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Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
3f1f6de8 2019-02-09 16:41 Pavel Fidranský

re #20: add possibility to download diagram as JSON

d34ece9d 2019-02-08 18:44 Pavel Fidranský

move plugins to sources directory

02186b90 2019-02-08 17:37 Pavel Fidranský

use commons-validator to validate email address

4fe267e3 2019-02-08 17:37 Pavel Fidranský

use commons-lang3 to check blank strings (including whitespace) instead of guava

5bd5baa5 2019-01-26 11:53 Tomáš Šimandl

Add documentation to modularization classes

d42d13ac 2019-01-26 08:51 Tomáš Šimandl

Minor fixes

+ Closing open jar files
+ remove watcher init delay

ba1fdf2c 2019-01-26 08:49 Tomáš Šimandl

Removed unused dependencies

07621624 2019-01-26 08:07 Tomáš Šimandl

Updated modularization

+ removed unfunctional interface
+ added mechanism to stop watcher on modules folder changes
+ run module method execution with own class loader
+ small refactor

dbb54aa2 2019-01-26 07:57 Tomáš Šimandl

Removed Spade converter (Was moved to external module)

00b3d224 2019-01-25 16:53 Tomáš Šimandl

Prepared application for loading json convertors from jar modules

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