symbol display bug fixes
- symbol displayed more than once- symbol not removed after vertex was removed from side bar
Added remove confirmation dialog
minor fixes
Backend cleanup and refactor
added TODOs for icon click event listener
removed originalId + minor fix
Removed archetype prefix from title and rename to name
Move positions to vertex.position and group.position
Move icon from archetypeIcons to vertexArchetype.icon
minor frontend changes
UI for removing diagrams from database
UI for saving diagrams to database
fully working frontend User menu
frontend cleanup
fixed loading uploaded graph data
backend cleanup
modified showGraph JSP to use JSTL and EL
modified frontend to load graph data using only diagramId (no diagramHash)
reworked upload screen
moved API servlets to a separate package, made all servlets extend BaseServlet
reworked Register, Login and Logout servlets to work as API
dropped unused servlets
Remove diagram servlet - fix
- add servlet to web.xml
Added remove diagram servlet + minor fixes
Viewport minimap
(WIP) minimap may be dragged to move Viewport
viewport Minimap
Added save button
loading of saved diagrams
Created save diagram servlet
joined load graph and start visualization steps on uploadFiles page. Removed saving uploaded file to file system.
Vertex/Edge attribute rendering
excluded Group related archetypes highlighting
dropped some unused functionality, merged DefaultPage with UploadFiles servlet
Removed EFP from backend
excluded Vertex related archetypes highlighting
Vertex related archetypes highlighting, refactoring of the whole highlighting functionality
jsDoc, dropped unused functionality, minor improvements
Group search
detached stopPropagation function to Utils
new JSON format compatibility fixes
dropped demo diagrams from the Upload page
WIP: added filters
modified Edge popover to display its attributes
grouping vertices by their archetype
Group name can be set using its constructor
modified Vertex popoved to display its attributes
double-click to zoom in
fixed Vertex to display its name w/o archetype
changed title of Sidebar unconnected nodes list
replaced Vertex interface icon by icon according to its archetype
replaced Edge lollipop by arrow
vertex/edge archetypes are stored in App
dropped unused functionality
fixed paths
set Maven to generate WAR distribution file called imiger.war
moved frontend code to directories following Maven convention, dropped libraries that are managed by Maven