minimap to redraw edges going from sidebar to viewport after moving viewport

0b3eb56d 2018-10-20 19:44 Pavel Fidranský

renamed InvalidArgumentException class to InvalidExceptionError to comply with JS conventions

ba4eea92 2018-10-20 19:15 Pavel Fidranský

reusing Vertex archetype icons in order to decrease number of DOM nodes

30af40fd 2018-10-20 16:34 Pavel Fidranský

improved Minimap to allow moving its canvas within its container

a03d294f 2018-10-20 16:34 Pavel Fidranský

improved Minimap to allow moving its viewport by dragging it from within all document

3cff5ae5 2018-10-20 16:32 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Viewport to move Minimap viewport when centered

489b18a3 2018-10-20 16:32 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Viewport to remove a Group correctly from its private list so that the Group is displayed only once in Vertex context menu when excluded

Zobrazit revize

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