


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
create_table.sql 1.29 KB
pom.xml 12.8 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
30af40fd 2018-10-20 16:34 Pavel Fidranský

improved Minimap to allow moving its canvas within its container

a03d294f 2018-10-20 16:34 Pavel Fidranský

improved Minimap to allow moving its viewport by dragging it from within all document

3cff5ae5 2018-10-20 16:32 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Viewport to move Minimap viewport when centered

489b18a3 2018-10-20 16:32 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Viewport to remove a Group correctly from its private list so that the Group is displayed only once in Vertex context menu when excluded

18f754c5 2018-10-20 16:30 Pavel Fidranský

fixed diagram loader to set position of a group before its vertices are added

b93c563b 2018-10-15 19:25 Pavel Fidranský

dropped Filter (it is not ready for merging into master, revert this commit in a separate feature branch)

d276ae6c 2018-10-15 19:19 Pavel Fidranský

added back list of vertices in a Group

fe611231 2018-10-15 19:14 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Group name not to overflow its container

08d26834 2018-10-15 19:11 Pavel Fidranský

graph data are loaded only once for saved diagrams

51dc2fc4 2018-10-12 13:47 Tomáš Šimandl

removed hardcoded file separator

Zobrazit revize

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