test fix - bugs in application
solves bug when without timeline imiger got only 70% of view height
Fix label
Rework on sidebar - now scrollable with minimap on top not moving (refs #7602)
Timeline checkbox (refs #7562)
Initial exclude of already excluded nodes in IMiGEr (refs #7562)
Introduced group include/exclude support for Timeline, fixed bug with redrawing hidden nodes (refs #7562)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'Imiger/master' into timeline
Filter slider repair - problem with noUiSlider and wNumb together with requirejs (refs #7602)
Fixed entities access (refs #7563)
Fixed bugs after merge (refs #7562)
Fixed support for multiple date formats (refs #7562)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/kiv-hkmm/IMiGEr
Filter - rework (refs #7559)
Fix test (refs #7559)
Filter fix - removing groups fix (refs #7559)
big update - solves specified bugs (refs #7561) – positioning bugs on UI
UI improvements and fixes (refs #7565)
reverse – source tree random generated files (refs #7565)
UI zmeny - oprava designu, analyza posunuti sipek (refs #7561)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into timeline (refs #7566)
Improve xpath in UI tests (refs #7559)
Filter fix (refs #7559)
Fix xpath (refs #7559)
Filter inversion (refs #7559)
Merge branch 'master' into slider
Improved filtering deletion (refs #7559)
Fix error message when file not set
Add button for initial elimination (refs #7560)
Fixed problems with interactions, generalized loading process of attributes from JSON (refs #7516)
Fixed events calls, imlemented include and exclude for Timeline (refs #7516)
refactored Timeline. It is now not in <iframe>, but in container. UI changes with Bootstrap (refs #7515)
Added option to show only Imiger or Imiger + Timeline (refs #7517)
Improved filtering (hide filtered nodes) (refs #7519)
Add UI test of initial elimination (refs #7518)
Fix UI tests (refs #7518)
Make initial elimination optional (refs #7518)
Improve initial elimination (refs #7468)
Improved deselection interaction (refs #7464)
Timeline to IMiGEr interaction (refs #7464)
- imlemented imiger selection based on selected value in Timeline- this feature also support deselection due to doubleClick event of IMiGEr
IMiGEr to Timeline interaction (refs #7464)
- implemented Timeline selection based on selected node in IMiGEr
Fixed problem with missing items in Timeline (refs #7464)
Group by archetype if possible (refs #7468)
Laoding data from IMiGEr REST API, timeline design adjustment (refs #7464)
Timeline integration, IMiGEr layout adjustment (refs #7464)
Console logs removed (refs #7465)
Complete rework of slider (refs #7465)
Workinig slider (refs #7465)
Getting min and max date for date slider (refs #7465)
Add simple initial elimination (refs #7468)
Remove duplicate file (refs #7468)
Slider files (#7465)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Fix file upload label
Refactor file uploading (#7267)
Alert with information about error in source file (#7268)
Run UI tests from maven (#7266)
mvn exec:exec@ui-tests
Clean UI tests (#7266)
Remove unused library (#7266)
Change version of JUnit in Spade converter module (#7266)
Remove obsolete selenium tests (#7266)
Used Gson in Spade converter
Merge branch 'dot-module'
Cleanup pom
Cleanup sources
Integrity test for DOT module with necessary test files
Indentation correction
Extended test to cover added necessary fields
Added required fields, changed field name to be valid
- implemented necessary fields that graph must contains otherwise wont be valid- archetype index in class BaseVertex had wrong field name and caused that graph was not valid, field was renamed to be valid
Removed logger...
hyphens correction
Removing hyphens
Deleting chars from vertex and edge name and attributes
Added dependency for Mockito, test for GraphFactory
Fixed creation of attribute structure, documentation
- structure of attributes was adjusted to produces string array, where first value is type of attribute and the second value is the value of attribute- documentation comments were added into implemented files
Missing vertex test
DOT Loader tests
Cleanup examples
Changed order of serialized attributes to fit order of attribute types
Implemented method getRawJson, addition
Fixed problem with data, implemented method getRawJson
Introduced GraphFactory
Class prepares instance of Graph from data loaded by BaseDOTLoader
Loader fix
Move test resources to correct folder
DOT loader which gives DTO objects for vertices and edges etc.
DOT loader rework
Abstract DOT loader class
FileLoader extended support for .dot files
Added module for DOT converter
Remove prefix from APP_HOME_URL (it is not needed)
Improve db configuration
Execute 'npm install' during 'mvn install'
Merge pull request #22 from ReliSA/simplified-module-loader
simplified ModuleLoader with use of SPI
Remove DB setting from web.xml
- setting is in separate file in resources/mybatis-config.xml
drop "isIconsDisplayed" raw JSON schema as it is not used in any way at the moment
re #2: fix "move found nodes to group" feature to exclude nodes correctly
fix #20: current diagram can be downloaded as raw JSON from graph screen
fix Robot tests
minor improvements