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# Datum Autor Komentář
d4e61447 2018-08-24 13:23 Tomáš Šimandl

Changed diagram table and Diagram class

2b29dfb9 2018-08-24 09:24 Tomáš Šimandl

joined load graph and start visualization steps on uploadFiles page. Removed saving uploaded file to file system.

c91081fb 2018-08-22 11:58 Pavel Fidranský

Vertex/Edge attribute rendering

a10c7b7e 2018-08-22 09:17 Pavel Fidranský

minor fixes

00a234fc 2018-08-22 09:17 Pavel Fidranský

excluded Group related archetypes highlighting

085e4783 2018-08-22 08:48 Pavel Fidranský

dropped some unused functionality, merged DefaultPage with UploadFiles servlet

9a88453d 2018-08-22 06:54 Tomáš Šimandl

Removed EFP from backend

c224436f 2018-08-21 11:30 Tomáš Šimandl

changed paths in frontend tests to test files

e17aa675 2018-08-21 11:30 Tomáš Šimandl

Resolved backend tests

65b3210a 2018-08-21 11:30 Tomáš Šimandl

Removed unnecessarily conversion to string

70453f8a 2018-08-21 10:45 Pavel Fidranský

excluded Vertex related archetypes highlighting

e93dcfbc 2018-08-21 09:37 Pavel Fidranský

Vertex related archetypes highlighting, refactoring of the whole highlighting functionality

86350a5b 2018-08-21 08:36 Pavel Fidranský

jsDoc, dropped unused functionality, minor improvements

88f8fe07 2018-08-21 08:31 Pavel Fidranský

Group search

4ca53f47 2018-08-21 08:28 Pavel Fidranský

detached stopPropagation function to Utils

d7cfe537 2018-08-21 08:26 Pavel Fidranský

new JSON format compatibility fixes

a840157e 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

dropped demo diagrams from the Upload page

71580feb 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

WIP: added filters

be9216bb 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

modified Edge popover to display its attributes

7807dfae 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

grouping vertices by their archetype

b20c8b4b 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

Group name can be set using its constructor

7b537272 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

modified Vertex popoved to display its attributes

5c40150d 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

double-click to zoom in

5b05b4b8 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

fixed Vertex to display its name w/o archetype

eb8dd3af 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

changed title of Sidebar unconnected nodes list

4b16b670 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

replaced Vertex interface icon by icon according to its archetype

8a357c6f 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

replaced Edge lollipop by arrow

092c8d2d 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

vertex/edge archetypes are stored in App

f5d0189e 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

dropped unused functionality

ce0e5c9a 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

fixed servlet output encoding

7f3e10ff 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

fixed paths

ee95801f 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský


f11864a9 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

set Maven to generate WAR distribution file called imiger.war

bb1cfdc9 2018-08-20 16:06 Pavel Fidranský

moved Log4J configuration file to a directory following Maven convention

8f452e2f 2018-08-20 16:05 Pavel Fidranský

added Selenium-based UI tests created as part of the ASWI project

bb25e50b 2018-08-20 16:02 Pavel Fidranský

moved frontend code to directories following Maven convention, dropped libraries that are managed by Maven

fa634b08 2018-08-20 16:01 Pavel Fidranský

moved backend code to directories following Maven convention

bf8bbb48 2018-08-20 11:18 Tomáš Šimandl

Added default groups creating on backend side.

acbc9fff 2018-08-20 09:17 Tomáš Šimandl

Changed format of JSON between frontend and backend.

ba05f7dc 2018-08-08 13:45 Tomáš Šimandl

Modified backend to accept graph and configuration in json format instead of jar files + added filters

1e2b2c27 2018-08-08 13:26 Tomáš Šimandl

Uploaded original project CoCaEx-compatibility