fix Navbar overlapping issues
use GroupVertexList to manage Group's vertices
make related archetype list always fully visible
create NodeSymbol value object, display Group symbol list on correct position, prevent duplicate symbols in list
clean up web.xml servlet context parameters
detach NodeRelatedArchetypeList to a separate component
Node uses NodeSymbolList to store its currently displayed symbols
fix Vertex context menu to exclude newly created Group correctly
Merge branch 'frontend-refactoring'
fix Robot Framework tests
fix saving diagram as PNG file to use CSS styles
name of a diagram is displayed in Header
various fixes
ForceDirected fixes
NodeProxy fixes
replaced deprecated keyCode property by key
fixed JSON Schema to allow null position for vertices and groups
reworked Sidebar and its lists to ES6 classes
input data are validated against JSON Schema with AJV
reworked GraphLoader to ES6 class
reworked Viewport to ES6 class
reworked GraphExporter to ES6 class
reworked FloatingPoint to ES6 class NodeProxy
minor code cleanup
modified Attribute and Navbar to use enhanced DOM JS class
using lambda functions and "let" keyword wherever appropriate
reworked Vertex, Group and Edge to ES6 classes; Vertex and Group extend newly created Node class
split CSS to separate stylesheets by components
dropped jQuery as it is not needed anymore
reworked Loader to SpinLoader ES6 module, spin.js dependency is manager by npm
JS apps are loaded as ES6 modules
improved error handling - alert is displayed and error is logged in console
saveSvgAsPng dependency is managed by npm
dropped jsTree
reworked VertexContextMenuList to ES6 class
reworked VertexSymbolList to ES6 class, fixed CSS class of a symbol to be always valid
reworked Minimap to ES6 class
reworked GroupVertexList to ES6 class
reworked Attribute to ES6 class
reworked StatusBar to ES6 class
reworked ShowGraphApp to ES6 class
fixed Vertex and Edge popover to clear its content on close
replaced logo in PNG format by SVG
modified Login servlet to pass logged-in user data as JSON body
modified apps to use newly created custom event JS classes
created custom JS event classes
modified ShowGraphApp to use newly created Header and Navbar JS classes
created Header and Navbar JS classes
Repaired two selenium tests
Last commit fix
Added generated icon for every archetype
improved error handling
added userMenu functionality to UploadFilesApp
removed userMenu
app parameters are passed as constructor arguments to ShowGraphApp JS class
dropped API object from ShowGraphApp JS class
refactored UploadFilesApp to use enhanced DOM JS class
reworked SaveDiagramModalWindow to extend newly created ModalWindow JS class
reworked EdgePopover and VertexPopover to extend newly created Popover JS class
reworked LoginPopup and RegisterPopup to extend newly created Popup JS class
created reusable ModalWindow, Popover and Popup components as ES6 classes
added rest raw input servlet
reworked UploadFiles page to use extended App JS class
created App and AbstractMethodError JS classes
renamed App to ShowGraphApp
replaced jQuery by native JS wherever possible
dropped Utils.promiseAll() method, use native Promise.all() instead
reworked all jQuery-backed AJAX calls to use AJAX JS class
created AJAX and HttpError JS classes
created shorter and more powerful static methods of DOM class, older ones kept for BC
reworked Constants class to ES6 class with static attributes
reworked VO classes to ES6 classes
created Dimensions JS class
organized JS files into directories
static util methods are used everywhere
reworked utils to ES6 classes with static methods
fixed saving new diagrams to DB
fixed Minimap to redraw edges going from sidebar to viewport after moving viewport
renamed InvalidArgumentException class to InvalidExceptionError to comply with JS conventions
reusing Vertex archetype icons in order to decrease number of DOM nodes
minor styling fixes
improved Minimap to allow moving its canvas within its container
improved Minimap to allow moving its viewport by dragging it from within all document
fixed Viewport to move Minimap viewport when centered
fixed Viewport to remove a Group correctly from its private list so that the Group is displayed only once in Vertex context menu when excluded
fixed diagram loader to set position of a group before its vertices are added
dropped Filter (it is not ready for merging into master, revert this commit in a separate feature branch)
added back list of vertices in a Group
fixed Group name not to overflow its container
graph data are loaded only once for saved diagrams
fixed Robot Framework UI tests
dropped GraphHistory JS class
improved response flash messages
dropped expanded Group view
Diagram can be saved as public
added Diagram JS class
minor improvements
user menu improvements