re #12: Node search highlights Nodes excluded to Sidebar too
Node filters
fix Navbar overlapping issues
make related archetype list always fully visible
name of a diagram is displayed in Header
various fixes
reworked Vertex, Group and Edge to ES6 classes; Vertex and Group extend newly created Node class
split CSS to separate stylesheets by components
reworked Loader to SpinLoader ES6 module, spin.js dependency is manager by npm
dropped jsTree
replaced logo in PNG format by SVG
modified ShowGraphApp to use newly created Header and Navbar JS classes
reworked EdgePopover and VertexPopover to extend newly created Popover JS class
reworked LoginPopup and RegisterPopup to extend newly created Popup JS class
minor styling fixes
dropped Filter (it is not ready for merging into master, revert this commit in a separate feature branch)
fixed Group name not to overflow its container
dropped expanded Group view
Diagram can be saved as public
minor improvements
elements' visibility is controlled by body class which is set based on user's login state
minor fixes
minor frontend changes
fully working frontend User menu
frontend cleanup
reworked upload screen
Remove diagram servlet - fix
- add servlet to web.xml
Viewport minimap
(WIP) minimap may be dragged to move Viewport
viewport Minimap
excluded Vertex related archetypes highlighting
Vertex related archetypes highlighting, refactoring of the whole highlighting functionality
jsDoc, dropped unused functionality, minor improvements
Group search
WIP: added filters
changed title of Sidebar unconnected nodes list
moved frontend code to directories following Maven convention, dropped libraries that are managed by Maven